42 Entrepreneur Quotes To Motivate and Inspire You | FounderJar (2024)

Entrepreneurship is not easy. You will most definitely learn this when you are already on your entrepreneurial journey.

If you think starting a business is hard, try growing it.

No wonder over 90% of startup businesses fail almost every year.

However, as of 2022, there are over 582 million entrepreneurs worldwide.

Even though some businesses are failing, more businesses are still being established. This is because entrepreneurs are risk takers.

They are courageous and stubborn enough to still go after their dreams.

Entrepreneurship is an adventure with so many lessons to learn.

And in this article, I have gathered the best entrepreneur quotes from top entrepreneurs and business thought-leaders around the world.

Each quote shares a lesson that will fire you up and inspire you to start or keep growing your business.

Inspirational Entrepreneur Quotes to Motivate Your Entrepreneurship Journey

Being an entrepreneur is hard work. While the success story seems great and attractive, the process is not.

Many entrepreneurs have given up and called it quits on their dreams.

But some are willing to keep moving forward. All they require is a little more nudge to get them started on the right foot.

This section of entrepreneur quotes does just that. Each quote and explanation shows you the key information you need to know about becoming an entrepreneur.


“I'm convinced that about half of what separates successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance.”

– Steve Jobs (American business magnate)

The first thing you should understand about becoming an entrepreneur is to be prepared to take risks and experience failure.

Don't worry. It's not scary.

You have to be daring to go for it. In risk-taking, you also persevere.

In this journey, you will have to make life-changing decisions, and you may probably never know what the results will be till you make your choice.


“Every time you state what you want or believe, you're the first to hear it. Don't put a ceiling on yourself.”

– Oprah Winfrey

According to Spotify, the biggest reason people want to be entrepreneurs is to be independent.

This is not a wrong desire. It is not impossible.

42 Entrepreneur Quotes To Motivate and Inspire You | FounderJar (1)

I, too, wanted to be independent. That is why I grabbed the bull by the horns and worked hard to start my own business.

If I were to choose a path, I would choose this path over again because I don't regret a thing.

Once you have a desire or a goal, keep saying it to yourself, so it becomes possible in your mind.

That is a trick I learned when I started launching FounderJar and my other businesses. I had a desire, and the more I said it aloud, the more it became real.

Be open about what you want. If you want to create the best consulting firm that helps small businesses in your locality, keep saying it to yourself.

The more you say your dreams out loud, your ears pick them up and transfer them to your mind. Your mind interprets it and sets on it.


“As a founder, lay all the possible scenarios – from best to worst – in front of you, so you don't get surprised when something happens.”

— Brian Wong, Co-founder of Kiip

Another important thing you should get is a solid business plan.

Going into a tough career path without a plan is like going to war without a plan on how to conquer the enemy.

What happens when this happens?

You fail. Woefully.

Planning is a key part of the entrepreneurial process. Without planning, you cannot launch an effective marketing campaign or create a product.

Everything in your entrepreneurship journey revolves around your effective action plan.

As an entrepreneur, your plan should include:

  • What products or services do you deliver?
  • How to reach your target customers?
  • The best marketing strategies to use
  • How many milestones do you need to accomplish your goals?
  • How many team members do you need to handle various responsibilities in your business?

A clear-cut out plan makes it easier for you to know what direction to take next. You know when to take risks or stay low.


“There is only one success — to be able to spend your life in your own way.”

— Christopher Morley

Imagine living your life on your own terms. You are free to do whatever you like. No boss to scold you for coming late to work or give you more boring work.

It's great, right?

Freedom is great; financial freedom is even better. No doubt.

Being financially free and with great health is an excellent one. And this is the best kind of success.

However, this kind of success cannot be achieved overnight. It results from many years of pure hard work, consistency, and commitment.

Yes, you want a better life.

But the million-dollar question is: Are you ready to commit yourself to the entire process?”


“It starts with not having a hangover with the way things used to be.”

— Kevin Plank, founder and CEO of Under Armour

To be a successful entrepreneur, you must know that you should be creative.

