Anniversary Love Poems: Keep the romance going! (2024)


Free anniversary love poems, wishes, messages, verses. Original, high quality anniversary poetry to touch the heart of your beloved.

Every Year

Every year that I'm with you
Has been better than before;
It's hard for me to even think
How I could love you more.

Every year you've graced my life
Has been full of happiness;
I love your caring face, your voice,
Your tender, sweet caress.

Every year when this day comes,
I'm filled with love and pleasure;
Happy Anniversary, Love,
My joy, my delight, my treasure.

By Joanna Fuchs

This anniversary message speaks to years and years of love.

More Time, More Love

Our (number of years) anniversary, Love,
Brings feelings of delight,
Thoughts of pleasure that you give me
Every day and every night.

I’m grateful for each day and hour;
I thank the Lord above
For giving me the precious gift:
Of your deep, enduring love.

As our lives go on and on,
One thing is always true:
To the very end, I’ll always wish
For more time, more love with you.

By Joanna Fuchs

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This romantic anniversary poem wishes for more time together.

Anniversary Love Poems: Keep the romance going! (1)

If I Could Go Back In Time

If I could go back in time today,
Way before we met,
I'd search and find you right away
To form our loving duet.

Far, far back, I'd go for you,
To marry you much sooner;
We'd tie the knot, and you would be
My amorous honeymooner.

I love our anniversary now;
I'm happier every year;
I just wish there'd been more time
For me to love you, Dear.

By Joanna Fuchs

Here's an anniversary love poem from wife to husband.


I still put on makeup
and pretty clothes and jewelry for you,
my wonderful husband.
Every anniversary reminds me
how our love was deep then, is richer now,
and will always be the best thing ever.
So many years gone,
yet the thrill is still there,
when I look at you
and think, “He’s mine.”
Happy Anniversary, Sweetheart,
to the man who showed me
the true meaning of the word “bliss.”

By Joanna Fuchs

This anniversary love poem tells of constant, consistent love through the years.

Our Love Still Grows

Our anniversary means a lot,
Much more than any other day;
I celebrate my love for you,
And cherish you in every way.

Through passing time, our love still grows,
A caring relationship to explore;
Our life together gets better and better,
And I keep on loving you more and more.

By Joanna and Karl Fuchs

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Here's an anniversary love poem from husband to wife.

Happy Feelings Anniversary

It seems I've loved you all my life,
My sweet, adorable, lovable wife.
You create happy feelings deep down in my soul,
Like eating wonderful treats from a limitless bowl.

It's really amazing, just being with you
We're lovers and partners in all that we do.
Your love warms my heart like the rays of the sun;
Happy anniversary to my own special one.

By Joanna Fuchs

See all three pages of our
anniversary poems:

This page of anniversary love poems for greeting cardsGeneral purposeAnniversary Poems

50th Anniversary Poems

There are also love poems on the following pages:

birthday love poems

love poems

Short Love Poems

Valentine love poems

Here's an anniversary love poem describing a long-term relationship that is not only still happy, but keeps getting better and better.

Each Year I Fall In Love Again With You

When I first met you all those years ago,
I fell in love so fast, I knew right then,
You were the one and only one for me;
I'd never have to look for love again.

Each anniversary finds us happier;
You are my light--my moon, my star, my sun.
You show me what real love is all about,
You fill my life with pleasure, joy and fun.

As time goes by, our love grows stronger still.
You're the most amazing (man/woman) I ever knew.
I prize our anniversaries because
Each year I fall in love again with you.

By Joanna Fuchs

You can customize our anniversary love poems to your personal taste. In the following anniversary love message, if you don’t want to mention "tears," substitute another word, like "fun," for example. If you don't want to use "ecstasy," you might use "security" or "serenity." Customize it to make this anniversary poem your own!

Deeply, Madly

Our wedding anniversary brings to mind
The happiness and joy you’ve brought to me,
Sweet memories--the laughter and the tears,
Devoted love you give abundantly.

The place I want to be is close to you;
There’s ecstasy and peace in your embrace.
I know that I can cope with what life brings,
As long as I wake up to see your face.

You’re all I ever wanted, and much more.
I look at you and I still get a thrill.
Our marriage is the best thing in my life;
I love you deeply, madly, and I always will.

By Joanna Fuchs

Anniversary love poems sometimes use metaphors and words that appeal to the five senses. This anniversary love note is like that.

The Lake

The beauty of the lake is always changing,
With the light, the weather and the season.
Yet each change holds a splendor all its own,
Each viewing precious for its own reason.

In sunshine, golden stars dance across the water.
Moonlight shines a beacon in the peaceful night.
The wind causes whitecaps to erupt and roll,
While calm brings assorted reflections of light.

