5 Simple Steps to Harvesting Turnip Greens (and 5 Recipes to Try) (2024)

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Have you recently planted a fall garden? A lot of people miss out on this opportunity every year because people fail to realize how much variety you can still grow in the fall.

In my opinion, one of the most versatile crops you can grow in your fall garden is your turnip greens. The reason is that you only have to plant one vegetable, and you’ll get two products.

However, if you plant them, then you must know when and how to harvest them as well.

Also, you’ll need to know what to do with them once they are harvested.

5 Simple Steps to Harvesting Turnip Greens (and 5 Recipes to Try) (1)

Harvesting Turnip Greens

Here is all you need to know about harvesting, storing, and utilizing your turnip green harvest.

1. Harvest the Greens

I love turnip greens. The reason is you can harvest the greens multiple times while the turnips are still growing.

When the green leaves get to be the size of a medium leaf or so, then they are ready to pick. Some people enjoy them when they are very young because of how tender they are.

My word of advice is to not pick them when they’ve gotten very large because they become a little tougher with age. Hey, don’t we all?

Anyway, when the leaves are at the size you prefer, then you go down to the base of the stalk and use your pointer finger and thumb to gently break them away from the plant. You will do this again and again until you have picked as many greens as you like for the time.

Now, you have the option of just picking enough for one meal, or you can pick a whole bunch and store for later. I’m going to assume that you are harvesting a large amount for later storage in this particular post.

2. Harvest the Turnips

When the turnips begin to break the ground above them, you’ll know it is time to harvest them. If you are unfamiliar, a turnip is a root vegetable that grows under the ground.

Now, you need to know upfront that turnips have a very strong taste. In my experience, you either like them or you don’t. I, truthfully, don’t like them.

However, we grow them every year because my mother-in-law liked them, and I love the greens from them.

Now that my mother-in-law is no longer with us, I’ll probably end up using the turnips as feed for my animals.

Anyway, when you see the turnips begin to push through the dirt, then you know they have reached a good size. You can pull a few to get an idea of the general size of the bunch. If they aren’t big enough, then don’t pull them all up and wait a few weeks to check again.

Once they’ve reached a decent size, you can either pull them up by the green or if the ground is hard, you can use your spade to dig around the turnip to pull it out of the ground.

Then place the turnips in your basket and roll through the crop until they are all harvested.

3. Wash Up

After you have collected the greens and the turnips, you’ll take them inside to wash them in your sink. I would recommend washing the turnips with a damp paper towel or even a dry one. You just want to knock the dirt and bugs off of them for now.

However, when it comes to your greens, you’ll have to fill the sink with cold water and toss the greens into the water. When they are in, you’ll begin to push the greens underwater with your hands and bring them back up.

Then you’ll roll the greens around in the water with your hands. When you think you’ve gotten the dirt off, put the greens in the sink next to it, fill with fresh water, and repeat the process while the first sink drains.

Next, you’ll clean the first sink out, and fill it with cold water to toss the greens back into it. You’ll repeat the process of washing the greens in the cold water over and over until the water finally comes out pretty well clear. The idea is to remove all of the dirt and bugs because you don’t want to eat them.

Then you’ll lay the turnip greens out on towels and pat them dry. You can leave them on the counter to air dry for a little bit while you begin to process turnips.

However, if you are not processing your vegetables on the same day, then you can leave the turnips sitting out on the counter. Be sure to place the turnip greens in the fridge so they don’t begin to wilt.

4. Take Care of the Turnips

You have multiple ways to store your turnips. The first way is the method I usually used when I preserved them for my mother-in-law.

First, I would cook the turnips down until they were soft and mushy. They kind of resembled whipped potatoes.

Then I would give them to her to eat with a meal. Whatever she didn’t eat, I would bag up and store them in a freezer bag. That way they could be easily frozen and used for about 3 months after initially frozen.

However, keep in mind, that you want to store them in proper amounts that you would want to eat them in.

Because once they are thawed, they cannot be refrozen for food safety reasons.

You may want to consider freezing them in containers to make dividing them out into serving portions a little easier.

Once frozen, you simply set them out to thaw before reheating and then serving them as part of a meal again.

The second method you can use to store turnips is like you would any other root vegetable. For this method, you didn’t really even have to wipe the dirt off of the turnips, but some people like to put away cleaner food.

