Disco Elysium: Early Game Walkthrough (2024)

Welcome to the ‘Disco Elysium: Early Game Walkthrough’ guide for gamers looking to maximize their experience gains during the first 3 days of play. This guide will provide step-by-step instructions to help you obtain the Art Cop, Wompty Dompty, and Jamais Vu, along with 7 other useful thoughts for a successful playthrough. You will also gain access to all political ideologies and cop-o-types (except for Boring Cop), complete all tasks that can only be done on day 1, and acquire an outfit that grants the maximum skill bonus. So if you’re ready to commit to this strict guide, read on to level up all your skills and succeed in challenging passive checks. Let’s get started!


So, there are a bunch of guides out there that tell you how to get Wompty Dompty, Jamais Vu, and Art Cop thoughts, but the walkthoughs they give are severely lacking. If you just avoid doing anything until you get all three thoughts, you will miss out on early game content.

Moreover, it’s simply not efficient. Everyone deserves to be able to play the game their own way the first time, but everyone will eventually want to experience the most amount of content they can get afterwards.

While I would not recommend being guided every step of the way, I do think that it is helpful to follow a walkthrough for at least the first 3 days.

Given that the majority of passive checks succeed when a skill is at 4, I think the minimum goals should be getting every skill to that level. There are also other thoughts that are extremely helpful, beyond just the three xp generating ones. Then there is clothing. You want an outfit that gives the maximum benefit to skills.

I made a guide on clothing/thoughts if you want to understand the details, but by the end of this walkthrough, you should have 9 thoughts chosen, an outfit that gives the maximum bonus, every skill at 4+ (Conceptualization/Encyclopedia at 8), along with all the the tasks/conversations done that are no longer available after day 1.

The first thing you need to do is starting the game. Since the goal is to get to 4 points using the minimum amount of xp, you should put every skill at 3 points. For your initial skill, I would recommend Inland Empire.

Why Inland Empire?

If you start the game with this skill at level 4, your horrific necktie will be able to talk to you. Many people enjoy having the necktie as a compantion, and it is the only content in the early game that you are complearly locked out from unless you have Inland Empire at level 4.

To be honest, however, I don’t consider Inland Empire to be the best choice, since it’s suboptimal from the point of view of raising all stats to 4 as soon as possible. The necktie is simply an inferior stat boost when compared to drama.

If you don’t care about the necktie, however, other good choices are Rhetoric (to raise the cap for INT skills), Rapid reaction (to raise the cap for MOT skills), or Half Light (to raise the cap for FYS skills).

These three skills fit the most seamlessly with this walkthrough, as they are raised to 4 points fairly early on. When a skill it not where the walkthrough assumes it should be, then some new options will show up, which can mess up the listed replies, so it’s best to minimize that.

thinking about which skill reveals the most game content when raised to level 4, there is only one choice.

Game Start

NEW GAME>> Select Archetype -> Choose “Create your own” -> Abilities: 3 points (all) -> When setting your signature skill, choose Inland Empire.

When the game starts, you will have 3 thought cabinets, and 1 skill point.


  1. BEGIN GAME >> 2-(Simply keep) -> 2-Gimme some -> 2-How about? -> 2-I want -> 2-I do -> 2-Tell me -> 1-How big? -> 2-How small? -> 3-And this -> 1-That’s sad -> END; quicksave
    • Note: To quicksave game, hit F5. You should constantly quicksave while playing. There are many times when you will be told to leave a dialogue in order to quicksave, and then do a check, but the general rule should be to quicksave whenever you are about to do something.
  2. Search: Ceiling Fan >> 2-Pull on fan -> Savoir Faire whitecheck: 92% (success) -> [Leave]
    • Note: It is not always better to succeed with white/redchecks. Whenever you have to do an active check, be sure to get the stated result (success or fail) by savescumming.
  3. Get flair-cut pants.
  4. Think: Pereception -Yellow Orb (get door key) >> END.
  5. Open door (allows you to walk normally). Get empty casette tape. Get shoe, shirt, and jacket.
  6. Unequip the white satin shirt (+1 concept / -1 suggest). Go to balcony and get second shoe.
    • Note: Do NOT click on the yellow orb that appears around your head after getting both shoes. It contains a passive conceptualization check. I know it’s annoying, but please deal with it until you become an art cop. It’s assumed you have 10 composure. Moving to new areas (that need loading screens) generally gets rid of the orb.
  7. Note: Don’t click ANY orb unless told otherwise. Once Jamais Vu is internalized, each orb will be worth 1xp. There are hundreds of orbs.
  8. Talk: Klaasje >> 1-“Officer?”-> 2-“Then why?” -> 3-“♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ right!” -> 2-“Good” -> 1-“I’m fine” -> 2-“What kind?” -> Suggestion Redcheck 42% (success) -> 2-“Before you go” -> 3-“Your room” -> 1-“Loud disco?” -> 2-“It mostly” -> 1-“Was I singing?” (5xp; requires empty tape) -> 1-“What else?” -> 1-“I’m sorry” (1/4 sorrycop?) -> 1-“Are you sure?” -> 1-“Was there” -> [Leave]
  9. Click on the green orb above the ashtray (redo if it doesn’t appear). Creates a red orb around head that you must click (reminder: Do NOT click yellow orb).
  10. Think: Electrochemistry -red orb >> 2-Am I? -> 5-Well… -> END
  11. Talk: Kim >> 2-Shake his hand -> Conceptualization redcheck: 42% (fail) -> 3-“It’s very, very” -> 3-“There must” -> 1-“Yes, police” -> 4-“I haven’t” -> 4-“No” -> 2-“How can you?” -> 2-“You said” -> 1-“It was not” -> 3-“But I can’t” -> [Leave]
    • Note: I have found no evidence that success gives any benefit. Really doesn’t matter either way, but the dialogues change a bit so may as well just fail so you don’t get confused.
  12. Talk: The Gardener >> 2-“I have some” ->3-[Leave] -> 1-“One more” (gain gloves) -> END
  13. Equip gloves (+1 interfacing).
  14. Search: Coupris Kineema >> 1-Open door -> 2-Pull out -> 2-Take rubber -> 3-Push in -> [Leave]
  15. Equip chaincutters (some boxes can’t be opened without chaincutters/prybar).
  16. Take/Equip, the white tank top (+1 physical instrument).
  17. Take/Equip, blue naval coat (+1 suggest, -1 half light).
  18. Take yellow plastic bag (required to collect bottles).
  19. Talk: Bird’s Nest Roy >> 1-“Sorry” (2/4 sorry cop)-> 3-“Honestly” (1/4 art cop) -> [Leave]
  20. Talk: Smoker on the Balcony >> 2-“No trouble” -> 1-“Actually” -> 2-“Looks like” -> 3-“I’m pretty sure” (5xp) -> 3-[Leave] -> Suggestion redcheck: 72% (success) -> 1-“So we just?” -> [Leave]
  21. Search: stone >> 1-Turn it (5xp; gain key) ->[Leave]
  22. Enter apartment. Get everything inside, including some money and a bottle of alcohol.
  23. Take/Equip, flip-up Glasses (+1 logic, -1 authority).
  24. Search: padlocked door >> 2-Examine padlock -> 2-Refrain -> Interfacing whitecheck: 72% (success) -> END
  25. Enter apartment. Get, DON’T equip, lounge jacket (+1 conceptualization). Don’t click on the bust.
    • Note: While searching for items, you may accedently click on something that gives dialogue, like the bust, or the locked (not padlocked), door. Whenever that happens, immediately [leave].
  26. Go up the left side balcony.
  27. Talk: Cindy The Skull >> 2-“Don’t use” (1/4 law cop?) -> 2-“What are you?” -> 3-(Proceed) -> 1-“I love!” (2/4 art cop) -> 4-“Is that?” -> 3-“That’s some clever” (3/4 artcop) -> [Leave]
  28. Make sure to check the area. Get (don’t equip) the labourer jeans.
  29. Equip the satin shirt, and the saramirizain jacket (conceptualization should be 5).
  30. Talk: Annette >> 2-“I am” (2/4 lawcop) -> 1-“What kind?” -> 1-“What… book?” -> 2-“What’s a postcard?” -> 3-“What’s a… game?” -> 4-“Interesting” (5xp) -> 2-“Is it okay?” -> 2-“What… buisness?” -> 3-“Okay” -> 1-“Huh” -> 2-“You know” (4/4 artcop; 5xp) -> [Leave]
  31. Think: Conceptualization -Blue orb >> 1-It does -> 1-Hold on -> 2- I guess -> 2-Okay (OPT IN) -> END
  32. Equip white tank top, and disco blazer.
  33. Internalize Actual Art Degree.
    1. Total xp: 25
    2. Skills+0=1: N/A
    3. Thoughts+0=0 (1/3): Actual Art Degree
    4. Total Money: $10+ (Exact number is randomized but the range is around $10 to $15)
    5. Time: 9:12 am (day 1)


