111 Lovely Facts: The Ultimate Valentine's Day Trivia Quiz! - Trivia Bliss (2024)

111 Lovely Facts: The Ultimate Valentine's Day Trivia Quiz! - Trivia Bliss (1)

Do you consider yourself an aficionado of all things romantic? Is Valentine’s Day your favorite holiday or perhaps a day filled with intriguing mystique? Dive deep into the realm of love, romance, and some downright quirky facts with our 111-question trivia quiz. You’re about to embark on a rollercoaster of emotions and knowledge. Buckle up!

1. When is Valentine’s Day celebrated?

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2. Which Roman god is Valentine’s Day named after?

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3. Which country first started the tradition of Valentine’s Day?

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4. Which symbol is often associated with Valentine’s Day?

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5. How many cards are exchanged on Valentine’s Day on average?

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6. After Christmas, which holiday sees the most card exchanges?

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7. What flower symbolizes love?

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8. Which country sends the most Valentine’s Day cards after the United States?

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9. Which Italian city receives thousands of love letters addressed to Juliet from Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”?

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10. What color roses would you give to symbolize friendship?

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11. What is the Italian tradition of “La Festa Degli Innamorati”?

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12. Who typically receives the most Valentine’s Day cards?

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13. In which country might you find women gifting chocolates to men on Valentine’s Day?

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14. Which state in the U.S. has a town named Valentine?

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15. How did St. Valentine reportedly sign a letter to his jailer’s daughter?

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16. Which Shakespeare play mentions Valentine’s Day?

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17. In South Korea, what do people who did not receive anything on Valentine’s Day do on April 14th?

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18. What candy is especially popular for Valentine’s Day in the U.S.?

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19. In the Middle Ages, young men and women drew names to find their Valentine. True or False?

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20. What was considered a Valentine’s Day gift in Victorian times?

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21. Which bird is a symbol of love?

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22. Which two actors star in the movie “Valentine’s Day” released in 2010?

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23. What was the name of the priest who was executed on February 14th around 270 AD, leading to the foundation of Valentine’s Day?

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24. In the 1700s, what would a young woman eat on Valentine’s Day to dream of her future spouse?

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25. On what day do the Welsh celebrate their version of Valentine’s Day?

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26. In Finland, what is Valentine’s Day called?

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27. Which Pope declared February 14th as Valentine’s Day in 496 AD?

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28. Which author wrote the earliest known valentine still in existence today?

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29. What is the red heart-shaped symbol, often associated with Valentine’s Day, called?

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30. Which fruit is known as the “love apple”?

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31. Who played the lead roles in the movie “My Bloody Valentine” released in 1981?

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32. Which Roman festival, celebrating the coming of spring, may have been an antecedent to Valentine’s Day customs?

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33. Which famous poet wrote the lines: “She’s all states, and all princes, I; Nothing else is.”?

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34. According to legend, what does a girl see if she dreams of Saint Valentine?

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35. Which element, when added to glass, turns it red and is often used in jewelry for Valentine’s Day?

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36. Which country has a chocolate museum visited by many on Valentine’s Day?

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37. Who painted “The Birth of Venus”, a masterpiece many consider romantic?

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38. What was the profession of Esther Howland who popularized Valentine’s Day cards in America?

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39. What percentage of Valentine’s Day cards are purchased by women?

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40. Which mammal has a heart that weighs about 24 kg?

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41. On which TV show did the character Chandler propose to Monica on Valentine’s Day?

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42. What was the original purpose of XOXO, commonly written in love letters?

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43. Which South American city has a statue gifted by France, which has become a popular spot for lovers on Valentine’s Day?

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44. What kind of candy became popular in weddings and Valentine’s Day during the time of Queen Elizabeth I?

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45. How many times does the word “love” appear in the King James Bible?

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46. Which flower stands for “secrecy” in the Victorian language of flowers?

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47. What does “Valentine” mean?

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48. Which romantic song by Elvis Presley was featured in his 1961 movie “Blue Hawaii”?

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49. In which European city can you find “Bridge of Locks” where couples fasten padlocks as a sign of their love?

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50. According to Greek mythology, who is the goddess of love?

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51. In which country might you celebrate Valentine’s Day by looking for a duck?

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52. Which love story features two teenagers from feuding families in Verona?

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53. What do you call a small gift given as a gesture of love or friendship?

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54. Which neurotransmitter is released in the brain and causes feelings of love and passion?

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55. What famous wall in Italy is filled with love letters?

