10 Encouraging Quotes for Caregivers to Brighten Your Day (2024)

10 Encouraging Quotes for Caregivers to Brighten Your Day (1)

CaringBridge Staff | 07.30.20

It’s no secret – caregiving can be a tough job. On the days when you’re beyond stressed, you might feel completely alone.

That couldn’t be further from the truth. In the United States,43.5 million caregiversare currently helping their loved ones. We asked wives, husbands, parents and dear friends doing double-duty as family caregivers to talk about the struggles—and gifts—of caregiving. Caregivers shared the words of wisdom that get them through even the darkest of days.

Remember: you are never alone. Here are 10 of our favorite encouraging caregiver quotes.

Encouraging Words for Caregivers: 10 Quotes

“Kindness can transform someone’s dark moment with a blaze of light. You’ll never know how much your caring matters.”

Amy Leigh Mercree

“Regardless of what challengeyou are facing right now, know that it has not come to stay. It has come to pass. During these times, do what you can with what you have, and ask for help if needed. Most importantly, never surrender.Put things in perspective. Take care of yourself. Find ways to replenish your energy, strengthen your faith, and fortify yourself from the inside out.”

– Les Brown

“There are only four kinds of people in the world: Those who have been caregivers. Those who are currently caregivers. Those who will be caregivers, and those who will need a caregiver.”

– Rosalyn Carter

“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”

– Lao Tzu

“They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.

– Carl W. Buechner

10 Encouraging Quotes for Caregivers to Brighten Your Day (2)

“Caregiving often calls us to lean into love we didn’t know possible.”

– Tia Walker

“A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything.”

– Irish proverb

“My caregiver mantra is to remember: the only control you have is over the changes you choose to make.”

– Nancy L. Kriseman

“To care for those who once cared for us is one of the highest honors.”

– Tia Walker

“To love a person is to see all of their magic, and to remind them of it when they have forgotten.”

– Anonymous

We hope these heartfelt quotes serve as a reminder that you are truly not alone.And if you’re feeling overwhelmed, check out our25 tips to help caregivers practice self-care. It’s important that you include yourself in the conversation of care, as well.

Our Community’s Favorite Words of Comfort

For more ideas, we reached out to the CaringBridge community – many of whom have been a caregiver or have received care – so we knew they could understand. We asked them to share the most inspirational words they’ve heard or shared:

10 Encouraging Quotes for Caregivers to Brighten Your Day (3)

“Be in the moment with them. They may not remember you are there, but YOU do.”

Joyce O. C.

“What I would say to my Dad on a bad dementia day, ‘We do better when we work together.’ I needed his help to be able to help him.”

Colleen K. G.

“Like airplane passengers, let’s not forget to put on our own oxygen masks first … we are no good to our loved ones if we collapse under the strain.”

Peter B.

“You can stress about things out of your control, or you can turn them over to God. When you release things because there is nothing you can do, you turn them over to someone who has a bigger plan and a bigger control than you.”

Amy A.

“When you visit someone’s CaringBridge website, send Well Wishes. That’s huge. It cheers you on … you see that people are there with you, through the heartache.”

Molly S.

“Take comfort in knowing you don’t need to fill up the silence to have a visit be meaningful.”

Margaret S.

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Whenyou’regoing through a health journey, you have a lot on your plate.CaringBridge replaces the time-consuming task of sharing your health news over and over.It’sa no-cost, easy to use online journal for sharing health information with yourfamily and friends.

Don’t go through your health journey alone.

You can stay connected to friends and family, plan and coordinate meals, and experience love from any distance.

All of this is ready for you when you start your personal CaringBridge site, which is completely free of charge, ad-free, private and secure. Don’t spend another minute alone!

What Are Your Favorite Quotes?

We’d love to know what encouraging words help you out when you’re feeling in need of comfort. Please share in the comments any quotes that help inspire you.


About the Author

When it comes to knowing "what to say," "what to do," and getting through things no one should ever go through, the best source of advice and inspiration for CaringBridge users is often other CaringBridge users. Articles like this, featuring the experience of patients and family caregivers, are compiled by our staff.

  • We cannot understand this journey and transition you are going thru. You have said it’s like a death of so many things, the past, the present & the future. It has taken a toll on you, & we were blind, while trying to get a glimpse.

