220+ You Are Amazing Quotes to Spark Positivity & Self-Love Today (2024)

Quotes Inspirational Quotes

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220+ You Are Amazing Quotes to Spark Positivity & Self-Love Today (1)

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In this blog post, we explore a collection of you are amazing quotes that have the power to inspire and uplift. With these messages, we seek to honor and appreciate the incredible people in our lives.

From lauding phenomenal women to acknowledging loving fathers, each segment is brimming with positivity and affirmation. We share inspirational words that can spark a beam of light in moments of darkness, making our friends, partners, and loved ones feel valued.

These quotes, humorous, heartfelt, or brief, are tokens of admiration and reminders of the wonderful impact each one of us can make. Discover uplifting words that resonate with love, appreciation, and encouragement, and let them remind you and others of the remarkable beings we are.

1. Popular You Are Amazing Quotes

220+ You Are Amazing Quotes to Spark Positivity & Self-Love Today (2)

  1. “You are amazing, you are important, you are special, you are unique, you are precious, you are loved.” – Unknown
  2. “The best thing about being who you really are is that you simply cannot fail! Be you, be awesome and live awesomely.” – Ricardo Housham
  3. “You are amazing, and you shouldn’t let anyone tell you otherwise. No matter what.” – Bryant Collins
  4. “What makes you special is that you have a huge spirit, and believe yourself above all else.” – Unknown
  5. “You are amazing. And the more you recognize that the more wonderful, caring, compassionate, powerful, beautiful, attractive, giving, genuine, wise, open, receptive, loving, brilliant, strong, joyous, courageous, inspired, inspiring, amazing you become.” – M. J. Schrader
  6. “You are amazing. And you should be proud of it.” – Hiral Nagda
  7. “It’s amazing what you can do when you get creative.” ― A.D. Posey
  8. "Just be yourself. Let people see the real, imperfect, flawed, quirky, weird, beautiful, magical person that you are." - Mandy Hale
  9. "Stop comparing yourself to other people, you're supposed to be unique." - Sonya Parker
  10. "You’re amazing just the way you are." - Bruno Mars
  11. “You are amazing today just as you are.” – Unknown
  12. “You must know that you are great. Never forget that.” – Gurumayi Chidvilasananda
  13. “You are amazing and don’t you forget it.” – Unknown
  14. “You are the best thing that ever happened to you. Think about that.” – Gary John Bishop
  15. “We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.” – Oscar Wilde
  16. “If you work hard and you are kind, amazing things will happen.” – Conan O’Brien
  17. “If you’re presenting yourself with confidence, you can pull off pretty much anything.” – Katy Perry
  18. “In a gentle way, you can shake the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi
  19. "Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person." – Mother Teresa
  20. "To the world, you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world." – Dr. Seuss
  21. "You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream." – C.S. Lewis

2. Inspirational You Are Amazing Quotes

220+ You Are Amazing Quotes to Spark Positivity & Self-Love Today (3)