Anyway, you can either wrap the turnips in newspaper or layer the wooden box they are stored in with shredded paper, straw, or sawdust.

Then you layer the turnips in the box. I recommend wooden because they hold up better to the elements, and they don’t attract as many pests to your produce. Whatever box you use, you have to make sure that your turnips are not directly touching skin to skin because this will cause rot.

So the name of the game is to separate your harvest as best as possible, then store. You’ll have to keep them in a dark, cool, dry location so nothing spoils. If you store them like this, then you can pull them out and prepare them fresh just as you would the day you pulled them out of your garden.

5. Process Your Greens

After you have processed your turnips, it is now time to process your greens. You’ll have to remove any stems from the turnip greens. You just want the tender leaves.

Once they have been removed, it is time to cook your greens. I will put greens in a large stockpot. You’ll add plenty of water to the stockpot, but don’t be overwhelmed if it feels like your greens are taking over. They will shrink as they cook down.

Then let the greens boil for about 10-15 minutes. This is called parboiling. When they have gone through this boiling process, pour off that water, and add fresh. You do this to take the bitter flavor out of the greens. If you don’t like greens, the bitterness is probably why and parboiling will fix it.

Next, you’ll bring the greens to a boil again and allow them to cook until they are soft and tender. This usually takes about an hour or two. Your time may vary depending upon how many greens you are cooking at a time.

However, I will mention, I like my greens to have flavor. Therefore, I add healthy amounts of bacon grease, dried onion powder, salt, pepper, and crushed red pepper flakes. I might even add a splash or two of apple cider vinegar if I’m feeling froggy.

Keep in mind that you can change the flavor profile of your greens by what you are adding to them. Don’t be afraid to spice them up!

Once you’ve got your greens all cooked, you can serve them up to enjoy with a meal. Still, if you have leftovers, feel free to can them. I do every year and enjoy them all year long. That way I can skip all of the boiling when I need a delicious side dish in a hurry.

Instead, I open a can, heat them, and enjoy fresh, flavorful greens anytime I want. Remember, you can freeze turnip greens as well.

Turnip Greens Recipes

Until I was a married woman, I had never tried turnips or turnip greens. We didn’t eat them much growing up.

I realize there are people out there that don’t know how to fix turnips or turnip greens to where they can actually enjoy them. That is why I wanted to share some of the internet’s best recipes with you on how to prepare them. That way you’d have a solid recipe to turn to when trying to utilize your harvest.

1. Turnip Au Gratin

5 Simple Steps to Harvesting Turnip Greens (and 5 Recipes to Try) (2)

I told you early on in this article I was not a fan of turnips. Now that I’ve discovered this recipe I do believe I may have to give it a try.

Hopefully, it will make me retract my statement. If you are feeling uncertain about turnips, then check this recipe out.

Try this turnip recipe

2. Roasted Turnips with Balsamic Vinegar and Thyme

5 Simple Steps to Harvesting Turnip Greens (and 5 Recipes to Try) (3)

This is another recipe for turnips that is sure to pack a flavorful punch. It not only has the strong flavor of the turnip, but it has an even stronger flavor profile of balsamic vinegar and thyme.

If you like bold flavors, then you’ll check out this recipe.

Try this turnip recipe

3. Southern Turnip Greens

5 Simple Steps to Harvesting Turnip Greens (and 5 Recipes to Try) (4)

It was a recipe similar to this one that absolutely turned me on to turnip greens. I love the flavors of the south with the pork, onions, and so many other spices included.

If you like comfort food and are looking for agreat way to enjoy your turnip greens, then you must try this recipe.

Try this turnip recipe

4. Creamed Turnip Greens

5 Simple Steps to Harvesting Turnip Greens (and 5 Recipes to Try) (5)

I’ll be the first to admit it. If you cream anything before serving it to me, I’ll probably eat it. The flavors are so delicious in a creamed dish.

When I saw this recipe for creamed kale (which you can sub turnip greens in kale’s place), I knew it was a winner. If you love creamed veggies too, then you’ll have to check it out.

Try this turnip recipe

Well, you now know how to harvest both your turnips and your greens. You also know how you can preserve and store them for later use.

Also, you have 4 fantastic recipes that will help you to utilize your harvest in a delicious way.