  • My husband was diagnosed with early onset Parkinson’s disease at 67. His symptoms were shuffling of feet, slurred speech, low volume speech, degradation of handwriting, horrible driving skills, and his right arm is held at 45 degree angle. He was placed on Sinemet for 7 months and then Sifrol and rotigotine were introduced which replaced the Sinemet but he had to stop due to side effects. We tried every shot available but nothing was working. There has been little if any progress in finding a reliable treatment, I quit my meds due to side effects. Our care provider introduced us to Health Herbs Clinic Parkinson’s herbal treatment. The treatment is a miracle. My husband has recovered significantly! Visit their website at healthherbsclinic. com

  • I am a caregiver for my husband. I put God first. Everything else seems to fall into place. My family support, my church family and of course the medical help that we get. Because I put God first, he has given me strength and patience, to handle the day to day challenges of caring for my husband.I stay prayed up ..

  • My husband is my inspiration. Even when he goes thru critical health issues he says. ” Well, it’s better than the alternative.” He thanks God for every day he gets to wake up. It can get very tiring at times taking my husband to dialysis 3-4 times a week, lifting the wheelchair in and out of the car, dr. appointments etc but at the end of the day my reward is knowing I did everything possible to make his life better. My husband thanks me all the time for being so good to him and caring for him. That makes me want to do more. We both look forward to the weekends when we can stay inside and not have to get out. The weekends are like a bunking party.

  • Love your loved ones through the storm of illness and treat them with respect honoring them each day.
    Appreciate small moments because when they are Gone the memories will be the treasures you have to carry you until your day comes.
    Love creates memories as we are to Love one another. Romans 10:9-10, John 3:16-17, psalms 139, 1 Corinthians 12:31.

  • Some days are better, some are worse. Look for the blessing and not the curse.
    Be positive and stay strong. Get enough rest. You can’t do it all but you can do your best.

  • As a caregiver i always give my heart ♥️ for caring .

  • I am working on caregivers quotes by using some of what you have shared here as to me its the best available via a quick online search yes thanks a lot for sharing. Its content is going to be used motivate caregivers who care for children in children homes formerly known as orphanages here in Trinidad and Tobago.

  • Make every visit a celebration, not a sad check in.

  • I am caregiver for my 90 year old father who is on Diaylsis and has congestive heart failure and my 87 year old mother who has dementia and heart issues. It’s heartbreaking watching your once wonderful and healthy parents decline. I struggle sometimes caring for them but thank God for giving me this gift of still having my parents and being blessed to care for them. I cry to myself sometimes but I hand over the struggle to Jesus and give the faith and accept what God has given to me. Give us strength Jesus. I pray for all the caregivers.

  • As a caregiver for 13+years of my Alzheimers husband, a simply card I received from a couple of different people gave me a boost because they showed care for me the caregiver. Not discounting the HUGE help from family at all.

  • It’s a service that God made available for me. I try to remember to “take one moment at a time”. I also try to remind myself, “I’m good at this” all because of the LOVE God put in my heart! It’BIG to have the opportunity in being a caregiver…don’t take it as punishment but rather, take it that God chose you, just as he chose Mary to be the Mother of Jesus. He makes no mistake!

  • My mother taught us, “God grant me the patience to endure my blessings.” It’s a favorite of mine to remember her.

  • A few comments from a has-been 1.5 years of caregiver for my wife who has since passed away. At time it gets wearisome. a click on the CaringBridge “heart” is worth your time. Leving a comment is more than worth your time. A greeting card is another step better. A letter in the card is another improvement. A phone call helps. Perhaps the best is still a stop-in visit. You may not be able to sympathize. That OK just let them know you care. It OK to say: I don’t know what to say. Christian to Christian fellowship, consolation, housekeeping help, sharing of food and money was my lifeline. (Notice money is last on my list intentionally)

  • These quotes are beautiful. Becoming a caregiver is such an incredibly emotional journey and one that it’s important to be prepared for. This is a good article has some important information for those who find themselves on the precipice of becoming a family caregiver. https://athomecarecompany.com/caregiver-for-elderly/

  • My husband was diagnosed with early stage Alzheimer’s and early stage Huntington’s disease. He is aware of what is going on some of the time but he refuses to bathe or do any of the things the doctors tell him. He could hardly get around because all he does is sit in front of the TV all day. He refuses to go for a walk or to a senior center and he refuses to bathe. I was beside myself as we cannot go anywhere when he is dirty and stinks. I didn’t know what to do, I could not physically overpower him and make him do things and when I ask him he tells me I am not his boss. There has been little if any progress in finding a reliable treatment. His Primary care provider introduced me to Kycuyu Health Clinic and their amazing Herbal treatments. The treatment is a miracle. the disease is totally under control. No case of delusion, disorientation, forgetfulness, making things up, hallucination, Muscle weakness, jumbled speech, loss of appetite or confusion in the evening hours.