  1. “In case no one has told you lately, you are amazing, strong, brave, wonderful, kind, loved, worthy, and there is no one like you. The world needs you.” – Unknown
  2. “Don’t let anyone talk you out of believing in yourself and what you’re capable of. It doesn’t matter who you are — you have something amazing to offer this world.” – Unknown
  3. “Stand in front of the mirror and convince yourself you are great. Tell yourself you can fulfill your dreams because you can make your dreams come true.” – Unknown
  4. “Never doubt your caliber. You have produced amazing feats already.” – Hiral Nagda
  5. “One day you will realize how the lives you have touched with a few words have changed, and how it has caused you to become more incredible.” – Unknown
  6. “Never be afraid of being yourself. Be different; be unique; be a mystery. Always remember that unique people are the ones who changed history.” – Mouloud Benzadi
  7. “You are the only version of you to ever exist in the universe. You are great, you are powerful, you are special”. – Unknown
  8. “Explore yourself in silent contemplation. You will find a breathtaking being you were unaware about.” – Hiral Nagda
  9. “I think that you are incredible for being able to accept obstacles with open arms and I think that that is a remarkable attribute to possess.” – Unknown
  10. “Don’t allow other people’s opinions to dictate who you are supposed to be. Look within yourself and identify your true essence.” – Hiral Nagda
  11. “It’s important to remind people how important and amazing they really are. Because everyone is worth it.” – Unknown
  12. “You have the ability to build your life the way you want it. Remember to build it strong and beautiful.” – Hiral Nagda
  13. “Don’t wait for your feelings to change to take action. Take the action and your feelings will change.” – Barbara Baron
  14. “You are amazing simply for hanging in there and holding on, no matter how hard things get! And for moving forward no matter how scared you are or how anxious you feel. Yep, you are awesome.” – Karen Salmansohn
  15. “Don’t ever doubt yourself or believe you don’t have what it takes. You do. You have amazing qualities no one else possesses.” — Barrie Davenport
  16. “You have everything it takes to live an amazing life. Focus on your gifts and talents and let your perceived flaws fade to the background.” — Unknown
  17. “No matter how hard the moment is. Never forget you are someone important in that moment.” — Christian Villanueva
  18. “Beliefs have the power to create and the power to destroy. Human beings have the awesome ability to take any experience of their lives and create a meaning that disempowers them or one that can literally save their lives.” – Tony Robbins
  19. “Yesterday was just the tip of the iceberg of awesomeness. Things will get better. Keep smiling, don’t give up just yet. Perseverance has an amazing gift for you, just wait you see.” – Janna Cachola
  20. “Write the story. Don’t write sentences.” ― James Patterson
  21. “It is not a matter if you fail, but how well you fail.” — Oscar Auliq Ice
  22. “Learn to appreciate the things you have in the life you’re living. It is your present.” ― Adem Spahic
  23. “It doesn’t matter where you came from. All that matters is where you are going.”- Brian Tracy
  24. “If you don’t know your worth, people will put a cheap price tag on you.” ― Matshona Dhliwayo
  25. “You inspire people, not by showing them how amazing you are, but by showing them how amazing they are.” — Alexander Den Heijer
  26. "Don't ever doubt yourself or believe you don't have what it takes. You do. You have amazing qualities no one else possesses." - Barrie Davenport
  27. "Nobody needs to prove to anybody what they're worthy of, just the person that they look at in the mirror. That's the only person you need to answer to." - Picabo Street
  28. "You are brilliantly capable to be the most outstanding version of yourself. The strength is already inside you." - Hiral Nagda
  29. "A lot of people said, who do you think you are? I told them I know exactly who I am and I’ll tell you exactly where I’m going." - Michael Caine
  30. "Right now you are living an incredible and thrilling life, you just need to know it and keep in pace with it, right now. Let your story unfold, show the world the story of your life. It's awesome to tell them your story is about you."
  31. "If you work hard and you are kind, amazing things will happen." - Conan O'Brien
  32. “Never ever forget, even for one moment, how truly amazing you are.” – Unknown
  33. “Remember you are enough” – Anonymous
  34. “You are amazing, strong, brave, and wonderful. Remember that today” – Unknown
  35. “You are capable of amazing things.” – Kobi Yamada
  36. “You are who you are; be happy with what you are called to do. Do not pretend to be like someone else for your gifts are unique to help lead you to the success as only you can define. Have a good day the right way.” – Byron Pulsifer
  37. “You are the most important person in your life so be sure to take good care of you.” – Jon Gordon
  38. “You are brilliantly capable to be the most outstanding version of yourself. The strength is already inside you.” – Hiral Nagda
  39. “To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.” – Winston Churchill
  40. “It doesn’t matter who you are, where you come from. The ability to triumph begins with you. Always.” – Oprah Winfrey
  41. “No matter what age you are, or what your circ*mstances might be, you are special, and you still have something unique to offer. Your life, because of who you are, has meaning.” – Barbara De Angelis
  42. “Each day is a new opportunity to live your life to the fullest.” – Oprah Winfrey
  43. “When you’re true to who you are, amazing things happen.” – Deborah Norville
  44. “Hide not your talents, they for use were made. What’s a sundial in the shade?” – Benjamin Franklin
  45. “No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.” – Charles Dickens
  46. "Believe you can and you're halfway there." – Theodore Roosevelt
  47. "Your life is your message to the world. Make sure it's inspiring." – Unknown
  48. "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." – Ralph Waldo Emerson