  1. Talk: Rene Arnoux >> 2-Alright -> Hand/Eye redcheck: 83% (sucess) -> 3-(continue) -> 1-“Not a weak” -> 1-“I’m sorry” (3/4 sorry cop) -> 4-“I thought” -> 1-(Accept task) -> [Leave] *Art Cop: 5%*
  2. Search: box of Sunglasses (near Siileng) >> 1-Try shades -> 2-“You’re right” -> 2-Rummage -> [Leave; quicksave]
  3. Search: box >> Conceptulization whitecheck: 17% (fail) -> 1-(Turn to) -> 5-[cost: $6.00] Amphibian Sports Visor -> [Leave]
  4. Equip frog sports visor. It’s a great hat that you’d be fine with wearing for the rest of the game. *Art Cop: 12%*
  5. Talk: Siileng >> 1-“What’s so?” -> 1-“Really?” -> 1-“What kind?” -> 1-“Where’d… pants?” -> 2-“Do you have?” -> 1-“Kim?” -> 1-“Wait, but what?” -> 1-“A Gossamer?” (1/4 ultraliberal) -> 3-“Is there?” -> 1-“Are those?” -> 4-“That’s all” -> [Leave; quicksave]
  6. Talk: Siileng >> Rhetoric whitecheck: 28% (success) -> 1-“It’s an investment” -> 2-“Ten real” (+$10.00) -> [Leave] *Art Cop 23%*
  7. Search: Coupris Kineema >> 2-Pull out -> 1-Take red -> 1-Take hand -> 3-Run your fingers -> 4-Tap on fuel -> 5-“Kim, what?” -> 1-What is this? -> 2-“Can we?” -> 3-“This must” (5xp) -> 4-“Do all policemen?” -> 1-“What’s TipTop?” -> 5-Look around -> [Leave] *Art Cop: 33%*
  8. Talk: Lena >> 1-“Who’s sweetie?” -> 1-“I’m no sweetie” -> 2-“Dimple or not” (8+ concept check lost)” -> 3-“I don’t know” -> 1-“I drank” -> 1-“The Whirling-in-Rags?” -> 1-“In… Revachol?” (return for a 4+ concept check) -> 1-“Mhm, okay” -> 1-“Sure” -> 3-“It’s a bad year” -> 6-“Cop” -> 1-“Some kind?” (1/4 moralist?) -> 1-“If there’s no” -> 1-“So?” -> 2-“What is?” -> 2-“But I’m” -> 3-(conclude) -> [Leave] *Art Cop: 48%*
  9. Search: the hanged man >> 1-Look down -> 1-“God…” -> Endurance whitecheck: 8% (fail) -> 2-Let it out -> 2-“God” -> 1-“Thanks” -> 1-“You think ammonia?” -> 2-“But not you?” -> 3-“Okay — where?” -> [Leave] *Art Cop: 55%*
  10. Talk: the gardener >> 1-“My partner” (gain ammonia) -> [Leave]
  11. Talk: Racist Lorry Driver >> [Leave] (sets up a chain to get 5xp later on)
  12. Talk: Call me Manana >> 1-“What exactly?” -> 1-“Hold on?” -> 1-(Nod) -> 3-“I’m not scab” (3/4 lawcop?) -> [Leave] *Art Cop: 61%*
  13. Talk: MeasureHead >> 1-Say nothing -> 1-Puff out -> 2-“What do you?” -> 1-“Wait, uhm… -> 1-“Do you… alcohol?” (5xp) -> 2-“This has nothing” -> 2-(Smell your breath) -> 4-“I don’t” -> 1-“First” -> 2- “I am” -> 2-Push him -> [Leave] *Art Cop: 74%*
  14. Talk: Measurehead >> 1-“You serve?” -> 1-“Yeah but you” -> 3-“Individualism” (2/4 ultraliberal) -> 1-“I have gotten” -> 1-“Okay, I’ll ask –” -> 2-“So… you did *not*?” -> 2-“Cool” (+1 whitecheck; return for a 4+ concept check)-> 2-“Kim?” -> 1-“How do you know?” -> 3-“What?” -> 1-“You *sure*?” -> 1-“What else?” (5xp) -> [Leave] *Art Cop: 83%*
  15. Equip white satin shirt, and lounge jacket. Conceptualization: 5.
  16. Talk: Measurehead >> Conceptualization whitecheck: 92% (success) -> 1-“Measurehead” -> 2-(Whisper) -> 1-“Type A” -> 1-“Wait — Who?” -> 1-“And sem*nese” -> 2-“And Areopagites” -> 3-“What’s the difference?” -> 2-“Type B” -> 1-“I’m pretty sure” -> 2-“That Revolution” (1/4 facist) -> 3-“The vile C-F” -> 1-“Chimeric experiments?” -> 1-“Maybe I have” -> 1-“Yes” -> 4-“Now that” (internalize thought) -> 1-“Will you let me?” -> 2-(Accept) (get thought)-> 4-“Let’s discuss” -> [Leave] *Art Cop: 100%*
  17. Click on the white orb (avoid the yellow). You are now an art cop.
  18. Begin to internalize Advanced Race theory.
  19. Part 2 FINISHED
    • Total xp: 40.
    • Skills+0=1: N/A
    • Thoughts+0=0 (2/3): Advanced Race Theory
    • Total Money-$6: $15+
    • Time: 10:44 am (day 1)