  • It’s not how something begins, but how it ends, that matters. (From “Last Holiday”)

  • Thank you! I needed this. Your time was perfect

  • I was a caregiver for a very short time with my husband. We found out November16th 2020 he had Esophageal cancer. He was strong enough till about June10th 2021. Then he wasn’t strong enough to walk. So was bedridden from then till he passed away July 19th 2021. I had Hospice but no one else till my sister and brother in-law started to help me. I’m so greatfull for them. And I wished I would have found this site earlier. So thank you now for this and I’ll be here reading them from now on. Sam

  • I have one of the best caregivers in this entire world. He has sacrificed his career for me. My needs always come before his. He is absolutely committed to me. He has sacrificed so much for me and our family. I deeply love and appreciate him so much. He is my husband, best friend and caregiver.

  • “I can be changed by what happens to me, but I refuse to be reduced by it.” – Maya Angelou

  • Do all that you can.
    Then let God handle the rest.

  • The quote from Carl W. Buechner
    I believe is from Maya Angelou
    Please correct?

  • You never know how strong you are, until being strong is your only choice.
    Bob Marley

  • Just a public quote from myself (A husband of a Dementia patient). Losing my sweetheart little by little..Trying not to dwell on the sorrow, that the end is inevitable and seeming to be that no one else cares. My wife is the best thing that happened to me during my lifetime, she taught me “Always be yourself”

  • When caring for my mother became stressful, I would remember how much harder it was for her than it was for me.

  • One that helped me when I cared for my grandmother who had dementia was “There is no why.”


  • God does not give you what you can handle. God helps you handle what you are given.

  • “Do what you want, what you have to and what you can do. With LoveAnd let God do the rest”

  • Absent from the body, present with the Lord 2 Corinthians 5:6

  • Yes

  • I care for my 81 year old dad. He has Dementia but he is so loving and caring its hard to be mad at him. He has been keeping me up at night by Sundowning but I look at it as having another child..just sleep when the baby sleeps?

  • Some days are better. Some days are worse. Look for the blessing and not the curse. Be positive, stay strong, and get enough rest. You can’t do it all, but you can do your best.

  • Live each day like is your last day, always be kind and smile and say hello to everyone you see because you never know what people are going through and you could possibly save someone’s life.

  • Love is from the infinite and will remain until eternity._Rumi

  • Only from the HEART can you touch the SKY!!_Rumi

  • In 3 days it will have been 9 months since I lost my sweet, beautiful wife Karen to cancer. I thank God for the just over 35 1/2 married years we had together. I’d like to share this quote he once shared with me, He keeps it in his wallet to remind him of his own personal loss….. “Grief never ends…… But it changesIt’s a passage, not a place to stayGrief is not a sign of weakness, Nor a lack of faith……. It is the price of love”Author unknownThank you Caring Bridge for your never ending support through it all, and for still keeping in touch!!Mike

  • “This is the day the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it.”…..No matter what!

  • I try to see my husbands fight with Covid ARDS as a course him and God have a plan for. Whether that plan includes his family on Earth or a divine healing with our eternal family in heaven. One day at a time and sometime only 1 minute at a time.

  • My mantra is eat pray laugh eat for strength pray for wisdom. Calmness direction laugh anyway you can love us already in the equation.

  • Ask God to create in you a clean heart so filled with His Spirit,His love and truth that it will overflow love,truth,and healing in your speech.Words that speak life.

  • Tears are the safety valve on the heart when too much pressure is laid upon it.

  • Your faith is an inspiration to me. I have been a caregiver several times in my life for my parents, in-laws and siblings but I can’t imagine the strength it must take to be in this situation with your child. To God be the glory for He gives us strength to do anything through Christ Jesus our Lord. I have been with your family in prayer for your precious daughter, Mary Katherine, and I believe our Lord will continue to give you strength and the blessing of a miracle for your family.