Entrepreneurship thrives on creativity.

And being creative means you should never go for ordinary or mediocre things.

Your mind should always be focused on doing things better, differently.

The best entrepreneurs and business leaders are those who are tired of the ordinary way of doing things. So they set out to create their own path.

Even if you want to do what others are doing, your focus should be “how can I make it better and more valuable.”


“One of the huge mistakes people make is trying to force aninterest on themselves. You don't choose your passions; your passions choose you.”

— Jeff Bezos

Passion is the fuel that keeps entrepreneurship going.

You have to be passionate about your business.

Here is the thing, if you are not passionate about your business, you are more likely to give up at first sight of a challenge.

Have you ever wondered why some entrepreneurs seem to switch businesses every six months?

It is because they enter an industry with the thought of only making money.

But when the money isn't forthcoming, they move to the next fast money-making idea rather than stay and grow the business.

Unfortunately, these entrepreneurs move on when another challenge arises in this new venture.

And the cycle continues, and more startups fail.

You have to be passionate about winning if you want to win. Before you start your business, you have to be passionate about it.

Passion inspires your business vision and helps you build an authentic brand.


“Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma – living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, dare to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”

— Steve Jobs

One major thing I always tell aspiring entrepreneurs is to follow their hearts.

Your life shouldn’t be a product of people’s thoughts.

When starting your business, you don't need to cloud your mind with everybody's opinions. It can get very conflicting.

Go for what you want and build your experiences if you want something.

The moment you start moving with people’s definition of you, you become trapped in it.


“It's fine to celebrate success, but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.”

— Bill Gates

To succeed in business, your mind must be opened to failure. Failure is inevitable.

Yes. Even the best entrepreneurs in the world have experienced multiple failures.

However, it is how you handle failure that matters the most. Every failure is an opportunity for you to learn, improve, and correct.

Everyone wants to succeed, but you can't win if you don't fail first. Failure is a source of self-improvement. You learn how to do things better.

Your failure serves as part of your experience. The most successful entrepreneurs took lessons from their failures and used them as their greatest weapon.


You have to see failure as the beginning and the middle, but never entertain it as an end.”

— Jessica Herrin, founder and CEO of Stella & Dot

We all know that Microsoft is one of the giants in the tech industry. However, Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft, didn’t have a good start.

When he and his partner, Paul Allen, developed Traf-O-Data in 1970, nobody hired their services.

The business failed before it even started.

However, they pressed on further and learned to develop software for computers.

This persistence led to the creation of the Microsoft company in 1975. Today, Microsoft is a global success.

Your first foot may not be nice, but it shouldn't be the last.

This is why you must develop a growth mindset to succeed in business. A growth mindset sees better opportunities for growth rather than failure.

I created a list of inspiring growth mindset quotes to help you develop a positive mindset for business.

Failure can be there in the beginning; it can also be there at the end. However, failure is an essential part of entrepreneurship, but you can choose to end with either failure or success.


“Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.”

— Bill Gates

As a business person, always listen to your customers. Your customers are your bosses.

It doesn't matter if you own your business.

Customers who are unhappy with your products or services will move to your competitors.

Without customers, you don't have a business.

Therefore, never neglect your customer's feedback. Remember, you are in business to create value, not just to make money.

Without value, customers will not give you their money.

As an entrepreneur, you have the sole duty of listening to your customers; they are a direct source of what's working and not working in your business.


“One of the greatest skills of leadership is being unflappable. Anytime you do anything in the world, there's going to be criticism.”

— Arianna Huffington, Co-found and editor-in-chief of Huffington Post Media Group

Another thing you must note is how to take criticism like a boss. You need to be “unflappable.”

Unflappable means being composed and level-headed at all times.

Learn to shut your ear to destructive criticisms and be open to constructive criticisms. The best way to handle criticism is to:

  • Pay attention to what is being said.
  • Remain calm and filter out the hurtful words. Behind any criticism, there are things to learn.
  • Ask questions, and don't be defensive.
  • Learn from your mistakes and resolve to improve.

Don’t let your emotions get the best of you.