3. You Are An Amazing Woman Quotes

220+ You Are Amazing Quotes to Spark Positivity & Self-Love Today (4)

  1. “You are awesome! I agree that your magic works miracles in people’s lives every day, you make happy everybody. Everyone knows that women are the most incredible beings in the world. You are the most amazing woman.” – Unknown
  2. “She wore her scars as her best attire. A stunning dress made of hellfire.” – Daniel Saint.
  3. “There is something really amazing about you.. Your unique ideas and thoughts that you bring to this world. Your smile, your laugh.. It’s you and you are valuable, worthy and cherished.” – Rachel Hamilton
  4. “If someone asked me to describe you in just two words, I’d say… simply amazing” – Unknown
  5. “And you, you scare people because you are whole all by yourself.” — Lauren Alexander Hooper
  6. “If I could give you one thing, it would be the ability to see yourself through my eyes...” – Frida Kahlo
  7. “She is clothed in strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.” — Proverbs 31:25
  8. “Be good to her, she’s rare.” — R. H. Sin
  9. “You are beautiful because of the light you carry inside you. You are beautiful because you say you are, and you hold yourself that way.” –Mary Lambert
  10. “I find you the most amazing woman when you manage all the hectic things so smoothly.” — Unknown
  11. "Your beauty captures me, but what amazes me is that it is wonderfully combined with your amazing soul."
  12. "She wore her scars as her best attire. A stunning dress made of hellfire." - Daniel Saint
  13. "I find you the most amazing woman when you manage all the hectic things so smoothly."
  14. "You really are good enough, pretty enough, and strong enough." - Al Carraway
  15. "You are awesome! I agree that your magic works miracles in people's lives every day, you make happy everybody. Everyone knows that women are the most incredible beings in the world. You are the most amazing woman."
  16. “You really are good enough, pretty enough, and strong enough.” – Al Carraway
  17. “You are unique and beautiful in your own way, believe it.” – Unknown
  18. “You are amazing just as you are. More beautiful than you can see, stranger than you feel, and more worthy than you will ever know.” – Unknown
  19. “Your smile makes you pretty. But your personality makes you beautiful.” – Unknown
  20. “You are enough just as you are.” – Meghan Markle
  21. “You are beautiful, intelligent, and worthwhile. Never let anyone tell you otherwise.” – Unknown
  22. “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou
  23. “Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.” – Marilyn Monroe
  24. "Where there is a woman, there is magic." – Ntozake Shange
  25. "Well-behaved women seldom make history." – Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
  26. "The strength of a woman is not measured by the impact that all her hardships in life have had on her; but the strength of a woman is measured by the extent of her refusal to allow those hardships to dictate her and who she becomes." – C. JoyBell C.