  • Whatever time in their life they might be visiting at the moment, join them, It can be fun and illuminating, even an opportunity to interview them about who you and others were to them then.

  • Just being present is often enough. Silence can be a gift.

  • Success in life is to be able to show and give the most precious gift, Love ❤️

  • Kathi, Nov 28, 4:02 P.M. : You are not alone!. Your family is with you because each of them are united in heaven with peace, comfort and joy God promised them. God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit of God, a true force in tough times will come to and you will feel them within you, if you but ask for their help.

  • There are several I use:A river cuts through a rock, not because of it’s force, but it’s persistence. Remember to be the River!The only easy day was yesterday, just accept it.Whenever things get worse, you persevere with enthusiasm, your work is holy and the effort is what countsNo matter what happens, you are never out of the fight and you never quitSuccess is the only option although success changes its goals dailyAlways find a way, often it takes unorthodox thinking, dedication, and quick thinkingEverything is about State of Mind. Divide goals into smaller segments. Take a moment to celebrate each successful segment and accomplishment. Healthy habits build a healthy mind. Healthy minds build healthy people.Going through something hard builds mental calluses, so that when life throws you something hard, you are better prepared for it.Struggles with adversity builds character and helps your heroic attributes

  • I visit Caring Bridge to read posts from my friend Linda, who is battling metastatic cancer (again!) with the help of her loving wife Ro. Her posts, while clinically detailed in terms of her symptoms, treatments and outcomes, are filled with wit, humor, honesty, and the determination to live each day to the fullest as she always has. I want her to know that the quality of her writing and her extraordinary courage help me stay sane as I care for my wife, Ruth, who survived a near-fatal MVA 20 years ago but has dealt ever since with the long-term effects of brain trauma, including memory loss which has progressed into moderate dementia, migraines, and symptoms the doctors are at a loss to explain. Linda, you are both patient and caregiver, multitasking as usual. May your journey lead to a body as whole as your mind and character!

  • Caring for family is over. I am lost. They have passed. I am not needed. I am grateful but now alone.

  • Thank you so much for this amazing insight into the life of the caregiver… I was a caregiver for @ 10 years for my husband and am now hosting a group of community friends with a program called “Caring friends”. We gather (virtually) one time a month but I make sure to reach out personally to each of The friends once or twice a month

  • Compassion, not reaction.

  • “Great things happen whenever we stop seeing ourselves as God’s gift to others, and begin seeing others as God’s gift to us.” James S. Vuocolo

  • Put your anchor in the Sea of Grace. We are human and often fall, but God brings us to Him. He is our strong tower; the righteous run into it, and is safe. Prov. 18:10

  • As an RN, I had a patient with a young son. She was told she had only 3-4 months to live as her cancer had spread to her liver. The last morning I left her, I prayed with her and told her “don’t ever forget God is still in the miracle business..”. That was 18 yrs ago and she has phoned me every year the week before Christmas and tells me “God is still in the miracle business”.

  • My awesome sister is a caregiver to my mom and she was to my dad! My sister and I have always been close,I have felt so so guilty many times for not being able to help w/r parents. My sister always tells me to not to beat myself up over not being able to always help out! She has always had a caring and giving heart!!! Love u lots sis.!!!

  • If you think you can or if you think you can’t…you’re right

  • I am a Care Giver, my Quote i live by. I do my work by and train my CGs by ” WE MUST REMEMBER, FAMILY MEMBERS ARE AN EXTENTION OF THE PERSONS WE PROVIDE CARE FOR” ❤

  • “I know God will not give me more than I can handle. I just wish He didn’t trust me so much. “This Mother Teresa quote always makes me smile.

  • Taking care of my husband for 5 1/2 years as he battled the cancer that spread from his kidney to vena cava to two brain tumors, was a challenge and a privilege. Thanking GOD for being with us every step of the way. It was important for Richard to fight because he had two teenage girls and wanted to stay with them as long as possible.

  • Love can hope where reason would despair.