“When in doubt, bootstrap. Using your own personal resources is the easiest way to start a business. You don't have to convince investors about the merits of your idea. You just have to convince yourself.”

— Ryan Holmes, Co-founder of Hootsuite

Bootstrap means self-funding your business without relying on investors, crowdfunding, or loans.

In Bootstrapping, you have nothing to prove to anyone; you have to convince yourself this is your passion and that you want to pursue it.

When you bootstrap, you retain ownership of your business. Investors invest because a specific percentage of the business owner is theirs.

Bootstrapping also allows you to maintain control over your business.

When you take money from outsiders, you indirectly put yourself under unnecessary pressure and responsibilities to meet the investors' expectations.

Bootstrapping has proven to be an effective means of financing startups.

MailChimp is an example of a business that started with bootstrapping.


“If you look closely, most overnight successes took a long time.”

—Steve Jobs

The same way seeds don't suddenly become ripe fruits overnight is how a business doesn't become a money-making machine overnight.

Every business requires hard work and patience, and perseverance.

Seeds don’t mature overnight; it takes months and even years.

You will have to face rejections, failures, and slow profit.

However, don’t lose faith; be patient. No matter the skills and knowledge level you possess as an entrepreneur, patience is a trait you will forever need.


“The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers.”

—Ralph Nader

When you have your own business, you are the boss, and you have employees.

And because you have employees, you are not just an entrepreneur but also a leader.

As an entrepreneurial leader, you share your visions, communicate, discuss opinions and doubts, and show your team the way forward.

Entrepreneurial leaders are made, not born. They are constantly looking for ways to innovate as an individual and as part of a team.

An excellent leader is concerned about their team's growth. So they produce people who go out to train other people.

It takes a whole team to build a successful business. You need a team of smart minds who believe in your vision to succeed.

You cannot build a successful business alone.


“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently.”

—Warren Buffett

Before you start your own business, you need to lay out a plan carefully. You are taking a huge risk and putting your reputation on the line.

A successful business thrives on loyal customers. And the best way to get loyal customers is to build a reputable brand.

It is not easy to have a trustworthy reputation. You have to be committed and consistent in the value you add.

This means you should always think outside the box.

When you start deferring, you lose customers' trust, and they may find it hard to trust you again.

This is why a clear plan is needed. To grow a business, you need to find the right target audience and know how to network.

Networking opens doors of opportunities to grow. Building a strong network and community helps you grow your market and sell your idea.

After all these, your next task is maintaining a good reputation for your business. The more trusted you are, the more customers you attract.

A good reputation is built on great value. Don't ruin it with selfish interests.

Entrepreneur Quotes You Should Always Meditate On

As an entrepreneur, you need to develop a strong entrepreneurial spirit. Every successful entrepreneur has an entrepreneurial spirit.

But it would help if you strengthened your entrepreneurial spirit, especially amid challenges. This section contains motivating entrepreneur quotes you can meditate on to boost your spirit.


“Don't be intimidated by what you don't know. That can be your greatest strength and ensure that you do things differently from everyone else.”

—Sara Blakely

You cannot possibly know everything. It is possible. That is why there is always room to learn.

In my blogs and seminars, I have always encouraged young entrepreneurs never to stop learning.

Just because you are doing great in a certain industry doesn't mean you should stop learning more about it.

The market is always evolving, and so should your knowledge. And I compiled a whole list of the best business books for entrepreneurs and leaders.

You see, leaders are readers. They are always open to learning new things.

This is why a growth mindset is essential to the entrepreneurial mindset.

You must love reading. Be a reader and learner. That is one of the key steps to developing and strengthening your entrepreneurial spirit.


“Have the end in mind, and every day makes sure you're working towards it.”

— Ryan Allis, co-founder and CEO iContact

Your focus must be on your goals, not on the process.

Does this mean you should not be concerned about the processes?

No. Certainly not.

But your focus should be on your goals. Being goal-oriented motivates you to persevere through all the challenges.

Always create a big picture of how you want your business journey to end. The image in your mind should propel you to keep working on it despite the challenges.