4. Uplifting You Are Amazing Quotes

220+ You Are Amazing Quotes to Spark Positivity & Self-Love Today (5)

  1. “You are good and you still do the best you can do in situations, including when life is really complicated. I think it is incredible that you have the confidence to get up each morning to face each day.” – Unknown
  2. “If you’re struggling today, remember that life is worth living and believe that the best is yet to come. Remember that you are loved, you matter, and never forget that there is always hope.” – Germany Kent
  3. “You came this far and I could not be more proud of you. Keep up the fantastic work and one day you will see how incredible you have become.” – Unknown
  4. “You are amazing and strong and brave and wonderful. Remember that today.” — Finding Joy
  5. “Don’t let an ordinary circ*mstance dim the shine of the extraordinary you.” ― Hiral Nagda
  6. “It doesn’t matter if you’ve failed or if you’ve been beaten..." – Ritu Ghatourey
  7. "You inspire people, not by showing them how amazing you are, but by showing them how amazing they are." - Alexander Den Heijer
  8. "One day you will realize how the lives you have touched with a few words have changed, and how it has caused you to become more incredible."
  9. "Everyone has a special person in their life today who changed their life for the better, don't let them disappear into obscurity."
  10. "I think you are amazing for being so strong, for moving on, for fighting on and on and on."
  11. "Awesome things come to those who focus on the positive, recognize the blessings, find the humor and never give up!" - Tanya Masse
  12. “They look at you and say, because of you, I didn’t give up.” – Unknown
  13. “You’re off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, so … get on your way!” – Dr. Seuss
  14. “No one is you and that is your superpower.” – Unknown
  15. “You are amazing. Own that!” – Unknown
  16. “You should never seek to be someone else, you are amazing.” – Unknown
  17. “You don’t have to be perfect to be amazing” – Unknown
  18. "You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." – A.A. Milne
  19. "Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck." – Dalai Lama
  20. "You have within you right now, everything you need to deal with whatever the world can throw at you." – Brian Tracy

5. You Are Amazing Quotes For Friends

220+ You Are Amazing Quotes to Spark Positivity & Self-Love Today (6)

  1. “You are the friend everyone wishes they had.” — Unknown
  2. “What would I do without you, my amazing, beautiful friend? How did I ever manage before you were here?” — Unknown
  3. “Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends we choose.” – Tennessee Williams
  4. "If someone asked me to describe you in just two words, I'd say… simply amazing."
  5. "A good friend is like a four-leaf clover; hard to find and lucky to have." - Irish Proverb
  6. “Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.” – Margaret Mead
  7. “Sometimes I just wonder what I would have done without you.” – Unknown
  8. “Your friendship means the world to me. Just wanted to let you know. ” – Unknown
  9. “Thanks for being the shoulder I can always depend on.” – Unknown
  10. “Whenever anything happens, the first thing I think of is telling you. That’s the sign of an awesome friend.” – Unknown
  11. "True friends are like diamonds – bright, beautiful, valuable, and always in style." – Nicole Richie
  12. "A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out." – Walter Winchell
  13. "A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you." – Elbert Hubbard

6. You Are Amazing Quotes For Him

220+ You Are Amazing Quotes to Spark Positivity & Self-Love Today (7)

  1. “In case you ever foolishly forget: I am never not thinking of you.” – Virginia Woolf
  2. “You are an exceptional man in every way. Own it.” — Unknown
  3. “You aren’t the man of my dreams because I could never have dreamed of someone as amazing as you.” – Amanda Hocking
  4. “I love you breathlessly, my amazing man.” — Paulina Simons
  5. "You are my heart, my life, my one and only thought." – Arthur Conan Doyle, The White Company
  6. "In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours." – Maya Angelou
  7. "If I know what love is, it is because of you." – Hermann Hesse

7. You Are Amazing Quotes For Her

220+ You Are Amazing Quotes to Spark Positivity & Self-Love Today (8)

  1. “Very few things amaze me, and one of them is you.” – Unknown
  2. "Never doubt your caliber. You have produced amazing feats already." - Hiral Nagda
  3. "I know your flaws, mistakes and weaknesses and still think you are amazing." - Carol Flores
  4. "One of the best things in life is finding someone who knows all your flaws, mistakes and weaknesses and still thinks you are amazing."
  5. “You’re amazing just the way you are”. – Bruno Mars
  6. “No words can describe how amazing you make me feel.” – Unknown
  7. “Just so you know, you’re pretty much the most amazing person I’ve ever met.” – Unknown
  8. “You are more than awesome. Girl, you’re amazing” – Unknown
  9. "You are my sun, my moon, and all of my stars." – E.E. Cummings
  10. "You are worth more than second thoughts and maybes." – R.H. Sin
  11. "In case you ever foolishly forget; I'm never not thinking of you." – Virginia Woolf