  • First I’ll start off by saying. I was a Career Caregiver. A Certified CNA for Mosty All of my Adult working years. I Loved it! Then there came a day when My Body was hurting as much as the Person I was caring for. Sadly from then on I’ve had 3 Major Back Surgeries; to work no more. Now after my 3rd Surgery I’ve had Numerous Complications. And I Have to a Caregiver myself, What a switch up in life and quite the Awakening! MY OLDEST SON has stepped up and has been my CAREGIVER. I NEVER EVER REALLY REALIZED how much of a BLESSING it is to Have Someone Love and Care for a Person until now, (hmm) but Truthfully. Given my life experiences; my Son IsHad Been my Blessing. Now looking back, how through the years how much I may have been to Someone also. “God works in mysterious ways”. Thank you for this chance to vent. I wish EVERYONE that IS A CAREGIVER and EVERYONE WHO NEEDS A CAREGIVER to feel BLESSED.❤️

  • I cared for my parents without receiving any financial physical or emotional help. I took care of them at home and let them enjoy resting and sleeping in their own beds. Numerous times I stayed with them in the hospital and helped nurses in their care. I’m a senior myself, but I willingly did what a professional would to make my parents lives tolerable and comfortable. My conscious is so clear that I did everything for my mom and dad to enjoy their lives until the time came for them to join our SAVIOR IN HEAVEN. I miss them so much 24/7. I bless their souls in my daily prayers every chance I get. And, I pray to God for me to join my mom and dad on the other side, when my time is over in this planet ? Amen

  • Thank you, I need these postings for my anxiety.

  • Could be good to participate in.

  • Thank you, I needed this encouragement

  • Two favorites: …”to see all of their magic and to remind them of it”“Caregiving calls us to lean into love we never thought possible”

  • I am fortunate to be able to care for my mother who first cared for me. Luckily she is still mobile and loves getting out of the house and experiencing the seasons. I include her in my visits with my friends. I take her to visit my adult children. I do all my tasks where I now live. I only have one household to care for now. Mom enjoys getting out and we mask and social distance. She doesn’t go into the stores but rides along. After a couple of years of being dependent on aides for rides. Now I am here with her we have fixed her favorite 01’ Honda Odyssey and we ride around in it. She doesn’t remember being upset or happy about things the next day and maybe even the same day. We have our routines and that makes her know what to expect. I think it is true that leaning into the love you feel for that other person just grows a little deeper. My sister acts or seems to feel sorry that she isn’t here to help. I am not upset with her because I am really living our great remaining years in happiness. I have an 80 year old friend I would like to have come live with us and sell her home. Both women are wearing hearing aides and are losing eyesight. As long as I can still have my dogs and a few old friends in my life I am happy and content. We have a relaxed and easy life.

  • An ocasional”I love you far exceeds the insults and complaints I get

  • If it is to be, it is up to me!

  • We take ONE DAY AT A TIME

  • I took care of my Mother who had Dementia for about a year before she passed,and yes it was overwhelming for me but my love kept me strong and I was able to endure her not recognizing me and not being able to eat ,but I would do it again just to be able to be with her again.!R.I.P.Mom,I❤️You.! Till we meet again.!????❤️

  • Be still and know that I am God .


  • My younger n wiser brother, Jim, used to tell me…” When you feel down, depressed, do something good for someone…” it’s TRUE. That precious younger brother is gone 6 years already. Oh how I miss him…

  • My younger n wiser brother, Jim, used to tell me…” When you feel down, depressed, do something good for someone…” it’s TRUE. That precious younger brother is gone 6 years already. Oh how I miss him…

  • Beautiful words of encouragement and hope! Thank you

  • It was hard for me to take care ❤️ of my Mother in the last stages of her life,,, but showing her. the love I had for her was amazing and left me with a fulfilled ❤️

  • I work in healthcare now 40 active yearsIt’s nothing like it used to beI pray for all the ones I’ve cared for and do care forThis year has been extremely difficult for mostPraying for a turn around and back to somewhat normalcy????

  • Meet them where they are . They love their era of music . Pray that God always gives you a caregivers heart .

  • Hi Mom, I’m here! Is music to our ears. They are not yet my caregiver, but my sweet husband is. We are both in our 80’s and limited in what we do. But when one of our children visit, those words bring peace and joy to both of us. They help us so much.

  • My son and his family came on a Saturday and took me home with them. I felt totally wrapped in their love and care. I drove myself home a week later. I am 79 and live alone. It is difficult to do the next thing sometimes. I visit my 71 yo sister who has dementia and try to be a bright light for her. My God is my best source of strength and inspiration.

  • Caregivers are truly a gift from God.