  1. You may now click on that annoying yellow orb I told you not to click.
  2. Think: Composure -yellow orb >> (10+10xp) -> 1-Wait -> END
  3. Talk: MeasureHead >> 1-“You serve?” -> 1-“Yeah but you?” -> 4-“My jam” (1/4 moralist?) -> 3-“Youth culture” -> 2-“I don’t really” -> 1-“So, you *did*?” -> 2-“Cool” (10xp) -> [Leave] *Race 2%*
  4. Talk: Lena >> 3-“I don’t know” -> 2-“I hope” -> 2-“We’re in Revachol” -> 2-“Honestly, I don’t” (10xp) -> 3-“All I know (1/4 apocolypse cop?)” -> 4-“We are governed ” (3/4 ultraliberal) -> 2-“I don’t even” -> 3-(Conclude)-> [Leave] *6% Race*
  5. Equip prybar.
  6. Search: trash container >> 1-Why am I? -> 1-“Lieutenant?” -> 1-“Yes, I *feel*” -> 1-“It’s extrasensory” -> 1-“What is Remote?” (leads to RVD thought) -> 2-“What kind?” -> 1-“I’m so dissapointed” -> 2-“How get lock?” -> 2-“No *or*” -> [Leave; quicksave]
  7. Search: trash container >> Physical instrument whitecheck: 8% (fail) -> 1-“The ♥♥♥♥” -> 2- Kick (-1 hp; 1/3 anti-object) -> 3-Hang -> 4-“That’s it” -> [Leave] *Race 12%*
  8. Search: Water Lock Control Panel >> 1-Pull -> 2-Release -> [Leave]
  9. Talk: Man on Water Lock >> 1-“First thing” -> 2-“Do you know?” -> 2-“Do you know?” -> 3-“Can I have some?” (+1 hp) -> [Leave] *Race 19%*
  10. Talk: Garte >> 1-“The harbringer” -> 2-“The gloaming” -> 1-“I have been” -> 1-“Right then” -> 1-“Who killed him?”-> 1-“Did you?” -> 2-“Why did Sylvie?” -> 1-“She pertains” (5xp)-> 1-“Mystery solved!” -> 3-“Everything has” -> 3-“Are you?” -> 1-“What’s the difference?” -> 4-“That’s all” (30xp; tie talks) -> 1-“What’s real?” -> 2-“Oh, I understand” -> 1-Did I? -> 2-Great advice ->
  11. 2-“What do I?” -> 2-“But what exactly?” -> 1-“Actually, I might” -> 1-“Interesting. Where?” -> 2-“Why?” -> 3-(Proceed and show) -> 1-(Count them) -> 1-“One hundred? -> 1-“But that’s horrible” (10xp; Note: This is my favourite line) -> 1-“Darkness rides -> 4-“What happens?” -> 3-“I don’t remember” -> END
  12. Think: Encyclopedia -blue orb>> 1-I really don’t -> 3-Up on Marvel -> 3-“Lieutenant?” -> 1-“Could I trace? (gain thought) -> END
  13. You should have 125xp. Buy +1 Conceptualization.
  14. Total: 25xp. *44% Race*
  15. Talk: Garte >> 1-“Is the trash?” -> 2-No, it doesn’t (4/4 ultraliberal) -> [Leave]
  16. Think: Savoir Faire -yellow orb >> 2-(Discard thought) -> 2-What hard work? -> 3-I’m not sure -> 1-Can’t say -> 2-I guess -> 2-No -> 1-It’s because -> 2-The system -> 3-There’s a market (2/4 facist) -> 5-I don’t know -> 2-Are you sure? -> 3-(Opt out) [10xp] -> 2-You’re trying -> Either OPT IN or OPT OUT *57% Race*
    • Note: Opting in gives access to a political quest on day 4. There are 4 quests, each one corresponding to its respective ideology (that you must have opted into), but only one can be chosen.
  17. Talk: Sleeping Dockworker >> 1-Pick up -> 1-Inspect the piece -> [Leave]; quicksave
  18. Talk: Sleeping Dockworker >> Interfacing redcheck: 72% (success) -> 1-Does the lieutenant? -> 2-Steal (get shift card) -> 2-Swipe ( +5.00$) -> 2- Close the carabiner -> [Leave]
  19. Equip white tank top; quicksave
  20. Talk: Sleeping Dockworker >> Physical instrument whitecheck: 58% (succeed) -> 1-“WAKE UP!” (3/4 lawcop)-> 3-“I need you” -> 1-“See anything interesting?” -> 2-“Was it pure nothing?” -> 2-“Tell me about” -> “1-How’s that?” -> 1-“Of course” -> 3-“Why are you sleeping?” -> 4-“Who is behind?” -> 1-“You mean?” -> 5-“What about dead?” -> 2-“I’m just trying” -> 1-“Someone has to” -> 1-“The trouble (5xp)” -> 2″You’re saying?” -> 6-“Yours?” -> [Leave] (5xp) *72% Race*
  21. Equip white satin shirt.
  22. Talk: Joyce Messier >> 1-“Joyce L?” -> 2-“RCM?” -> 3-“What gave us?” (10xp) -> 4- Shake her hand -> 1-“You’re on a boat” -> 1-“Not a lot?” -> 1-“Wait, we’re on?” (return for Ency) -> 1-“Uhm, Caillou?” -> 2-“Still. I haven’t” -> 3-“Does she?” -> 1-“Okay, but what?” -> 2-(Conclude) -> 3-“Do you have?” (Return for ency) -> 1-“Can I see?” -> 1-“What happened?” -> 1-“Still need to” -> 1-“I’m pretty sure” -> 1-“Wait, exactly how?” -> 2-“So we can’t?” -> 1-“Yes” (return for Ency) -> 1-Look -> 2-“Your name?” -> 3-“You’re from?” -> 4-“Everything appears” (5xp) -> 5-(Conclude) -> 5-“You seem smart” -> 1-“I got so drunk” -> 1-“I went on” -> 1-“Where?” -> 1-“*Baby*?” -> 1-“I’m a disco” -> 1-“Tell me” -> 1-“Tell me more” -> 2-“You mentioned” -> 3-“What’s the name?” (10xp) -> 4-(Continue) -> 1-“Okay. *Who*?” -> 2-“*When*?” -> 3-(Continue) (internalize thought) -> 1-“So, we’re in?” (5xp) -> 3-Say nothing (get thought) -> 1-“You’re right” -> 8-(Conclude for now) -> [Leave] *Race 100%*
    • Note: Joyce has a few encyclopedia checks, but they all seem repeatable, except asking about getting trade secrets, which isn’t available anyway by day 3.
  23. Click the white orb. You are now an Advanced Racist (wait, that sounds bad). I mean, an Advanced Race Theorist.
  24. Equip white tank top.
  25. Internalize Jamais Vu.
  26. Part 3 FINISHED
    1. Total xp: 75.
    2. Skills+1=2: +1 Conceptualization
    3. Thoughts+0=0 (3/3): Jamais Vu
    4. Total Money: $20+
    5. Time: 12:30 pm (day 1)