Daily, meditate on success quotes to help you stay focused on your success. Success is not impossible but achievable.


“I can name dozens of failures that we had over the years. Yet, with all these failures, we still managed to build Appster into one of the largest and best companies in our industry. So, remember every time you fail, remind yourself these words: ‘Life won't always go my way, but I will always find a way.”

— Josiah Humphrey, Co-founder of Appster.

Failure is an inevitable aspect of life.

The difference between successful and unsuccessful people is what they choose to make from the failure experience.

As a start-up, challenges will knock on your door, but survival is one of the vital aspects of every business.

When you fail, don’t take it too personally. In fact, failure is a vital weapon for entrepreneurs to succeed.

It spurs and motivates you to bounce back bigger and better.


“Starting a company extracts so much energy and conviction that not having a clear-cut goal, and meaningful mission can hamper your success. This is why, at Virta, our mission was clearly defined: reverse early type-2 diabetes in 100 million people by 2025.”

— Sami Inkinen, Co-founder of Virta Health

Every successful business has a clear mission statement. The mission and vision statements are open for everyone to see.

In fact, they guide every team member involved in the business operations.

Your mission statement also attracts investors and lets people know what your business stands for.

Your mission statement shouldn't just be anything that comes to mind. I wouldn't suggest you do that.

Rather, you should carefully think about it so that it resonates with your target audience.

The mission statement must be:

  • Short and concise: Avoid getting carried away with so many words.
  • Think long-term because it is an investment
  • Try out different mission statements and pick the one that speaks best. You can ask your team for help.

An excellent mission statement must be value-driven, inspiring, plausible, and specific.

If you have trouble generating a mission statement, you can use a free mission statement generator to help you out.


“My biggest motivation? Just to keep challenging myself. I see life almost like one long University education that I never had. Every day I'm learning something new.”

— Richard Branson

For some entrepreneurs, giving up seems to be the easier option.

A key factor in entrepreneurship is to keep challenging yourself. Never confine yourself to a box.

Keep trying new things, and from your trials, you learn. There are always new things to learn. The world is always changing.

Every day is a new opportunity to learn something new; use it wisely.


“It's not about ideas. It's about making ideas happen.”

— Scott Belsky

An important thing you should know is that every idea is an art. But your art will be worth nothing if you don't do anything about it.

The beauty of art is displayed for all to see and marvel at, not thrown and forgotten under the bed.

Do you know that creative ideas that can change the world fly above us daily?

Almost every second, someone comes up with a creative solution to a problem.

But we don't get to see these ideas manifest because some of them are left to the imagination.

Don’t keep your ideas and plans in your head; go out and do something. Who knows? It might just be the next biggest thing in your industry.

Every day, take one step that brings you closer to the life you want.


“Life's too short to learn from your own mistakes. So learn from others”

— Anonymous

Mistakes are part of life and are a natural occurrence.

But let me tell you that you don't have to make all the mistakes just to learn. You can learn from other people's mistakes.

When you listen to various success stories from entrepreneurs, don't just focus on the success. Also, listen to their mistakes.

You avoid unnecessary setbacks if you open yourself to learning from others' mistakes. There is always a lesson to learn.

You can read books from successful entrepreneurs, listen to podcasts, attend webinars and seminars, and even engage with others on social media.

Everyone likes to share their stories and the key lessons they learned in their entrepreneurial journey. All you have to do is listen and learn.


“It's more fun to be a pirate than to join the navy.”

— Steve Jobs

The average person wants to do what every other person is doing. But the excellent entrepreneur prefers to do something out of the box, something unexpected.

Which of these entrepreneurs do you want to be?

My guess is on the excellent one.

To be excellent, you have to leave your mark. And this means doing what the extraordinary. It involves being daring and challenging the status quo.

If you are not ready for an adventure, then you are not ready for entrepreneurship.


“Your ability to attract, evaluate, and forge strong working relationships with co-founders, early employees, and investors often mean the difference between failure and success.”

— Clara Shih, Co-founder of Hearsay Systems

Another key way of boosting your entrepreneurial spirit is to network with other entrepreneurs.