The water has a new costume each day,
Perhaps gray or green, aqua or blue.
Though each view is different, the lake is the lake,
Lovely in its every color, mood and hue.

My thoughts of the lake remind me of you,
My wonderful, loving partner in life.
Through sunny days and stormy times,
We've stayed together as husband and wife.

Your love is my beacon, my star and my light;
All your colors and moods are precious to me.
You make every day an enchanting delight,
And I'll love you for all eternity.

Happy anniversary, sweetheart.
With you at my side, every experience is beautiful!

By Joanna and Karl Fuchs

There is demand for short anniversary love poems, so I wrote one.

Anniversary Glow

My own sweetheart,
My darling love,
You’re like an angel
From heaven above.

Our anniversary
Has a special glow,
Because you’re mine,
And I love you so!

By Joanna Fuchs

Author's Choice

This anniversary love poem shows strong, solid love that is also passionate. It's also a marriage love poem.

Anniversary Love Sonnet

You’ve always been the one I counted on,
Through joy and sorrow, laughter, and some tears;
You keep me grounded; you’re my steady rock;
You’re there for me through days and months and years.

Your sweet devotion never, ever fails,
No matter what I say or what I do.
Sometimes I wonder what I ever did
To deserve someone as wonderful as you.

I love you with a love I can’t control;
I always want to be right by your side.
I want to touch you, kiss you and much more;
My passion for you cannot be denied.

Together we are satisfied and blessed;
Our marriage is the very, very best.

By Joanna Fuchs

Anniversary Love Poems: Keep the romance going! (2)

This anniversary love poem speculates about the absence of one spouse.

What If…

What if there had been no you?
An empty life, boring and blue.
When you appeared, to bring me bliss,
We were one, from the very first kiss.

Gone are emptiness, blues and fears.
Now happiness, for days, months, years.

Happy Anniversary, Sweetheart!

By Joanna Fuchs

This anniversary love poem, in free verse, says that true love lasts.

So Much Time, So Much Love

So much time has passed, my love,
since we met and married,
so much love each hour, day and minute.
Passion, yes, and also
tender looks, casual caresses, fond words
filling my memories with pleasure forever.
With you, sweetheart, every year,
every anniversary, is the best one yet.

By Joanna Fuchs

I wish every marriage could be as loving as the one this anniversary love poem describes. Karl wrote this for Joanna.

Everything Dear to Me

When I look up and see you, my love,
My whole world is filled with pleasure.
Through all the years we've shared, my love,
You've been my greatest treasure.

The sun shines brighter when you're near;
The air seems fresher too.
Everything that's dear to me,
Seems perfect, because of you.

The years go by, it's anniversary time,
My love for you keeps growing.
The pleasure it brings to be by your side,
Holding hands, makes me feel like I'm glowing.

So my love, on this special day,
Please believe what goes on in my heart.
Know that it's true; I really love you!
And I've loved you this way from the start.

By Karl Fuchs

Here's a short anniversary love poem to fit nicely in a card.

Blissful View

I remember the day we wed.
I was ecstatic to make you mine.
I visualized our life ahead.
The view had a blissful shine.

Today our anniversary finds
Me loving you more today.
Each new day and month and year
Brings me joy more than I can say.

By Joanna Fuchs

Anniversary love poems sometimes reveal things about the couple they are written for. This anniversary love message, which is also a marriage love poem, is probably for a couple who has been together quite awhile.

So Many Pleasures

When I was young, I couldn’t think
What it would be like to be older.
How could I know it would bring such joy
Just to cuddle my head on your shoulder.

So many things bring happiness now,
Like a rub on the back or a smile,
And my feelings for you are stronger today
Than they were when you walked down the aisle.

When I was young, my fondest wish
Was a marriage that could be this good.
Where we’d work through pain to laugh again
As loving partners should.

As the days drift by we’re settling in,
To a life that’s rich and rewarding.
Just sharing with you is a dream come true;
You’re a pleasure well worth hoarding!

I’m happy with you; to me you just shine,
And I’m blessed and thankful that you are mine.

By Joanna and Karl Fuchs

Anniversary love poems do not always rhyme. Here's an anniversary love message that is a prose poem (nonrhyming), suitable for a wedding anniversary poem or a marriage poem. Note that you can change the title. If you don't like the phrase, "Dear One," use something you do like.

Dear OneDear one...that's what you are to me.
Years ago when we met, I fell in love with you.
Nothing has changed;
On every anniversary, I realize
I love you still...more than ever.
When you're not near me, I feel an emptiness
that I can't seem to fill.
When you are near, I feel complete.
I cherish your love and companionship
and always hope to please you.
I always wish for your happiness,
for I love to see the sparkle in your eyes.
I never imagined that someone could be
as important as you are to me.
Please stay near
and love me as I love you.

