125 Inspirational Quotes About The Journey - Lifengoal (2024)

125 Inspirational Quotes About The Journey

How often do you hear inspirational quotes about the journey? They are great reminders to stay focused and motivated.

Inspirational quotes are powerful tools to motivate us to achieve our goals.

Whether they come from famous figures or everyday people, these inspiring words can give us strength to overcome obstacles and challenges.

It’s important to note that some inspirational quotes are meant to inspire us, whereas others are designed to manipulate us into thinking certain ways.

If you want to get inspired, read these motivational quotes about the journey.

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Quotes About Journey to Get You Excited

  1. “It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.”
    ―Ursula K. Le Guin
  2. “No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.”
  3. “We travel, some of us forever, to seek other states, other lives, other souls.”
    ― Anaïs Nin
  4. “The only journey is the one within.”
    ―Rainer Maria Rilke
  5. “The beautiful journey of today can only begin when we learn to let go of yesterday.”
    ―Steve Maraboli
  6. “Some beautiful paths can’t be discovered without getting lost.”
    ―Erol Ozan
  7. “One of the greatest journeys in life is overcoming insecurity and learning to truly not give a sh*t.”
    ―J. A. Konrath
  8. “The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are moving.”
    ―Johann wolfgang von Goethe
  9. “You take people, you put them on a journey, you give them peril, you find out who they really are.”
    ―Joss Whedon
  10. “Not all those who wander are lost.”
    ―J.R.R. Tolkien,The Fellowship of the Ring
  11. “I am no longer afraid of becoming lost, because the journey back always reveals something new, and that is ultimately good for the artist.”
    ―Billy Joel
  12. “Once you have traveled, the voyage never ends, but is played out over and over again in the quietest chambers. The mind can never break off from the journey.”
    ―Pat Conroy
  13. “You read and write and sing and experience, thinking that one day these things will build the character you admire to live as. You love and lose and bleed best you can, to the extreme, hoping that one day the world will read you like the poem you want to be.”
    ―Charlotte Eriksson
  14. “A journey is like marriage. The certain way to be wrong is to think you
    control it.”
    ―John Steinbeck
  15. “I made up my mind not to care so much about the destination, and simply enjoy the journey.”
    ―David Archuleta
  16. “Sometimes it’s worth lingering on the journey for a while before getting to the destination.”
    ―Richelle Mead
  17. “If you fuel your journey on the opinions of others, you are going to run out of gas.”
    ―Steve Maraboli
  18. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” ― Chinese Proverb
  19. “Never stop just because you feel defeated. The journey to the other side is attainable only after great suffering.”
    ―Santosh Kalwar
  20. “Successful people enjoy the journeys they embark on, irrespective of whether they reach their destination or not.”
    ―Zain Hashmi
  21. “There are some places in life where you can only go alone. Embrace the beauty of your solo journey.”
    ― Mandy Hale
  22. “Sometimes a journey makes itself necessary.”
    ―Anne Carson
  23. “At every given moment we are absolutely perfect for what is required for our journey.”
    ―Steve Maraboli
  24. “Being negative only makes a difficult journey more difficult. You may be given a cactus, but you don’t have to sit on it.”
    ―Joyce Meyer
  25. “The best part of the journey is the surprise and wonder along the way.”
    ―Ken Poirot
  26. “On the path to greatness, life teaches you to walk with stones in your shoes.”
    ―Matshona Dhliwayo
  27. “In the journey of life, every positivism always born from negativity.”
    ―Sonal Takalkar
  28. “Without travels, our existence, our memories, our literature, our dreams, our everything would be very poor, very boring, very limited!”
    ― Mehmet Murat Ildan
  29. “In the journey of finding love I focus on loving myself first.”
    ―Angel Moreira
  30. “Dance. Smile. Giggle. Marvel. TRUST. HOPE. LOVE. WISH. BELIEVE. Most of all, enjoy every moment of the journey, and appreciate where you are at this moment instead of always focusing on how far you have to go.”