  1. Search: Trash Container >> 1-Open padlock -> 1-Didn’t I just? -> 1-Open [10xp] -> 1-Look under -> 1-Used to what? -> 2-Pick at rags -> 1-Reach for it (5xp) -> 1-“Yeah” -> 2-“You think?” -> 3-(Proceed) -> 3-Search food -> 1-What? -> 1-No (10xp) -> 2-“It has a foreboding” [2/4 apocolypse cop] -> 2-“I speaketh” -> 1-“Okay” -> 4-The mug -> 1-An antique? -> 4-Close lid -> [Leave] *Jamais Vu: 7%*
  2. Interact: Damaged Ledger >> 1-Anything else? [10xp] -> 1-Inspect toilet -> 2-Maybe? -> 2-(Leave it) [5+10xp] -> 1-Inspect toilet -> 1- (Take it off) [5xp]-> 1-Inspect clip -> 1-Run finger -> 1-“Interesting” -> 2-“How?” -> 3-(Conclude) -> 2-Browse white -> 1-There was mention? [10xp] -> 1-Oh my -> 2-“Kim” -> 2-“No” -> 1-“I seem to have” -> 3-(Count pages) -> 1-COMMIT [10xp] -> 1-“Kim?” -> 2-“Fine” (10xp) -> 2-“The Furies” [10xp] -> 1-“THE HANGED” [30xp] -> 3-(Close case) -> 7-[Put ledger away] -> END; quicksave *Jamais: 18%*
  3. Interact: Damaged Ledger >> Logic whitecheck: 72% [success] -> 1-Wait… HDB42? [5xp] -> 5-I think -> 1-Good -> 2-The Unsolvable -> 1-Couldn’t we? -> 2-Public indecency [5xp; +2 whitecheck] -> 1-One last time -> 6-(Put case files away) -> 5-Look at clipboard -> 1-What? -> 2-Shake -> 3-(Conclude) -> 8-[Put ledger away]; quicksave
  4. Interact: Damaged Ledger >> Interfacing whitecheck: 83% [success] -> 1-Slide drawer -> 2-Pick up card -> 1-Smell -> 1-Open -> 1-But it will -> 1-What? -> 1-Throw card -> 1-Throw card -> 1-What? gain thought) -> [Leave] [5xp]
  5. Equip L’Homme Labourer Jeans.
  6. Think: Interfacing -yellow orb >> END (get item)
  7. Equip Flair Cut Trousers
  8. Interact: Apricot Chewing Gum Wrapper >> 1-Ancient temple? -> 2-End of summer… -> 1-Where? -> 3-Take a deep (gain throught) -> 4-[Put wrapper away]
  9. You should have 215xp. Unlock 2 thought cabinets. Internalize Caustic Echo, and Apricot Chewing Gum.
  10. Total: 15xp. *Jamais: 51%*
  11. You now have the Ledger of Oblivion. It gives a +1 Suggestion (and authority), but a -1 to Inland Empire. Since Inland is at 5, it’s better to have the item equipped.
  12. Talk: Cuno [10xp] >> 1-“Hey kid” -> 2-Hold on -> 2-“Stop using slurs” -> 4-“Look” -> 4-“Cuno,” -> 1-“Maybe you?” [10xp] -> 2-Cunofied -> [Leave]
  13. Search: Coupris Kineema >> 1-“Kim, how?” -> [Leave]
  14. Stand in front of Kim’s car, and click the yellow orb >>
  15. Think: Interfacing >> 1-Look at shimmering -> 1-Wait… -> 3-“I’m sure” -> 2-Look at perforations -> 1-Tally up -> 1-Not bad -> 3-“Hey Kim?” -> 1-“Wait, eighteen?” -> 1-“Got drunk” (1/4 superstar) -> 1-“Is that?” -> 1-“So you’re saying?” (2/4 superstar) -> 3-“That’s not…” -> 1-“Have you ever?” -> 2-“How?” -> 1-“Like what?” -> 1-“Maybe I should?” -> 3-“Maybe I should?” -> 1-(Pour one) [1/4 honor] -> 4-“Here’s to you” [5xp] -> 3-(Conclude) -> 3-[put ledger] [10xp] -> END *Jamais: 64%*
  16. You can now see your police profile. Until now I’ve been guessing which options will increase values. When something gets to 4, like ultraliberal did, an orb appears, and the option to learn a philosophy/thought. You should accept at least one political alignment, since you can start a special quest for one of them on day 4.
  17. Ratings:
    • 2/4 superstar ; 2/4 apocolypse; 3/4 sorry; 0/4 boring; 1/4 honor
    • 2/4 communist; 2/4 facist; 4/4 ultraliberal; 1/4 moralist
    • ?/4 Law (hidden).
    • Note: Until this point, I have been guessing what choices will add to these numbers. I got some decent guesses but, for example, I’m not sure what communist choices I made.
  18. Talk: Joyce >> 6-“You seem rich” -> 2-“What lustrious hair” [10xp] -> 5-“As I should” [3/4 facist] -> [Leave]
  19. Stop Caustic Echo; quicksave
  20. Talk: Joyce >> Volition whitecheck: 42% [fail; 10xp] -> 2-“Khk…” -> 2-“Tell me about” [return for ency] -> 1-“So what do?” -> 1-“How much money?” -> 1-“What exactly?” [+1 volition whitecheck] -> 3-“Numbers like that” -> 1-“Where does Wild?” -> 2-(Look around) -> 2-“You don’t” [5xp; 3/4 communism]” -> [Leave]
  21. Internalize Caustic Echo; quicksave
  22. Equip Ledger of Oblivion.
  23. Talk: Joyce >> Volition whitecheck: 72% (success) -> 1-“You seem rich” -> 3-“I need $130” -> 2-Nay [2/4 honor cop] -> 2-“I am honorable” [3/4 honor cop] -> 4-“What can… lynching? (10xp) -> 1-“It’s not” -> 1-What kind? (+1 whitecheck) -> Suggestion redcheck: 83% (assume success). -> [Leave]
    • Note: Same end result, regardless of success or failure.
  24. Talk: Kim >> 1-“Oh, so we’re?” -> 1-“Her proposal” (5xp) -> 2-“What do you?” -> 3-“We could just” -> [Conclude] -> END *Jamais: 77%*
  25. Talk: Joyce >> 1-“Okay” -> 1-“Let me get” -> 2-(Move on) -> 1-“The lorries” -> 1-“Why didn’t you?” -> 2-“It’s no coincidence?” (5+5xp) -> 3-“What proof?” -> 4-(Proceed) -> 1-(Accept) -> 4-“What can you?”-> 1-“Wait — what if?” -> 2-“How do I?” -> 2-“What is?” -> 1-“You mean Jean-Luc?” -> 2-(Proceed) -> 1-“What happened?” -> 1-“Hmh” -> 2-“What are demands?” -> 3-“Over-aggressive” [4/4 Facist] -> 1-“What?” -> 3-“That’s pretty funny” -> 3-“The scabs?” -> 4-“Tell me about” -> 3-“Say nothing” -> 1-“What about Union?” -> 4-“I prefer not” [2/4 moralist] -> 4-“Tell me about” [repeating dialogue branch] -> 1-“Is he?” -> 1-“I remember” -> 1-“No” -> 1-“What about?” -> 1-“An effective” [10xp] -> 2-“Talking in aesthetic” [4/4 communism] -> 1-“One more thing” [5xp]-> 3-“Some kind of extortion” -> 6-“That’s all” -> [Leave]
  26. Think: Endurance -red orb >> 3-(Discard thought) -> 1-What is facism? -> 5-I thought -> 2-Financiers? -> 2-Am I? -> 3-Why am I? -> 4-Facism sounds bad -> 5-(Proceed to Judgement) -> Either OPT IN or OPT OUT.
  27. Think: Rhetoric -blue orb >> 1-Look around -> 2- How come? -> 3-I’ve said *some* -> 1-Wait, first -> 2-I don’t do failure” (note: My second favourite line) -> 3-(Opt out) [internalize thought] -> 1-What? -> Either OPT IN or OPT OUT.
  28. Click White Orb. Jamais Vu is now internalized.
  29. Part 4 FINISHED
    1. Total xp: 115
    2. Skills+0=2: N/A
    3. Thoughts+2=2 (5/5): Apricot Chewing Gum, Caustic Echo
    4. Total Money: $150+
    5. Time: 15:57 pm (day 1)


  1. You should have 115xp. Unlock 1 thought cabinet.
  2. Total: 15xp
  3. Interact: Ledger >> 3-Read case file ->1-THE NEXT -> 1-Wait, do I? -> 1-A) Remove mural -> 4-I must have voted [5xp; 3/4 moralism] -> 4-THE COUCH -> 3-They looked… rock band [5xp] -> 5-MURDER AT HOOKAH -> 1-Wait -> 1-Wait -> 1-Can you get? -> 1-Really stupid [5xp] -> 1-He must have -> 6-(Put case files away) -> 8-[Put ledger away] *Gum: 80%*
  4. Equip Disco Blazer.
  5. Internalize Lonesome Long Way Home.
  6. Search: Coupris Kineema >> 1-Pick up radio -> 3-“Hi Alice” -> 1-“Could you… 41st?” -> 2-“I am in dire” [5xp] -> 3-“Okay” -> 1-“I need to report” -> 2-“Say nothing” -> 3-(Proceed) [30xp] -> 2-“Enough” -> 1-“Oh god” -> 2-Say nothing ->2-Don’t say -> 2-Remain silent -> 3-(Quit call) -> 1-Pick up radio -> 3-Ignore Alice -> 1-“Speedfreeks FM?” -> 1-Alice… contact 41st -> 1-“Listen” [5xp] -> 3-(End call) -> 4-Tap fuel gauge -> (Leave)
  7. Equip Lounge Jacket. Stop Lonesome Long Way Home. *Gum: 88%*
  8. Talk: Garte >> 1-“Here’s your trash” -> 1-“I found” -> 1-“Maybe you” -> 2-“Could someone?” -> 3-“Who else?” -> 4-“Thanks” -> 1-“So, about that” -> 2-“How much?” -> 1-“I have” -> 3-“Here it is. Sorry” [70xp; 4/4 sorry cop] -> [Leave]
  9. Think: Suggestion =purple orb >> 1-Wait -> 1-Cool cop? -> 1-Okay, okay -> 2-Uhm [10xp] -> 4-You know -> Either OPT IN or OPT OUT. *Gum 91%*
  10. Remove white tank top.
  11. Talk: Measurehead >> Physical Instrument whitecheck: 17% [fail] >> 1-“I… am…” -> [Leave]
  12. Interact: Ledger >> 3- Read a case file -> 3-THE SQUARE [10xp; heal moral] -> 6-(Put… away) -> 8-[Put… away] -> END
  13. Talk: Kim >> 1-“But he’s the one”-> 3-“But… I’m a hero” [4/4 moralist] -> 5-“Won’t do it again [Leave] *Gum: 98%*
  14. Think: Empathy -purple orb >> 3-This is because -> 1-First, where is Kingdom? -> 1-How? -> 1-But what about? -> 1-Wait, is the Kingdom? -> 1-Yes -> 1-Okay, but what? [Internalize thought] -> 1-Wait -> 1-yes -> 1-Okay, but -> Either OPT IN OR OPT OUT. *gum 100%*
    • Note: You have now been given the option to join all four of the political factions. On the third night, you will be given a special quest for one of the factions you chose.
  15. Click on the White Orb. Apricot Chewing Gum Scented One is now internalized.
  16. Part 5 FINISHED
    1. Total xp: 161
    2. Skills+0=2: N/A
    3. Thoughts+1=3 (5/6): N/A
    4. Total Money: $20+
    5. Time: 19:24 pm (day 1)