  • Love this, wish I could print for daily referance!!!

  • ?One day at a time….sweet Jesus.???

  • Caregiving on every level is truly a loving gift to the receiver as well as the giver. Blessings strength and love – Peace to your journey ❤️??

  • Let Go and Let God

  • She believed she could, so she did.

  • Nothing is forever, enjoy the moments with the love ones

  • One of my favorite moments I had with my mother who had Alzheimer’s Disease was one day when I was visiting her in the Nursing Home: she looked at me with a puzzling look on her face.so I asked her, “you don’t know who I am, do you? And she said “no.” I said, I am Doris, your daughter.” She said, so what!” I responded, “so what? “ and I started laughing and then she did too! I didn’t get upset or sad because I knew it was her disease and I made light of it. So she didn’t get upset either.

  • Faith is not about things turning out okay. Faith is about being okay no matter how things turn out.

  • Thank you for these words of encouragement! My husband has Parkinsonism and dementia! He is full care now at home with me.Don’t want to put him in a nursing home especially now!

  • I have been a caregiver for sixteen years. My Dad had alzheimers, plus I have worked with many seniors who could not care for themselves. Yes, it is a hard job, but very rewarding that you are making someone comfortable and happy in their final days or years of their lives.

  • Giving care to one is giving care to humanity.

  • I’m caring for my eldest sister. There are 13 years between us. She has Bulbar ALS which affects her ability to speak, and swallow. She has a hard time letting me care for her as I am an RN and her baby sister. It’s exhausting.

  • As I care for my husband , who is ninety and I am eighty four , I often think about my neighbor saying “ The Lord will not give you more then you can handle “ Also my dad always said “life is like a puzzle and all the pieces in time will fit together .”

  • I cared for my husband with Alzheimer’s for several years in a nursing home. I took the bus to visit five days a week. I had heard a song called The Dutchman that was one of the things that inspired.If you have a loved one with dementia, you should Google it.

  • Visiting my Ex husband , whom had Altzheimers ones a week , i was asked all the time: “why ? You’re divorced. My answer was i have forgiven, not forgotten. He passed away last year. I was there the they before. He squeezed my hand .

  • There is a brokenness​out of which comes the unbroken,a shatteredness out of which blooms the unshatterable. There is a sorrow​beyond all grief, which leads to joyand a fragility​out of whose depths emerges strength. There is a hollow space​too vast for wordsthrough which we pass with each loss,out of whose darkness we are sanctioned into being. ​There is a cry deeper than all soundwhose serrated edges cut the heart​as we break opento the place which is unbreakable​and whole,while learning to sing ​—Rashani Rea

  • When I am up against something I don’t like and can’t fix, I raise my hands heavenward and proclaim, “Whatever, Lord!” Then I take the advice shared by Elisabeth Elliot, “Do the next thing,” and attend to something in which I can make a positive difference.

  • There is no shame in asking for help.

  • They say the best caretakers are those that weren’t cared for themselves.

  • Blessed are the care givers for they shall be remembered in heaven.

  • To smile your way through cloudy days is much the wisest thing to do. For if you make the best of things they cannot get the best of you.

  • Yes it can be challenging as a took care of my husband 7 years lung cancer then my Daddy Mom passed in 1993 drank her self to death massive heart attack then watched Aunt Mary and Uncle Bill pass away they were the glue that held everything togeather miss them so much bur my Daddy was my best friend. Expecially at holidays his favorite time of the year .

  • My husbands philosophy is, he has his good days and his bad days, and the bad days take care of themselves. He is unstoppable,. We could be very sedentary, yet our lives revolve around volunteering.
    For those who ask why we volunteer, I have two answers. The first is we don’t know any better, and the one which causes people to think. You can’t take and not give.

  • As I began my unfamiliar day, I ‘m like how do I even start my lengthy to-do-list? Oftentimes, everyday living is very challenging; how to rid yrself and try to help others rid themselves of stressors is seemingly suprisingly difficile. My one friend says, “take time out of yr health journey and take a breathor, deep breathes to release some of that tension.” Most importantly, keep continously to be in a prayerful spritual mindset!

  • People say “I should be grateful because if I look around, there’s always someone else who has it worse than me.” I find no comfort in comparing the degree of suffering of others to my own. I may be more empathic and sympathetic for them, but it doesn’t change my situation. You have to allow yourself to grieve for the the life you thought you were going have. Then move on to building the new life you now have.