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5 Simple Steps to Harvesting Turnip Greens (and 5 Recipes to Try) (2024)


How do you harvest turnips and greens? ›

Turnips are ready to harvest 40 to 55 days after planting. If harvesting the leaves, they are ready when they reach 4-6 inches in height. If only harvesting the leaves, cut them from the plant when they reach the desired size, leaving 1 inch of leaves above the crown of the plant. More leaves will grow in their place.

What do turnips look like when ready to harvest? ›

The main harvesting seasons are as follows: Early turnips: harvest from May to September when the size of a golf ball for eating raw, or the size of a tennis ball for cooking. Maincrop turnips: harvest from mid-October onwards, when the size of a golf ball. Turnip tops: harvest the leaves from spring onwards.

How do you harvest seven top turnip greens? ›

Harvest by gently pulling out by the bottoms of the greens. Turnips are great in their raw state - munched whole, sliced or grated in salads, or steamed and dressed with butter. Turnip greens are delicious too! Average seed life: 4 years.

Do you soak turnip greens before cooking? ›

To remove all traces of dirt and grit, submerge turnip greens in cold water and swish them around. Drain and repeat one or two more times until the leaves are clean. (Wait to wash the greens until you're ready to use them.)

How do you cut the bitterness out of turnip greens? ›

Salt is one of my favorite ways to cut the bitterness in turnip greens. I then add about 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda to the broth and simmer for the last 20 minutes. Works like a charm! If you're vegan, use a good vegetable broth like Better Than Bouillon and a bit of smoked salt for fantastic flavor.

What does baking soda do to turnip greens? ›

Wash greens and roots well. Some suggest soaking the greens in a little salty water. One turnip website from the United Kingdom notes that if you boil them, add a little sugar to tame the scent and add baking soda to reduce bitterness.

Do you need to blanch turnip greens? ›

If greens are not blanched properly, they will lose their fresh flavor quickly in frozen storage. Steam blanching of greens is not recommended as the leaves mat together and do not blanch properly.

What to do after harvesting turnips? ›

Using a vegetable brush and running water, remove all soil from turnips. Turnips can be stored two weeks in refrigerator or 8 to 10 months in freezer. To prevent cross-contamination, keep turnips away from raw meat and meat juices. Wash hands before and after handling fresh produce.

What happens if you don't peel turnips? ›

It's not essential to peel turnips before cooking. If this skin appears to be thin enough you can leave it on and cook as is. However if the skin feels thick and leathery, you can peel it off with a sharp knife or vegetable peeler. Both the roots and leaves, also known as turnip greens, are safe to eat.

What is the best month to plant turnips? ›

Plant turnips beginning April 15 for a spring crop, and again August 1 for a fall crop. Rutabagas require a longer growing season, but need to mature in cool weather, so you should plant them from late May to early June for a fall crop.

How do you harvest turnip seeds? ›

How to Save Turnip (Brassica rapa) Seeds. In the second year when seed pods (siliques) are dry and turn from green to tan. Seeds will be reddish or dark brown. Cut stalks with seed pods over a container or drop cloth to catch any seeds that are released.

Can you eat the greens from turnips? ›

Turnip greens are part of the cruciferous vegetable family, as are kale and broccoli. They are high in nutrients, such as vitamin K, vitamin A, and calcium, and low in calories. Both the root and the leaves of the turnip are edible, but turnip greens refer specifically to the stem and leafy green part of the plant.

How long will turnip greens keep after picking? ›

Tender greens like lettuce, spring mix, spinach, and arugula can last up to a week. Hardier greens like radish greens, beet greens, and swiss chard will last a bit longer. Really hardy greens like parsley, kale, turnip greens, and collard greens will last 1-2 weeks.

What happens if you leave turnips in the ground? ›

Simply leaving them on the floor won't speed up the degradation process either, the only time your turnips will rot is the following Sunday. Since you can't sell turnips on Sundays, you'll have six whole days to decide on when you sell for the biggest return.

What time of year do you harvest turnip greens? ›

Turnips are biennial plants that require winter chill to produce flowers and seeds. As a root crop, the plants become bitter when left in the ground during hot periods. Greens can be grown at any time in spring or fall as long as the soil is warm enough for germination. The leaves are tastiest when harvested young.


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