8. Positive You Are Amazing Quotes

220+ You Are Amazing Quotes to Spark Positivity & Self-Love Today (9)

  1. “Positive thinking will let you use the ability which you have, and that is awesome.” – Zig Ziglar
  2. “Your value doesn't decrease based on someone's inability to see your worth.” – Unknown
  3. “You don’t need to do any special thing to become awesome. You are amazing right now. Believe in yourself.” – Unknown
  4. “Don’t sell yourself short; you are your best asset.” – Matshona Dhliwayo
  5. “You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anybody.” – Maya Angelou
  6. “You were born to be amazing.” – Kris Vallotton
  7. “Be awesome! Smile like a flower.” – Debasish Mridha M.D.
  8. “You are way more awesome than you think you are. Don’t forget about your awesomeness today.” – Janna Cachola
  9. “Being different isn’t a bad thing. It means you’re brave enough to be yourself.” – Luna Lovegood
  10. “What makes you different or weird – that’s your strength.” – Meryl Streep
  11. “Never ever forget, not even for a moment, how truly amazing you are.” — Unknown
  12. “If you want to be average, do what others do. If you want to be awesome, do what no one does.” – Alexander Den Heijer
  13. “Awesome things come to those who focus on the positive, recognize the blessings, find the humor and never give up!” – Tanya Masse
  14. “Follow your inner moonlight; don’t hide the madness.” – Allen Ginsberg
  15. “Smile because you are amazing.” ― Debasish Mridha
  16. “Look around and marvel at the amazing world that surrounds your everyday life.” ― Avina Celeste
  17. "Don't allow other people's opinions to dictate who you are supposed to be. Look within yourself and discover the amazingly unique, beautiful and strong person you actually are." - Sandra Cooze
  18. "You are worthy of love and respect. You are beautiful, gifted, and intelligent. Don’t let the storm make you forget it." - Russell T Davies
  19. "Never ever forget, even for one moment, how truly amazing you are."
  20. "You are amazing simply for hanging in there and holding on, no matter how hard things get! And for moving forward no matter how scared you are or how anxious you feel. Yep, you are awesome." - Karen Salmansohn
  21. "You have everything it takes to live an amazing life. Focus on your gifts and talents and let your perceived flaws fade to the background."
  22. "Being different isn't a bad thing. It means you're brave enough to be yourself." - Luna Lovegood
  23. "Be yourself, be proud, stand tall. You are amazing!"
  24. “Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth.” – Unknown
  25. “Love yourself for the amazing person you are.” – Unknown
  26. “You are stronger than the things that made you weak.” – Unknown
  27. “Stop comparing yourself to other people, you’re supposed to be unique.” – Sonya Parker
  28. “You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.” – Unknown
  29. “You are worth finding, worth knowing, worth loving.” – Unknown
  30. “You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think, and loved more than you know.” – A. A. Milne
  31. “You are what you believe yourself to be.” – Paulo Coelho
  32. “Be yourself, be proud, stand tall. You are amazing!” – Unknown
  33. "Your positivity can become a castle around you which will protect you from the arrow of negativity." – Gurudev Shree Chitrabhanu
  34. "Positive anything is better than negative nothing." – Elbert Hubbard
  35. "Your smile is your logo, your personality is your business card, how you leave others feeling after having an experience with you becomes your trademark." – Jay Danzie

9. You Are An Amazing Father Quotes

220+ You Are Amazing Quotes to Spark Positivity & Self-Love Today (10)