    ―Mandy Hale
  31. “Some beautiful paths can’t be discovered without getting lost.”
    ―Erol Ozan
  32. “Never be afraid to travel on a new path.”
    ―Lailah Gifty Akita
  33. “Travel down that road far enough and you forget entirely where you came from. The journey becomes the destination in a twisted sort of way.”
    ―Terry Brooks
  34. “In life, it is not the destination that counts, but the journey.”
    ―Matshona Dhliwayo
  35. “The most rewarding journey you can ever embark on is the journey to your Self”
    ―Sandra Cooze
  36. “The power of your journey is hugely related to connection and alignment which are not to be taken lightly.”
    ―Germany Kent
  37. “Life is a staircase where we can only recall about steps backward but we only have to reach forward.”
    ―Srinivas Mishra
  38. “Trust your journey. The best view is during, not after.”
    ―B.K. Sweeting
  39. “One’s journey is based on someone’s opinion. Think for yourself, question everything.”
    ―Jaco Snoek
  40. “Life is a journey which never lets you know when and where it will end.”
    ―Biju Karakkonam
  41. “You’re still on the right track. It just has a few more curves than you thought.”
    ― Kierra C.T. Banks
  42. “This is the journey of your life. Don’t try to explain it to others, because only you can see it.”
    ―Nitin Namdeo
  43. “This life is a journey and it is one that can be snatched right out of our hands. Therefore it is wise to know where you are going when you leave this life behind.”
    ―Robin Bertram
  44. “Let go, let life, and enjoy the journey…!”
    ―James A. Murphy
  45. “Awareness is simply seeing without trying to see the end.”
    ―Abhijit Naskar
  46. “Creating your dream life is based on your internal happiness, love, perseverance and patience. It is an everyday process. Trust yourself and enjoy the journey.”
    ―Purvi Raniga
  47. “Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow.”
    ―Anita Desai
  48. “It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.”
    ―Ursula K. Le Guin
  49. “Travel brings power and love back into your life.”
    ―Rumi Jalalud-Din
  50. “Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us, or we find it not.”
    ―Ralph Waldo Emerson
  51. “Every dreamer knows that it is entirely possible to be homesick for a place you’ve never been to, perhaps more homesick than for familiar ground.”
    ―Judith Thurman
  52. “To travel is to live.”
    ―Hans Christian Andersen
  53. “Wherever you go, you take yourself with you.”
    ―Neil Gaiman
  54. “Everything I was I carry with me, everything I will be lies waiting on the road ahead.”
    ―Ma Jian
  55. “Travel brings wisdom only to the wise. It renders the ignorant more ignorant than ever.”
    ―Joe Abercrombie
  56. “So shut up, live, travel, adventure, bless and don’t be sorry”
    ―Jack Kerouac
  57. “The struggles we endure today will be the ‘good old days’ we laugh about tomorrow.”
    ―Aaron Lauritsen
  58. “Travel improves the mind wonderfully, and does away with all one’s prejudices.”
    ―Oscar Wilde
  59. “Life is a journey that have a lot different path, but any path u choose use it as your destiny.”
    ―Ryan Leonard
  60. “You are meant to be, despite how you got here; you’ll see someday.”
    ―Raquel Cepeda
  61. “Every journey starts with the first step and the thousands upon thousands steps before you reach the end. Enjoy every step.”
    ―Pamela Cummins
  62. So walk, or run if you can to your dreams. It doesn’t matter if it’s far or near. You can pause along the way but never stop, OK? Then hug it when you finally meet it! Embrace the moment. Love it and never let it go. Hold its opportunities and kiss its lessons with full of sincerity. Remember every moment of it – specially – the journey. It is what matters most.”
    ―Happy Positivity
  63. “A fuller expression of Self comes from the journey for greater wholeness.”
    ―Kathryn V. White
  64. “To travel hopefully is better than to have arrived.”
    ―Robert Louis Stevenson
  65. “At some point, you just gotta forgive the past, your happiness hinges on it.”
    ―Aaron Lauritsen
  66. “One bulb at a time. There was no other way to do it. No shortcuts–simply loving the slow process of planting. Loving the work as it unfolded. Loving an achievement that grew slowly and bloomed for only three weeks each year.”
    ―Jaroldeen Asplund Edwards