By Joanna and Karl Fuchs

More anniversary love poems

Anniversary love poems can also be used as marriage love poems. This anniversary love verse can be used that way...

As Time Goes By

We are older now but better by far
Who knows how good it can be
Our love still grows like a plant in the sun
Or a wave rising up from the sea.

We laughed before, but we laugh more now.
Life is more fun so it seems.
Days are sunnier, the moon shines brighter;
Our life is the stuff of dreams.

We shared in the past, but today we share more.
There’s a warmth that keeps growing inside.
We loved when we met; it was powerful then,
Yet now our love’s strong as the tide.

You’re the best, dearest thing to come into my life,
Like an angel from out of the sky.
And I know one thing sure: You’ll be dearer still,
As time goes by.

By Joanna and Karl Fuchs

We try to write anniversary love poems that can be used in a number of different ways. This anniversary greeting could be a general anniversary love poem or a free 50th wedding anniversary love poem or a 25th anniversary love poem, or you can insert whatever number of years you want. You can also substitute your own preferred endearment for the word "dear" in the first line of this anniversary love poem. Or, it could be a marriage love poem.

Perfect Partner

All those years ago, my dear,
You made my world complete;
You became my perfect partner in life,
And you've been a world-class treat!

We've loved and worked and made a home
That fills me with pleasure and pride,
And it's all because of the wonderful one
Who has lived through the years by my side.

Thank you my treasured and cherished love;
You've made my dreams come true.
Your loving and caring have made our marriage
A blissful adventure for two!


By Joanna and Karl Fuchs

This anniversary love poem could also serve as a marriage poem. It's marriage love poetry that says you're perfect for each other!

Perfect Pairing

Dear one, for me we are the perfect pairing;
Every thought of you is filled with all my caring.
You’re the real live answer to my fondest dreaming,
A perfect partner for a perfect teaming.

Each year I realize that it’s all true;
I have the one I searched for, and it's you.
I’m lucky that I have you as my mate;
It's our anniversary; time to celebrate!

By Joanna and Karl Fuchs

Here's an anniversary love poem with a lighter tone.

Perfect Mate

After many years of trying
To be the perfect mate,
You still keep up the effort,
And that's why you're so great.

My love for you keeps growing,
With each year that goes past;
The enjoyable times I spend with you
Are really quite a blast!

By Joanna and Karl Fuchs

This anniversary love poem in free verse fixes on the stability of married love.


Time moves on. Seasons change.
Sometimes it's hot, sometimes it's not;
The wind blows hard and then there's calm.
All around us is instability, chaos.
Yet, always, I have a feeling in my heart
That only gets stronger through the years.
You are my love.
It's great sharing life with you.
Happy Anniversary!

By Karl and Joanna Fuchs

Some marriages keep their thrills for a long time, maybe forever, as this anniversary love poem implies.

Fulfilling Marriage

As the years go by, and they just fly,
I give thanks to the Lord above
For you, my adorable, wonderful wife;
Our anniversary fills me with love.

Each day by your side is a blessing.
Each year is worth more than gold.
Your hugs and kisses are thrilling;
They still warm me when I am cold.

I think of you day and night.
I try to please you, as you please me.
Our marriage is so fulfilling, so right;
I’ll love you eternally.

By Joanna and Karl Fuchs

Those who are married and still deeply in love, even after a long time together, will understand this anniversary love poem in free verse, in the form of an anniversary prayer.

An Anniversary Prayer for My Love

Dear Lord, I thank you
from the deep center of my soul
for the amazing, wonderful husband/wife
You have given me.
This gift from You blesses me
with joy, peace and fulfillment,
every minute, every hour, every day.
Lord, please keep him/her safe, blessed,
and let us be together eternally.

By Joanna Fuchs

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More Anniversary Poems

See all three pages of our anniversary poems:

This page of anniversary love poems for greeting cardsGeneral purposeAnniversary Poems

50th Anniversary Poems

There are also love poems on the following pages:

birthday love poems

love poems

Short Love Poems

Valentine love poems

There are more than 1,000 poems at this site.

Always remember to check out our SITE MAP
to access all of our greeting card poems.

Thanks for reading our anniversary love poems! These free anniversary love poems are free for use on personal greeting cards, provided that the author's name and our Web site address,, appear somewhere on the card. All other uses require written permission. See our Terms of Use for details.

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Anniversary Love Poems: Keep the romance going! (2024)


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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

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Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.