A great feeling comes when you interact with other entrepreneurs and business people. It's like there is so much to learn and get.

This is what networking does.

Someone once said that your “network is your net worth.” I couldn't agree more.


Because the kind of people you associate with determines the kind of opportunities and mindset, you will have. These are people you call for advice or go on lunch breaks.

The smart thing to do is to grow a strong network of smart and goal-oriented entrepreneurs.

Those business communities you join online or seminars you attend make it a habit to put yourself out there and relate with people.

The quality of relationship you build can either help you succeed or leave you stagnant.


“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.”

— Albert Schweitzer

Fame and wealth don’t make people happy, but your happiness is the key to excelling in life.

If you spend time doing what you dislike or hate, you will be miserable.

But if you spend time doing what you love, you will be happy with every stroke of the clock.

If you engage in something you love, you invest your best of everything in it – talent, energy, creativity, and intelligence.


“When you build technology, it's not just a matter of “what.” In most cases, the success ends up determined by “how” you build it—which foundations you used, how simple and scalable it is.”

— Tobi Lütke, founder and CEO of Shopify

In entrepreneurship, sometimes, it is not about what you have to offer. But, it is about how you did it, what you used, and how usable it is.

Having a great idea is a good start, but don’t be stuck at the idea level. Build what you have; put your ideas into action.

People may not be interested in what you have; they want to see how you did it and how it will benefit them.


“I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.”

—Bill Cosby

I can't count the times I have heard young entrepreneurs say they are scared to launch their business because of what people think.

People have different opinions about what to do and how to do it.

If you keep trying to fit into everyone's opinion, you may end up mad.

Your peace of mind lies only in what you think.

By trying to please everybody, you may waste your time on the wrong people and invest little time on the right people.

You might also lose your self-confidence because you try to be acceptable to everybody.


“If hard work is the key to success, most people would rather pick the lock.”

—Claude McDonald

Effective hard work is one of the key ingredients to great success.

However, most entrepreneurs would prefer to find a shortcut. But the problem with shortcuts is that they don't lead you to the real treasure.

Without hard work, you cannot go far in business. If you think you can escape hard work, then you need to pay attention to these hard work quotes I arranged.

Know that there is no short – cut to real success.

Hard work may be tiring and take too long, but be steady on the path. It may take time, but you will see results.


“Some days, you're smiling and thinking you're going to make this thing rock. Then the next day, a pipe breaks, and your costs look too high. You have to learn to keep your eyes on an ultimate goal. If you lose sight of that goal, you have to get out.”

— Hamdi Ulukaya, founder and CEO of Chobani

In entrepreneurship, there are good days. But there are also bad days.

Entrepreneurship takes you on a rollercoaster ride of incredible highs and devastating lows.

Your entrepreneurial spirit is tested at every angle, and you feel different emotions simultaneously.

Sometimes you love your business; you just want to cry or ignore everything and run.

All these are normal. What matters is that you stay resilient. Your resilience level helps you back up whenever you are at your lowest point.

Your strong desire for success fuels resilience.

Top Entrepreneur Quotes to Grow Your Business Mindset

The greatest weapon for every entrepreneur is their mindset. Your mindset is a total of what you believe in.

Additionally, the quality of your mindset affects your actions.

Therefore, if you have a poor or negative mindset, it will affect your actions towards your business.

This section contains creative and inspiring entrepreneur quotes that will help you develop the right entrepreneurial mindset.


“Passion, creativity, and resilience are the most crucial business skills. If you've got those, you're ready to embark on the journey.”

— Jo Malone, Founder of Jo Malone

What is success without passion, creativity, and resilience?

My guess is nothing.

They are the top skills every entrepreneur must have.

Passion makes you put your best efforts into your business. When you are passionate about something, you go all in for it. Challenges don't matter.

Creativity ensures you constantly develop and create content. Your creative mindset inspires you to think outside the box and provide new and improved ways to solve a problem.

Resilience ensures you stay on track despite how many times you fall off. A resilient mindset is always determined to keep going regardless of how many times you have fallen.