  1. You should have 161xp. Buy +1 Rhetoric
  2. Total: 61xp.
  3. Talk: MeasureHead >> 7-“I think” -> 6-“I don’t know” [30xp] -> 4-“It’s always been 100%” -> 1-“First of all” -> 2-“You’re wrong” [Gain thought] -> 3-“Now open” [5xp] -> END
  4. Internalize Wasteland of Reality.
  5. Equip white tank top, yellow bag, and prybar.
  6. Begin dedicated search for money and xp. You will now be clicking on all the orbs you have been avoiding up until this point, as well as all objects. Be sure to check the hotel, pawn shop, book store, and apartment complex. Avoid the harbour area that you just opened up for now.
    • Note: Remember to hit tab to highlight interactable objects.
  7. While you are clicking, you will get a variety of objects that you can intract with. Hit the [leave] option whenever that happens.
  8. After clicking on orbs, thoughts will come up:
  9. Esprit de Corpse – Near yellow bag location>> 1-Look closer -> 1-(point to chips) -> 1-“Oh you mean?” -> 1-“Okay. What? [5xp]” -> END
  10. Logic – Near fridge in the apartment complex >> 1-You can’t foreclose ->1-Except the stuff [5xp] -> END
  11. Encyclopedia – Near the lounge jacket location >> 2-Inspect symbol -> 1-Why is star? -> 2-What’s the deal? -> 3-Why white? -> 4-[Finish thought] -> END
  12. Electrochemistry – Near sleeping dockworker >> 4-Not now -> 1-Maybe I should? -> 2-Don’t -> END
  13. Inland Empire – Near Gart >> 4-My soul’s cubic -> 1-This goes well [3/4 superstar] -> 2-What should? -> 1-Of course! -> 3-[Finish thought]
  14. Empathy – Your room >> 5-Say nothing [5xp] >> END
  15. While exploring, there are a variety of objects to interact with. For most, immediately hit the leave option, except for the following.
  16. Search: Coin Operated Viewer (there are 2; pick northern one) >> 1-“What’s… here?” -> 3-“Say nothing” -> 2-[Cost: 0.25$; 5xp] insert coin -> 1-There are ruins” -> [Leave]
  17. Search Bust of Kras Mazov >> 1-“Why does tenet?” [5xp] -> 2-“Kim, who” -> 2- Kras Mazov was -> [Leave]
  18. Search: Blue Door (first search only) >> 1-Touch door -> 2-Try to push -> 3-“I wonder where” -> 1-“I am drawn” [10xp] -> 2-“No the door… Behind the blue door” -> [Leave]
  19. Equip chaincutters.
  20. Search: Mirror [10xp] >> 2-Wipe mirror -> 1-I don’t care -> 3-This is face -> 2-I have -> 1-(Try to stop) -> 1-Superstardom {4/4 superstar cop] -> 1-Check for pulse [5xp] ->4-[Let mirror be]
  21. Think: Composure -yellow orb >> 2-Where’s it coming? -> 2-Yeah, that’s me -> 2-Wait (10xp) -> OPT IN OR OPT OUT
  22. Search: Mirror -> Interfacing whitecheck: 42% [success; 5xp]-> 3-(Let mirror be.)
  23. Okay. Search complete. There are a few more things that can’t be done after the first day.
  24. Equip Ledger (replaces tare bag).
  25. Search tare machine >> Insert bottles [+$3.30] -> END (there may be more)
  26. Talk: Cuno >> 2-“About crime scene” -> 3-“What’s in greenhouse?” -> 1-“Hold on” -> 2-Wait, what” -> 3-“You mean” -> 1-(Accept task) -> 3-“I might have” -> [Leave]
  27. Talk: Gardener >> 1-“Tell me” -> Visual Calculus redcheck: 42% [success] -> 1-The traffic jam? -> 1-Are you?” -> 2-“That’s not” [10xp] -> [Leave]
  28. Search: Mail Collection Box >> 2-(Kick it) [2/3 Anti-Object; -1 health] -> 1-“Oh, you’re” -> [Leave]
  29. Search: Map Wall >> 3-Look at… Martinaise -> 4-“Storekeep?” ->1-“Why is?” -> 5-[Cost: 0.90$] Buy map -> [Leave]
    • Note: The map allows for a limited fast travel system. Can teleport to and from hotel, church, and the free rental shack.
  30. Search: Shelf of Crime Novels >> 2-Look through display -> 1-Sure thing -> 1-♥♥♥♥ Mullen dies?! -> 1-Are there? -> [Leave]
  31. Equip orange bum hat (+1 Reaction Speed; -1 Rhetoric)
  32. Search: Shelf of Crime Novels >> Reaction Speed whitecheck: 72% [success] -> 1-No -> 2-No -> 1-Oh, right (10xp) -> 3-[Cost: 7.99$] Buy book -> [Leave]
  33. Equip Frog Visor.
  34. Interact: ♥♥♥♥ Mullen and the Mistaken Identity >> 1-Examine cover -> 1-I really (10xp) -> 2-Start reading -> 2-Keep reading -> 2-(Keep reading) -> 2-(Keep reading) -> 1-Tell me about corrupt * ??? [Note: This is your time skipper option. Keep hitting enter until you are notified that Caustic Echo has been internalized]-> 4-Okay, let’s get on [+1 health] -> 2-I’m not sure -> 3-(Close book) –> 3-[Put book away] -> END
  35. Talk to Kim (forced) >> END. (reminder to go to bed)
  36. Click on the White Orb. Caustic Echo is now internalized.
  37. Depending on how throughly you searched, you may have around 628xp and $25.00+.
  38. The main benefit of Caustic Echo is the 300xp. It also increases MOT caps but, without putting an initial skill in MOT, you can’t get Reaction Speed, or Composure, to 18 anyway. Given that it also lowers Authority by -1, you may as well just forget it now.
  39. Part 6 FINISHED
    1. Total xp: 628
    2. Skills+1=3: +1 Rhetoric
    3. Thoughts+0=3 (6/6): Wastelands of Reality
    4. Total Money: $24 (approximately)
    5. Time: 00:38 am (day 1)