  • Learn to live happily both in Pleasure and Pain. Nothing is permanent in this world, Make every moment of your life so memorable and leave a mark for your existence.

  • “ Life is not measured by the number of breathes we take, but by the moments that take our breathe away.”

    Don’t hesitate to share random acts of kindness.

    Treasure each day…keep your sense of humor…fall in love all over again……..don’t forget to take care of yourself……live, laugh, love

  • Being ill does not define who you are. Faith, love, and hope are what leads to defining moments. Prayer can move mountains. We have had some of our hardest mountains to climb moved to see a land beyond illness. It is a land of hope where faith and love help cultivate this land and produce peace.

  • Thank you all for sharing your stories which are all our stories and heartbreak . I/we have lost two family members to glioblastoma multiform. My heart aches to know what those of you in the middle of such caretaking are going through as well as those who are desperately trying to fight for their lives . Surround yourself with love, fight the good fight and wherever/whoever you receive your spiritual strength from PRAY, PRAY, PRAY for strength and understanding .You are not alone ????

  • I am not David’s caregiver but he is my very best friend. David and I have known each other since kindergarten. David moved away for many years. One day I was at the grape stomp in Murphys and who was there but David. Since then we have become very best friends. I would visit him at least two to three times a week. We had so much fun just talking and reminiscing. I went for in his sidecar and he even joined me for a pedicure. Please David don’t fight it just relax and be comfortable. I love you very much. Love. Your very best friend Judy Lawrence ????

  • Take joy in the little things like a smile, a coherent moment, a minute to sit down and breathe. Take pride in knowing you’re efforts are making a difference even if they can’t tell you so.

  • Just hug

  • I’m the person on whom my wife’s caregiving is
    now focused. My oxygen-dependent Pulmonary Fibrosis came suddenly after a year of pneumonia, the appearance of mantle cell lymphoma, minor embolic stroke, chemo, and stem cell therapy.
    While it’s incurable and progressive, my support network has included the love and prayers of family
    and friends, using Caring Bridge (which is great!),
    and faith. I copied this from EWTN recently for
    Caregivers in all our lives, from my own faith and I
    know God listens to ALL our prayers. God Bless!

    O Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we adore You! You have first loved us and through Your Son You have taught us the excellence of self-giving love. Give to those who are caregivers of a sick parent or child, brother or sister, the assistance of Your holy angels. Lessen their burdens and give them great joy in practicing a work of mercy. And since charity is never forgotten by You, reveal to them their heavenly reward. Amen.

  • I don’t have to like the situation I am in. I do have to like myself in the situation.

  • Just breathe! Terminal cancer, stage 4, diagnosed 4/1/16. My husband is my caregiver, my best friend and Love! Married 36 years on 12/28/17! Just want him to be okay when I am no longer there to fix his collar!

  • God Bless You I have been a care giver for the better part of my life, but at the end of my shift I could go home. It is so very different when now I have been my husband’s care giver. It makes one so tired, it never stops. He is now in the hospital and I am not sure what to do with myself. I wonder around the house knowing there is so much to do and I can’t seem to even find the energy to know where to start. When I am in this state I do nothing. I have found that when I am at my weakest and have no choice, that seems to be when I am at my strongest. I don’t know if that makes much since to you. I will pray for you and your family. God bless you sweetheart.

  • Having dealt with tragedy in our own lives and having helped others who have experienced similiar difficulties, one of the best things you can do is say how sorry you are they are going through something so painful, and then ask them how they are doing, and be a good listener.

  • I am Cori Fordice’s mother. Some of us, when we are not feeling well, go to bed and think about good things that have happened in the past. I have a story for Cori. I am 87 and have lived in three countries, so I have a wonderful storehouse of memories of friends I have met and languages I have learned. I remember when we first went to Japan with three children: Lori, Cori and Monty. Cori had blond wispy hair and none of our new friends in Japan had seen that kind of hair and wanted to touch it. Three-year-old Cori didn’t understand that amount of attention at that time in her life and it annoyed her. We tried to explain to her that they loved her hair. It was like gold, and they had never seen golden hair before so they wanted to touch it. Eventually she learned to “grin and bear it”.

10 Encouraging Quotes for Caregivers to Brighten Your Day (2024)


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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.