  67. “If life is a journey then let my soul travel and share your pain.”
    ―Santosh Kalwar
  68. “The journey is the treasure.”
    ―Lloyd Alexander
  69. “The man who seeks to educate himself must first read and then travel in order to correct what he has learned.”
  70. “There are as many worlds as there are kinds of days, and as an opal changes its colors and its fire to match the nature of a day, so do I.”
    ―John Steinbeck
  71. “The process of becoming is of greater consequence than being.”
  72. “It is pointless to embark on any journey if you do not believe yourself worthy of the destination.”
    ―Anthon St. Maarten
  73. “The thing about the path less travelled is that it is often less travelled for a good reason. When that reason is not the dangers that haunt the road then it is the road itself. Sometimes it’s both.”
    ―Mark Lawrence
  74. “The remarkable journey of a person lies in his visions and not a followed path of anyone else.”
    ―Aayush Verma
  75. “It’s the journey which ends; not the roads.”
    ―Rajesh Walecha
  76. “When planning life’s journey, always have an alternate route.”
    ―Frank Sonnenberg
  77. “We cry in the journey of healing because we see ourselves dying”
    ―Amer Hijjawi
  78. “Your life is your own unique journey — it is unlike a journey any other person, before you or after you, will ever take.”
    ―Shon Mehta
  79. “If you find yourself drawn to an event against all logic, go. The universe is telling you something.”
    ―Gloria Steinem
  80. “Our life journey tests our physical and moral stamina. We undergo many trials before we discover the right way to live and delve the proper purpose of life.”
    ―Kilroy J. Oldster
  81. “Meet people where they are during life and on their journey…the rest handles itself.”
    ―Jill Telford
  82. “You thought too hard. Same with travel. You can’t work too much at it, or it feels like work. You have to surrender yourself to the chaos. To the accidents.”
    ―Gayle Forman
  83. “Every step in life is a testing ground. Some active and perceptive people never stop blossoming regardless of what experience they encounter while other people seem to wilt with the slightest provocation.”
    ―Kilroy J. Oldster
  84. “Life is a journey with big rocks to climb, little ones to trip over, and milestones to mark where we have been.”
    ―David Cuschieri
  85. “We may run, walk, stumble. drive, or fly, but let us never lose sight of the reason for the journey, or miss a chance to see a rainbow on the way.”
    ―Gloria Gaither
  86. “Roam abroad in the world, and take thy fill of its enjoyments before the day shall come when thou must quit it for good.”
  87. “You need mountains, long staircases don’t make good hikers.”
    ―Amit Kalantri
  88. “The goal of my life is to tie adventure to my feet, stock memories in my pocket, hold imagination in my palms like fairy dust and sprinkle it on my tales.”
    ―Mitali Meelan
  89. “Taking the journey towards ourselves is the hardest journey we have to make in this life and yet the most courageous”
    ―Mimi Novic
  90. “Success is not just the destination; it’s the entire journey, every bit of it. It’s not just the outcome rather it’s the entire process.”
    ―Mohsin Ali Shaukat
  91. “To get the most out of a life’s journey, one has to positively live through its humbling and glorious circ*mstances.”
    ―Wayne Chirisa
  92. “Enjoy the journey; the destination may not be as exciting.”
    ―Tapan Ghosh
  93. “My life is too often driven by the fear of the next moment verses focusing on the privilege that I have the next moment.”
    ―Craig D. Lounsbrough
  94. “Take time for the clearance of the mind, preparing for adherence to perseverance for the journey of another thousand miles.”
    ―Curtis Tyrone Jones
  95. “This life is a journey and it is one that can be snatched right out of our hands. Therefore it is wise to know where you are going when you leave this life behind.”
    ―Robin Bertram
  96. “Passion is what makes us amazing, however, finding your passion is one thing, following it is another. Through both journeys, please, do not feed the fears.”
    ―Efrat Cybulkiewicz
  97. “Unlike many other journeys, when it comes to finding self and matters of the heart you’ll swiftly find yourself lost if you follow someone else’s”
    ―Rasheed Ogunlaru
  98. “The greatness of our destination will be lost without the memory of our beginning.”