  1. You should have 628xp, forget Caustic Echo, and unlock 2 thought cabinets. Buy +1 Half Light, and +1 Reaction Speed.
    • Note: The main benefit of Caustic Echo is the 300xp. It also increases MOT caps but, without putting an initial skill in MOT, you can’t get Reaction Speed, or Composure, to 18. Given that Caustic also lowers Authority, you may as well delete it now.
    • Note: I gave 4 suggestions for an initial skill, one for each attribute. All four of these skills should have been raised by a point.
  2. As there is no certainty with how well an area has been explored, or if mistakes were made, that prevent xp from being gained. This guide will leave a buffer of 100xp that will remain unspent.
  3. Total: 128xp.
  4. Now that Evrart is sleeping, explore the docks area behind the green door. Make sure to equip bag and prybar. Do NOT click on the crane control panel, or the police cloak. Doing so will prevent XP gains later.
  5. Search: File Cabinet >> 1-Open drawer -> 1-Browse through -> [Leave]; quicksave
  6. Search File Cabinet >> Volition whitecheck: 58% [fail; 10xp] -> 2-Could I? (+1 whitecheck) -> 2-Leave folders -> [Leave]; quicksave
  7. Search: File Cabinet >> Volition whitecheck: 72% [success] -> 1-Look -> 1-(turn to lieutenant) [5xp] -> [Leave]
  8. Think: Inland Empire – Around the empty bottles >> 1-Wait, how? -> 1-Did I? [5xp] -> 5-[finish thought] -> END
  9. Search: Coffee table >> 1-Pick up -> [Leave]
  10. I gained another 48xp and over $4. Tare can’t be recycled until tomorrow.
  11. Equip ledger again. Have it replace bag.
  12. Think: Perception -broken fence >> 1-Why am I? -> 2-What kind? -> [Leave]
  13. Equip Neat Office Shades (+1 visual calculus); quicksave
  14. Think: Perception -broken fence >> Visual Calculus whitecheck: 58% [success] -> 1-“A car” [5xp] -> 2-“Is this connected?” -> [Leave]
  15. Go down to the water lock, click on the orb.
  16. Think: Perception -Click on broken sign >> 1-What is? -> Visual Calculus whitecheck: 72% [success] -> Look at.. (go through all 6 options) [10xp] -> 7-What was model? -> 1-Why Coupris? -> 2-Why Linnea? -> 3-What now? -> [Leave]
  17. Talk: Kim >> 1-“It looks like” -> 1-“I think… Coupris” -> 2-“Yeah, I have” -> 1-(take task) -> END
  18. Equip flip up glasses.
  19. Enter your room (triggers day 1 debrief) >> 3-“So what are?” -> 3-(Continue) -> 2-“I see” -> 3-(Continue) -> 3-Say nothing -> 4-“The Moralintern?” -> 2-“I really don’t” -> 2-“What is… symbol?” [10xp] -> 4-(Conclude) -> 5-“On second thought” -> [Leave] [30xp]
  20. Time is past 1:00 am. Enter room. Kim will go to bed.
  21. Search: Door, Room #3 >> 1-Try handle -> 2-Knock -> 4-Swallow emotion -> 2-Knock again -> 2-Knock… harder -> 2-Punch door -> [Leave]
  22. Think: Pain Threshold >> 1-Gaze upon me! (gain thought) -> END
  23. Search: Bed >> 1-Crawl in -> 2-Why? -> 3-Roll over -> 2-No more
  24. Talk: Bloated Corpse of a Drunk >> Say whatever you want. Doesn’t matter.


  1. Think: Electrochemistry >> 3-Is that how? -> 2-What the hell -> 1-Why? -> 3-No. I can -> 2-(Opt out) [5xp] -> END
  2. Talk: Kim (forced) >> [Leave]
  3. Talk: Garte >> 1-“About my bill” -> 2-[Cost: $20.00] [10xp]-> [Leave]
  4. Make sure to get the new orbs and money in the Hardy Boy area.
  5. Search: Tare Machine >> 1-Insert bottles (+$1.20=$4.50 total) -> END
  6. Internalize Anti-Object Task Force.
  7. Interact: ♥♥♥♥ Mullen >> 2-Start reading -> 2-Keep reading -> 2-(Keep reading) -> 2-(Keep reading) -> 1-Tell me about corrupt * ??? [Keep hitting enter until Wasteland has been internalized, which should happen by 21:30]-> 4-Okay, let’s get on -> 2-I’m not sure -> 3-(Close book) –> 3-[Put book away]
  8. Click on the White Orb. Anti-Object is now internalized.
  9. Click on the White Orb. Wasteland is now internalized.
  10. Think: Interfacing – beside Kim’s car >> 1-Wait, why? -> 1-“That machine… cool” -> 1-“What’s it packing?” -> 1-“That’s what…” -> 2-“What in there?” -> 2-“Wow…” -> 3-“A fine machine” -> 1-“You need to” -> 1-“Drop the ride” -> 3-“It’s what?” [10xp] -> 3-“Alright” -> [Leave]
  11. Time should be past 21:00pm, so you can go to sleep now.
  12. Enter your room.
  13. Search: Bed >> 1-Go to sleep -> Dialogues don’t matter. -> END
  14. BEGIN DAY 3.
  15. Part 7 FINISHED
    1. Total xp: 263
    2. Skills+2=5: +1 Half Light; +2 Rhetoric;
    3. Thoughts+3=6 (6/8): Deleted Caustic Echo, replaced with Wastelands of Reality
    4. Total Money: $10+
    5. Time: 7:30 am (day 3)


  1. You should have 263xp. Buy +1 Rhetoric.
  2. Total: 163xp
  3. Talk: Tommy Le Homme (10xp)>> 1-Keep listening -> 1-“I am the law” (should trigger a comment from Kim) -> [Leave]
  4. Water Lock Control Panel >> 1-Pull lever [10xp] -> END.
  5. Okay, time to do another grand search for exp and items. Make sure to not examine the corpse at the docks. Don’t examine the car. If not a thought, then immediately leave dialogues after clicking, unless stated otherwise. Be sure to enter buildings (not the tent, or church) to gather items though.
  6. Talk: Lilienne, the Net Picker >> 1-“As always… Lawbringer” (gain thought-> [Leave]
  7. Internalize Law-Jaw.
  8. Think: Inland Empire – abandoned shack near water lock >> 1-“What happened?” -> 1-“Wait, what’s” -> 1-“At least they left” -> END.
  9. Think: Logic -near car >> 1-Hold up -> 1-Yeah -> 1-“Hey Kim” -> 2-“This was… clown” ->
  10. Think: Perception – near the wompty building >> 1-Try to see -> 2-“Lieutenant” -> 1-“Can you?” -> END
  11. Inland Empire – Just north of Lena’s Husband >> 1- Wait, I can’t see -> 2-What is this? -> END
  12. Search: Pile of Eternite >> 1-“What is this?” -> 2-Push eternite -> END
  13. Search: Railing >> 1-Touch -> 2-Take a closer -> 1-“Why not?” -> END (can now get jacket)
  14. Talk: Trant Heildelstam >> 1-“Hold on” -> 3-(Proceed) -> 1-“What’s so fascinating?” -> 3-(proceed) -> 1-“What was” -> 4-“How did?” -> 1-“Okay. The Wompty?” -> 1-“You’re making this up” [Gain thought; 10xp] -> 1-(Nod) -> 1-“Wait, the Field? (5xp)-> 5-“I wanted to ask” -> [Leave]
    • Note: There is an easy ency check but it dissapears after you gain the Wompty thought.
  15. After a sweep, I gained +124xp (total: 287).
  16. Internalize Wompty Dompty.
  17. Equip Mega Bino Lenses (+2 ency; -1 perception)
  18. Equip FALN “Pipo” Pipo (+2 logic; -1 perception)
  19. Equip Calvery Boots (+1 perception)
  20. Equip Bow Knot (+2 drama)
  21. Remove ledger.
  22. Search: Sunken Motor Carriage >> 1-“Lets investigate” -> 1-Run your hand -> 2-What is the make? -> 3-“How long?” – 4-“What should?” -> 5-Sit on swing -> 1-“Hold on” -> 2-“What’s your” -> Drama redcheck: 92% [success; 5+10xp] -> 3-“Would you rather?” [10xp] -> 2-“Do you think” -> 1-“I’ve been thinking” -> 1-“Can you?” -> 2-(Proceed) -> 4-I hate guessing -> 1-“No, no…” -> 2-“No, it’s… racer” -> 6-“Things were going” -> 7-(Conclude) [10xp] -> END *Wompty: 100%; Law-Jaw 84%*
  23. Click white orb -> You have internalized Wompty Dompty Dom Center.
  24. Get your ID card and RCM jacket.
  25. Part 8 FINISHED
    1. Total xp: 323
    2. Skills+1=6: +1 Rhetoric
    3. Thoughts+0=6 (8/8): Law Jaw (85%); Wompty Dompty
    4. Total Money: $35+
    5. Time: 10:03 am (day 3)


Before starting this, I have a bit of an issue. The goal of the guide is to get all skills to 4 as fast as possible, but there is the worry that content will be missed if the necktie isn’t equipped. Also, it takes an additional 100xp to raise drama if you are wearing the necktie.