56. Which bird represents Valentine’s Day, apart from the dove?

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57. In which movie do two strangers meet aboard the ship Titanic and fall in love?

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58. Which famous tower in Paris is a popular spot for marriage proposals?

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59. Which Greek god is known as the god of desire and attraction?

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60. What was the name of the computer in the movie “Her” that the protagonist falls in love with?

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61. Who wrote the romantic novel “Pride and Prejudice”?

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62. Which Roman goddess is the counterpart of the Greek goddess Aphrodite?

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63. What is the name of the romantic dance originating from Argentina?

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64. What gemstone represents eternal love?

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65. Which American city is also known as “The City of Love”?

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66. What piece of clothing was invented to prevent women from hugging men?

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67. Who wrote the line: “All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.”?

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68. Which island in New York was a gift from the French and is considered a symbol of love and freedom?

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69. In which country is there a Valentine’s Day tradition to spank women with wooden paddles to ensure fertility?

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70. Which two astrological signs fall within Valentine’s Day?

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71. Who is the male counterpart to Aphrodite in Roman mythology?

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72. What fruit is also known as the “passion fruit”?

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73. In which country would you celebrate “Dia dos Namorados” instead of Valentine’s Day?

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74. How long does a typical Valentine’s Day chocolate box last before its contents expire?

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75. Which British royal was known for sending the most Valentine’s Day cards?

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76. Who sang the romantic song “Endless Love” with Lionel Richie in 1981?

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77. Which day is celebrated as the “White Day” in certain countries, as a follow-up to Valentine’s Day?

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78. Which chemical compound is often associated with the feeling of being in love, and is found in chocolate?

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79. Which novel by E.L. James became a romantic bestseller in the 2010s?

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80. What do couples traditionally exchange on the Japanese version of Valentine’s Day?

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81. Which country believes a robin is a sign that you will marry a sailor?

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83. In which U.S. state is Valentine, a town popular for themed weddings on Valentine’s Day, located?

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84. How many syllables does a traditional haiku, often written as love poems, have?

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85. In which Shakespeare play is there a fairy named Cupid?

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86. What flower signifies “return to happiness” and might be given as a makeup gift?

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87. Which Disney couple sings “A Whole New World” together?

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88. What 1997 romantic film starred Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio?

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89. What is the translation of “Je t’aime”, a popular Valentine’s Day phrase?

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90. Which Roman god is the father of Cupid?

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91. What element is represented by the symbol “Au” and is often used in jewelry for loved ones?

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92. What popular Valentine’s Day item was first introduced in 1868?

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93. Which Shakespeare play contains the quote: “Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love”?

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94. What U.S. city is known for hosting a recommitment ceremony every Valentine’s Day?

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95. Which bird delivers babies in European folklore and is also associated with love?

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96. What constellation, visible in winter, is often associated with love and hunting?

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97. What candy heart phrase was created to honor the moon landing in 1969?

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98. What animal mates with one partner for life and sometimes presents its mate with a pebble as a gift?

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99. Which ancient civilization believed in a plant in Egypt that was the origin of love?

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100. Who is the winged child depicted with a bow and arrow associated with love?

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101. Which iconic American singer is known for hits like “Love Me Tender” and “Can’t Help Falling in Love”?

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102. What flower is named after the Greek word for “wind”?

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103. In which Jane Austen novel does a character say, “If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more”?

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104. Who composed the “Moonlight Sonata”, a piece often associated with romance?

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105. Which song by The Beatles contains the lyrics, “Love, love, love. All you need is love”?

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106. Who is the Roman equivalent of the Greek goddess of marriage and childbirth, Hera?

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107. Which poet wrote, “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?”?

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108. In which country is “Qixi”, the equivalent of Valentine’s Day, celebrated based on a legendary love story?

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109. What term describes a small, ornamental object given by a gentleman to a lady as a token of affection?

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110. Who is known for writing, “Two souls with but a single thought, Two hearts that beat as one”?

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111. Which animal has a mating dance that includes moonwalking and is often associated with romance in nature documentaries?

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Wow, that was a journey of love and knowledge! How did you fare? Whether you soared through the questions or found some surprising tidbits, we hope you had a heartwarming experience. And if you’re hungry for more trivia adventures, don’t hesitate to dive into our other exciting Trivia Bliss quizzes, including a quiz all about the Titanic, Jeopardy! questions for couples, and another all about romantic comedies. Keep that trivia brain buzzing and explore the vast universe of knowledge with us!

111 Lovely Facts: The Ultimate Valentine's Day Trivia Quiz! - Trivia Bliss (2024)


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