    ―Sergio Tinoco
  99. “On the path to greatness, life teaches you to walk with stones in your shoes.”
    ―Matshona Dhliwayo
  100. “Success is not a journey; it’s a destination called satisfaction. Satisfied people are always motivated in heart and keep peace of mind.”
    ―Aamir Sarfraz
  101. “Along our journey we will be confronted with many situations, some will be filled with joy, and some will be filled with heartache. How we react to what we are faced will determine what kind of outcome the rest of our journey through life will be like.”
    ― Susan Samaroo
  102. “I am of course lost in this journey I’m on, but I do remain confident, though I am lost it will be a great adventure, this adventure will surpass my wildest imagination. so call me a fool, but I’m happy to be lost.”
    ―Micheline Jean Louis
  103. “The best journey of life that you can take is inside yourself to discover your new thoughts, new ideas, and new hopes.”
    ―Debasish Mridha
  104. “Life is the journey of coming home to ourselves.”
    ―Lisa Cypers Kamen
  105. “There are no shortcuts through the wilderness of life.”
    ―Seth Adam Smith
  106. “Life has a plan for each of us; we may not understand the whys on our journey but every event is meaningful nonetheless.”
    ―Ken Poirot
  107. “Love makes the journey we call life worthwhile.”
    ―Debasish Mridha
  108. “I’m on the last great journey here–and people want me to tell them what to pack.”
    ―Mitch Albom
  109. “Life lessons are not journeys traveled in straight lines but are crossroads
    formed years and miles apart.”
    ―Gina Greenlee
  110. “Find the courage to ask yourself the questions your afraid to hear the answer to? Why… Because it’s the only way you’ll know which direction your truth lays.”
    ―Nikki Rowe
  111. “Don’t let your journey fade. It’s God’s way of reminding us that we need him in our lives and it’s not wrong”
    ―Shellie Palmer
  112. “Strength is gathered on the journey, not granted at the outset.”
    ―Jared Brock
  113. “Life will always have a different plan for you. If you don’t give up, you will eventually get to your destination. But towards the end of your life, you may look back and realize that it was never really about the destination; it was the journey that counted.”
    ―King Samuel Benson
  114. “You start to live when you commit your life to cause higher than yourself. You must learn to depend on divine power for the fulfillment of a higher calling.”
    ―Lailah GiftyAkita
  115. “Sometimes the best journeys are those, that start when we do not plan, continue how we do not expect and are taking us places we do not know.”
    ―Aisha Mirza
  116. “Maybe the best things are those that take the most work, you know? Maybe how you get somewhere can be at least as important as where you’re going.”
    ―Ryan North
  117. “You have traveled far, but the hardest part of a journey is always the next step.”
    ―Jackie Morris
  118. “True greatness demands humility; the journey draws it from your struggling soul.”
    ―Richelle E. Goodrich
  119. “The shortest and the hardest journey to make is the inner one.”
    ―Omisona Fasina
  120. “Follow your dreams folks, it can lead you to the most wonderful, unimaginable places!”
    ―Christina Casino
  121. “Commit to the healing path and trust the process.”
    ―Rosenna Bakari
  122. Your journey is completely yours. It is unique. Others may try to steal part of it, tell it in their words or shape it to suit them. Reality is no one can live it or own it but you. Take charge of your journey, it’s yours and yours alone!”
    ―Kemi Sogunle
  123. “Points of a journey do not matter when the journey has no destination, only an end.”
    ―Martin Amis
  124. “The best part of the journey is the surprise and wonder along the way.”
    ―Ken Poirot
  125. “Some journeys don’t have endings, they lead to new beginnings. These are the journeys that lead to great adventures!”
    ―Alex Haditaghi


I hope that these adventure quotes have helped you to embrace any journey with gratitude and excitement.

Be grateful for all of the wonders this earth offers and never forget to stop and smell the roses every once in awhile! 🙂

125 Inspirational Quotes About The Journey - Lifengoal (2024)


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Name: Dan Stracke

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.