I’m going to wear the necktie, for the most part, while checking to see if the necktie talks in any of the sections. If you have a talking necktie, then you can check to see if he talks, and if you don’t, then you can just wear the bowtie.

  1. You should have 323xp. Unlock +1 Thought Cabinet. Buy +1 Encyclopedia.
  2. Total: 123xp.
  3. Equip flashlight, and crowbar.
  4. Go back to the bookstore.
  5. Search: Closed Curtains >> 1-“Shopkeeper” (10xp) -> 2-Examine strange (10xp) -> 3-(Pull open) -> 2-“But I sense” (2/6 remote?) -> 3-“I don’t care” -> [Leave]
  6. Talk: Plaisance >> 1-“Before we go” -> 4-“Excuse me” -> 2-“So, are you?” -> 1-“Why are… books?” -> 1-“How does?” -> 2-“Wait, that’s it?” -> 1-“Strange” -> 2-“Why didn’t you?” (10xp) -> 3-“Have you sought help?” -> 4-“Is your pendant?” -> 5-“Would… take case?” -> [Leave]; quicksave
    • Note: If you have 11+ Inland, you get a +1 to drama whitecheck but, if you also have 10+ drama, it stops the Inland text (and whitecheck bonus) from appearing (first time I’ve seen that happen).
  7. Talk: Plaisance >> Drama whitecheck: 83% [success] -> 1-“Wait, what if?” -> 1-“I admit” (3/6 remote?) -> 1-“Your wards” -> 1-“No problem” -> 1-(A hand) {4/5 honor cop} -> 2-“Of course” -> 2-“Chimney… the passage” (internalize law jaw) -> [Leave]
    • Note: If Law Jaw internalizes as you open the door, it causes some sort of issue with loading. So I added some dialogs to finish this now. I it’s not internalized talk more.
    • Note: Failing allows for you to gain another 10xp. However, after doing MULTIPLE runs, making many choices, the only one that ended up getting the thought was my first run, which ended up being surprisingly perfect (a lot of seemingly minor choices can mess up this section). I may revisit this later on.
  8. Click white orb. Law Jaw is now internalized. Hand/Eye will succeed all passive checks.
  9. Search: Closed Curtains >> 1-Pull curtains -> END
  10. Click all orbs in this room. For some reason, you need to click on a few orbs after opening the curtains. The ones in this room are enough. You’ll get the rest later.
  11. Search: Warded Door >> 2-Unlock door (5xp) -> 2-[Open door] -> END
  12. Talk: Kim >> 2-“It’s the netherworld” (4/6 remote?) -> 1-“What if?” -> END
  13. Just go straight to the door at the upper left corner, and then find the funace.
  14. Equip necktie; quicksave.
  15. Search: Central Furnace >> 3-Smear your hands -> 1-Hadramut Karzai! -> 1-“I am the reincarnation” (10xp) -> Authority redcheck: 72% [success] -> 1-“This is traditional” (5+10xp) -> 1-“Kim?” -> 2-Look inside -> 1-“I’m hallucinating” -> 4-“Those voices” -> [Leave]; quicksave
  16. Search: Central Furnace >> Physical Instrument whitecheck: 72% [success] -> 2-“I summon” (5xp) -> [Leave]
  17. Talk: Novelty Dicemaker >> 1-“Hold on” -> 2-“You must have” -> 3-(move on) -> 3-“No, I was” (10xp) -> 4-“Hey, where?” -> 5-“I’ve heard” -> 2-“Plaisance” -> 2-“The curse” -> 1-“Hold on”-> 2-“No, the Whirling” -> 1-“Plaisance thinks” -> 1-“l think” -> 1-“I yelled” -> 1-“I believe… Remote Viewers Division” (5/6 remote?) -> [Leave]
  18. Talk: Plaisance >> 1-“It was a charnel” (6/6 remote) -> 4-“I talked to” ->2-“No ma’am” -> 2-“There is another” (70xp) -> [Leave]
  19. Think: Inland Empire -blue orb >> 1-Yes -> 1-Close eyes -> 1-“Shhh” -> 1-Keep your eyes -> 1-Uh… is this? (gain thought) -> END
  20. Internalize Remote Viewers Division.
  21. Part 9 FINISHED
    1. Total Exp: 273
    2. Skills+1=7: +1 Encyclopedia
    3. Thoughts+1=7 (9/9): Remote Viewers Division
    4. Total Money: $39+
    5. Time: 11:10 pm (day 3)
    6. Necktie didn’t talk.