“It's necessary to find a mentor who can invest time to know your personal capabilities and business model.”

—Nigel Davies, Founder of Claromentis

Getting a mentor must be on your entrepreneur's to-do list.

A mentor is a veteran in your industry who you admire. This person guides you in your journey.

You can call him a guardian angel or counselor.

Your mentor not only guides you but is aware of your strengths and weaknesses, helping you to make better business decisions.

When getting a mentor, I will advise that you get someone who understands your vision and goals.


“People are the most important thing. Business model and product will follow if you have the right people.”

— Adam Neumann, Co-founder of WeWork

People are one of the most important things you need in your business.

The most important people you need for a successful business are:

  • A team of dedicated and talented staff/employees
  • Investors who genuinely want to invest because they believe in your vision
  • Loyal customers who are willing to patronize you among other competitors
  • A community of supporters, either online or offline.

The best way to get these people on your side is to focus on giving, not just receiving.

What value are you giving to these people that would make them want to choose you?

The right entrepreneurial mindset is focused on giving value to society. People become more willing to invest their time, energy, and money in you when they see you give them something valuable.

Note: You don't have to give them money.


“I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.”

— Thomas Edison

The right entrepreneurial mindset doesn't see failure as a setback or an opportunity to give up.

Instead, it sees failure as a stepping stone to something better.

How you react to failure determines if you will go far or quit. It is just a matter of time.

Focus on seeing failure as a criterion for success.

Even the most successful entrepreneurs and business leaders have experienced failure one way or the other. To overcome failure, you need to get used to it.

What better way t get used to failure than by exposing yourself to it? Listen to success stories from successful entrepreneurs and learn from their failures. You will be surprised at how fascinating it is.

So when you fail, get up and try again. Deal with failure like a boss.


“Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right.”

— Henry Ford (American business magnate)

Your mindset shapes how you see success.

For example, if you see success as an impossible goal, it will be impossible for you.

It is only a matter of time before you give up.

But if you see success as something you can achieve with time, persistence, determination, and hard work, you will definitely succeed.

Your minder motivates your actions.


“And I'd say one of the great lessons I've learned over the past couple of decades, from a management perspective, is that really, when you come down to it, it really is all about people and all about leadership.”

— Steve Case, former CEO of AOL

If you must succeed as an entrepreneur, you must also succeed as a leader. An entrepreneur is a leader. You are leading people towards a goal.

Do you know that it is no longer “your” vision when people buy into your vision? They have taken it as their own.

Now, they are working towards the “company's” vision.

As the vision carrier, you are leading them towards the final destination. How well you lead determines how far you will go.

Therefore, your leadership style matters a lot.


“Don't get distracted. Never tell yourself that you need to be the biggest brand in the whole world. Start by working on what you need at the present moment and then what you need to do tomorrow. So, set yourself manageable targets.”

—Jas Bagniewski, Co-Founder of Eve Sleep

As an entrepreneur, you should set a target for yourself. Set clearly defined SMART goals.

Your goals must be specific, measurable, attainable, relatable, and timebound. You start by

You also need to have a personal development plan.

Entrepreneurship is about survival, and you are in survival mode every day.

If you are not careful to stay up-to-date about the latest trends in your industry and the market, you are on the path to ignorance.

And one thing I know for sure about ignorance is that it gets you nowhere.


“Most great people have attained their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure.”

— Napoleon Hill

The beautiful thing about failure, when managed well, is that it helps you take a step past your mistake.

Failure shows you how things went wrong and what to do and not do during the next work.

As an entrepreneur, cultivate the habit of taking a step beyond your failures,


“When times are bad is when the real entrepreneurs emerge.”

— Robert Kiyosaki

It's easy to call yourself an entrepreneur. In fact, anybody can be an entrepreneur. However, your entrepreneurial spirit is tested during the toughest times.

Those who stay true to their dreams, even in the darkest times, are prepared for entrepreneurship.

Courage is one of the key characteristics of a strong entrepreneurial spirit. And true courage is the ability to face challenges no matter how tough it gets.