  1. "The heart of a father is the masterpiece of nature." – Abbé Prévost
  2. "A father is someone you look up to no matter how tall you grow." – Unknown
  3. "My father didn’t tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it." – Clarence B. Kelland

10. You Are Amazing Love Quotes

220+ You Are Amazing Quotes to Spark Positivity & Self-Love Today (11)

  1. “You are fierce, tender, capable, compassionate. You are amazing. You are my everything.” – Barrie Davenport
  2. “When I look at you, I see an amazing, beautiful person who has so much to offer the world.” — Barrie Davenport
  3. “I adore your anger and resentments; with such beauty, everything you do looks awesome.” – M.F. Moonzajer
  4. "I guess what makes you so special is living your life completely and being truly everything that you want to be."
  5. "When I look at you, I see an amazing, beautiful person who has so much to offer the world." - Barrie Davenport
  6. "If I could give you one thing, it would be the ability to see yourself through my eyes. Only then you will truly understand how special you are." - Frida Kahlo
  7. "I know that you aren’t conscious of how amazing you are but I promise you I know you are amazing, love. Although other people’s potential appears to be decent, you have a really strong potential and this is one reason you may be great."
  8. "It's such an amazing thing to be loved for who you are." - Debra Winger
  9. "You never let the past get the better of you, and you never think too much about the future, you are really in the moment, and I believe you live life to the fullest."
  10. "Very few things amaze me, and one of them is you."
  11. “And, baby, you know this one fits you to a tee. One word. All I can say is amazing.” – Elliot Yamin
  12. "Love recognizes no barriers." – Maya Angelou
  13. "You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." – Dr. Seuss
  14. "Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies." – Aristotle

11. You Are An Amazing Person Quotes

220+ You Are Amazing Quotes to Spark Positivity & Self-Love Today (12)

  1. “You are a special person. Seek to develop your talents.” ― Lailah Gifty Akita
  2. "You are amazing person with unique talents. Have faith in your abilities." - Lailah Gifty Akita
  3. "You are a special person. Seek to develop your talents." - Lailah Gifty Akita
  4. "What makes you special is that you have a huge spirit, and believe yourself above all else."
  5. "I think that you are incredible for being able to accept obstacles with open arms and I think that that is a remarkable attribute to possess."
  6. "You are the only version of you to ever exist in the universe. You are great, you are powerful, you are special"
  7. "Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that's all who ever have." – Margaret Mead
  8. "The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well." – Ralph Waldo Emerson
  9. "To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." – Ralph Waldo Emerson

12. Funny You Are Amazing Quotes

220+ You Are Amazing Quotes to Spark Positivity & Self-Love Today (13)

  1. "Just so you know, you're pretty much the most amazing person I've ever met."
  2. "In case you have not been adequately informed, please consider this official notification that you are awesome."
  3. "You want to know who's amazing, lovely, smart, and has a beautiful smile? Read the first word again."
  4. "Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else." - Margaret Mead
  5. “In case you have not been adequately informed, please consider this official notification that you are awesome.” – Unknown
  6. “Limit your “always” and your “nevers.” – Amy Poehler
  7. "You're like a grey sky. You're beautiful, even though you don't want to be." – Jasmine Warga
  8. "You're basically a can of awesome. An awesome can." – Unknown

13. Short You Are Amazing Quotes

220+ You Are Amazing Quotes to Spark Positivity & Self-Love Today (14)

  1. “This is your morning reminder that you are amazing and you can handle anything.” – Unknown
  2. "Sorry to interrupt you, but I just thought you should know that you are amazing and deserve to be happy"
  3. “You are amazing, remember that” – Unknown
  4. "You are amazing just the way you are." – Bruno Mars
  5. "You are enough just as you are." – Meghan Markle
  6. "Believe in yourself and all that you are." – Christian D. Larson

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220+ You Are Amazing Quotes to Spark Positivity & Self-Love Today (2024)


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Name: Otha Schamberger

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.