Real entrepreneurs emerge when the going gets tough, when there’s nobody by their side, and when it seems all has crashed down. A good thing about real entrepreneurs is their tenacity and resilience.

Best Entrepreneur Quotes for Startup Entrepreneurs

Starting a business can be hard and overwhelming. However, in this section, I have gathered key lessons you may not know about growing a business.


“As a CEO, I am finding that I have to become a learning CEO. I have to go to school all the time because I am learning new skills that I need to run this company and I am realizing that I am not equipped to just coast. I have to constantly renew my skills.”

— Indra Nooyi, former CEO of Pepsi

Studying, reading, and developing your skills allows you to level up in your business.

You cannot remain in the same position for six months, one year, or even five years. It is bad. What is your development plan? Do you have one?

You must have a plan if you want to grow your business, charge more, and earn more.

If you don't have a plan, stop right now and create a draft plan!

You make a big mistake if you don't have a plan written down. Plans are best written down, not just kept in your head.

Can you remember every single word you said on your 5th birthday?

My guess is no. Why? Because it was a long time ago and your mind has gotten preoccupied with other things.

Likewise, as time goes on, you will likely forget your well-thought-out plan in a few months or even a year.

Our minds cannot be trusted to hold on to information exactly how we want. This is why you should get a piece of paper and scribble down your plans.

Learning never ends. It is a continuous process. You learn, relearn and unlearn; you need to hone your skills constantly.

If not for anything else, the world is changing daily, and you have to keep up with the change and your competitors. Constantly be abreast of change.


“Failure is just a resting place. It is an opportunity to begin again more intelligently.”

— Henry Ford

Failure is not the end of the game. It is just a place to sit and assess all you’ve done.

It is an opportunity to ponder and reflect on what has already been done, then begin again in a better way. Your failures are not moments to wail and condemn yourself; they are moments to reflect.

Revisit the action, find out where it all went wrong, and what could be done instead. Then go again with the new plan.

It doesn’t matter how many times you fail, the most important thing is that you get back up.


“Entrepreneurship is neither a science nor an art. It is a practice.”

— Peter Drucker (Austrian-born American management consultant, educator, and author)

Entrepreneurship is all about learning new knowledge and business activities to achieve a common goal.

It doesn’t stop at learning but moves further to put into practice all that is learned.

One of the greatest challenges for entrepreneurs is good money management.

Many entrepreneurs do not know how to manage their finances. So, where they are supposed to make massive profits, they are making massive losses.

This is one of the reasons why many businesses shut down even after it looked like they were making sales.

The secret about money is that it treats you the way you treat it. If you don't respect money, it will do the same and leave too.

To build up an excellent money mindset, you should meditate on top quotes about money from successful business people.


“Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won't so you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t.”

— Warren G. Tracy's Student

An entrepreneur is a hustler. It takes a hustling spirit to survive in entrepreneurship.

The life of an entrepreneur, especially a young one, is tasked with always thinking of new and creative ways to solve a problem and maximize profit.

It is like your mind is always working 24/7.

One of the biggest misconceptions about entrepreneurship is that the moment you become an entrepreneur, you will become financially free.

Financial freedom doesn't happen overnight. In fact, the first few years of growing your business will be your “broke years.” That is the trial period.

Almost every cent you make goes back into growing the business. Set possible financial goals too.

After the business is strong enough to fund itself and pay you, you can start working your way towards financial freedom.

Please don't make the mistake of thinking that your first few profits are for your spending or selfish needs.

Become A Strong Entrepreneur

Successful entrepreneurs are goal-oriented. They know that the road to success is not easy.

However, each of these entrepreneurs was once a young entrepreneur who repeatedly made the same mistakes.

What changed them was the time they spent learning new things and growing their skills.

Similarly, you also keep learning. Learn with these sharp entrepreneur quotes and begin your journey to become that strong-willed entrepreneur.

Always remember that you need to keep pushing. The only difference between successful people and unsuccessful ones is time, determination, and creativity (creative passion)

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42 Entrepreneur Quotes To Motivate and Inspire You | FounderJar (2024)


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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.