  1. You should have 273xp. Buy +1 Conceptualization.
  2. Total: 173xp
  3. Equip RCM Commander’s Jacket
  4. Talk: Cunoesse >> 1-Take one step -> 1-“Listen, child” -> END (+1 Cuno empathy whitecheck)
  5. Search: Pile of Ethernite – Near Cuno >> Perception whitecheck: 42% [fail; 10xp] -> 1-What feeling? -> 1-What is this? (10xp) -> [Leave]
  6. Talk: Cuno >> 2-“I have more” -> 3-“Cuno” -> 4-Don’t I have? (5xp) -> 1-“Kim, I think” -> 2-“So you say” -> 1-“The dead man'” -> 1-“I need” -> 2-“Alright, entertain” (10xp) -> 3-“I might… pants” -> 4-“I might… later” -> 3-“I gotta ask” -> 1-“Cuno?” -> 2-“Just answer” -> 6-Don’t punch -> 1-“No!” [10xp] -> 1-“Nice pipo” -> [Leave]; quicksave
  7. Talk: Cuno >> Empathy whitecheck: 17% [success] -> 1-Interesting. How? -> 2-(Act on it) -> 2-“What’s up?” -> 1-“What do you?” -> 2-“You serious?” (10xp) -> 1-“C’mon” -> 2-“Cuno…” -> 3-“You think?” (5xp)-> 4-“You said… insane?” -> 2-“What’s the real?” -> 5-“What’s that language?” (10xp; ency 12) -> 2-“Cuno could she?” (5xp) -> 6-“Is she?” -> 1-“That hallway?” (5xp) -> 7-(Conclude) -> 2-“You need backup” -> 1-“Understood” (5xp) -> 3-[Cost: $15.00] Buy FALN (10xp) -> [Leave]
    • Note: The 17% Empathy whitecheck is the hardest one to pass in this entire walkthrough. You can raise the odds by hitting Cuno, or wearing Jamrock Sunnies, but each act costs 10xp. The Mesque Red Brogues raise empathy*, but getting them may mess up other stuff.
    • NOTE: I’ll look into it, a 17% is abysmal, even with savescumming.
  8. Equip FALN pants, and oversized superstar glasses (+1 savoir faire). *RVD 14%*
  9. Go to Frittte.
  10. Search: Knick-Knacks Stand >> Savoir Faire redcheck: 58% [success] -> [Leave]
  11. Equip mega lenses, raincoat, and prybar.
  12. Search: Hanged Man >> Endurance Whitecheck: 58% [success; 10xp] -> 2-Step closer -> 1-Inspect boots -> 1-“These aren’t just” (10xp) -> 1-Forget about -> 1-“What happened?” -> 1-Why? -> 2-“Maybe he was?” (5xp) -> 2-“He could have” -> 2-“The material” (10xp) -> 1-“Wait” -> 3-“Sounds puny” -> 3-“How could?” -> 2-“These look” -> 4-Knock on boot -> 1-Swing prybar (10xp) -> 1-What does this? (5xp) -> 1-“E50.100.1000” -> 5-Pull boot -> 1-Grab boot -> 1-“What?” -> 2-“Do what?” -> 3-“Are we not?” -> 1-(Accept) -> 1-“What’s going to?” -> 5-(Back off) -> [Leave]
  13. Equip RCM jacket. *RVD 20%*
  14. Talk: Cuno >> 1-“The body” -> 1-“Where’s rest?” -> 1-“How come?” -> 2-“What do you?” -> 3-“You threw?” -> 4-“Who do you?” -> 4-“More on this” -> [Leave]
  15. Talk: Manana >> 2-“Cuno told me” -> 1-“So Cuno?” -> 2-“The probe” -> 3-“What sort?” -> 1-“Hold up. Four?” -> 2-“I’m ambitious” -> 4-“Thank you” -> [Leave]
  16. Talk: Cindy >> 3-“Do you know?” -> 5-“So you won’t?” -> 1-“Isn’t armour… Art?” -> [Leave]
  17. Talk: Little Lily >> 1-“I heard” -> [Leave]
  18. Search: Sandcastle >> 2-Reach in (30xp) -> END
  19. Equip T-500 Gauntlets (+2 interfacing).
  20. Think: Visual Calculus -blue orb >> 1-I will be -> 1-One down -> END
    • Note: You now have the maximum amount of clothing bonus. You can switch out clothing, to change which skills get a boost, but nothing will give a bigger net benefit than what you currently have on.
  21. Search: Pile of Ethernite – Near Cuno>> Perception whitecheck: 97% [succeed] [5xp]-> END
    • Note: There are now 2 two areas that haven’t been properly explored, so now is the time. I prefer having 6 perception when exploring, but 5 is also fine. 354xp/$39 *RVD 29%*
  22. Equip Amphibian Sports Visor, and prybar (just making sure it’s still there).
  23. Exploring Cuno’s shack, and related area.
  24. Think: Electrochemistry -inside Cuno’s shack >> 1-“Someone has” -> END
  25. When the area is fully explored, click on your RCM cloak.
  26. Search: Policeman Cloak >> 1-“You son of a” -> 1-Look around -> 1- “Kvalsund 10-20” -> 2-“What exactly?” -> 3-“Do you really?” (10xp) -> [Leave]; quicksave
  27. If you want, equip Oversized superstar glasses (+1 savoir; -1 visual), and sented scarf (+1 shivers -2 physical).
  28. Search: Policeman Cloak >> Savoir Faire whitecheck: 58% [succeed] -> 1-Close your eyes -> 2-Don’t let -> 3- Continue voyage -> END (no xp for the jump. Opening the area up before jumping seems to negate this xp)
  29. Take RCM cloak.
  30. Equip Mega-Bino Lenses and Bow Knot.
  31. Equip flashlight and prybar.
  32. Search Doom Area. Get all money/items, including the shot put ball, but immediately leave any searches, unless stated otherwise.
  33. Search: Frequency Fireplace -beside the basem*nt door (10xp) >> [Leave]
  34. Search: Mainframe >> 1-> Do you think? -> 2-Turn on -> 1-Look inside -> 2-Insert PRODUCTION [5xp] -> 3-Press PLAY -> 1-“What’s production?” -> 1-“You mean” -> 2-“I don’t know” -> 1-“A password?” (10xp) -> 2-“Is it my” -> 3-“This is police” -> 4-“I don’t know” -> 2-“Why did you?” (5+10xp) -> 1-“Wow” -> 3-“What are you? -> 1-“Yvonne” -> 2-“Doesn’t it get” -> 4-“That’s all” -> 4-Press PRINT -> 2-Remove PRODUCTION -> [Leave]
  35. Search: Breaker Box >> 2-Unplug black -> 3-“I don’t know” -> [Leave]
  36. Leave through the basem*nt door. You can now use this door to get in the building.
    • Note: The new areas are fully explored.
  37. Equip FALN Pipo.
  38. Talk: Rene >> 1-“I found” -> 1-“Exactly” [10xp] -> [Leave]
  39. Interact: RCM Badge (10xp) >> 1-Study badge -> 1-Look (10xp) -> 2-“Name:” (5xp) -> 1-“Strange” -> 1- “Wait” (10xp) -> 2-(Accept it) -> 3-“Rank:” -> 1-“What’s a (10xp) -> 1-“Wait — satellite?” -> 1-“So you’ve been” (5xp) -> 1-“Thanks” -> 3-Turn back -> 4-“Serial:” -> 5-“Date of issue:” -> 6-“Precinct:” (10xp) -> [Leave] *RVD 45%;
  40. Part 10 FINISHED
    1. Total Exp: 506
    2. Skills+1=7: +1 Conceptualization
    3. Thoughts+0=7 (9/9): N/A
    4. Total Money: $50+
    5. Time: 13:17 pm (day 3)
    6. Necktie didn’t talk.


  1. You should have 506xp. Buy +2 Conceptualization and +2 Encyclopedia.
  2. You now have 106xp. You need another 600xp to get all remainting skills to pass medium checks (500xp, if you wear the bow tie).
  3. Equip Amphibian Sports Visor.
  4. Search: Hanged Man >> 2-Inspect belt (10xp) -> 1-“Apparently”” (5xp) -> 1-“We’re assuming” -> 3-“My past has” –> 2-“They sure wanted” -> 3-“How did they?” (5xp) -> 4-(Back off) -> 3-Inspect tattoos -> 2-It will…. Disco > 1-“Is this a map?” (10xp) -> 1-“What’s that?” (10xp) -> 1-“Cool machine” -> 2-Say nothing (get photo) -> 4-Look him -> 1-His eyes… blue (5+10xp) -> (Back off) -> 5-Squint -> 1-“His face” -> 1-“I think… dead” (10xp) -> 5-“Deadady-dead-dead” -> 2-“I think… after death” -> 2-“Could it?” -> 3-(Cover nose) -> 1-“We got lucky” -> 4-“He’s beaten up” -> 5-(back off) -> [Leave]; quicksave
  5. Search: Hanged Man >> Inland Empire whitecheck: 92% [Success] -> 1-Where? -> 2-I can see -> 1-There’s nothing -> 3- What is happening? -> 1-I’m talking -> 4-Why do I? -> 3-Give me a comical -> 5-Is my name? -> 2-Roonie is not -> 6-Why do I feel -> 7-Who killed you? -> 8-Can you ask? -> 3-Maybe this will (5xp) -> 9-I hate you (10xp)-> 2-Myself -> 10-Enough -> 6-“So, how?” -> 2-(proceed) (70xp) -> 7-“I’m out of ideas” -> [Leave] *RVD 56%*
  6. Equip FALN Pipo.
  7. Talk: Cuno >> 1-“I talked” (10xp) -> 1-“He told.. ‘sic the pigs” -> 1-“Yes” -> 1-“I want… body” -> 1-“Do you… who he was?” -> 1-“You could’ve” -> 2-“Do you… up there?” (10xp) -> 2-“Where is?” -> 3-“Have you seen?” -> 4-“There are contusions” -> 1-“A contusion is” -> 5-“More on this” -> 3-“Cuno, I found” -> 1-What was… Pighead?” -> 3-“Cool pig-head” (5+10xp) -> 2-“I found plate” -> 2-“What was with” -> 1-“It’s magnesium -> 2-“C’mon” -> 3-“I’ve heard enough” -> 2-“I have more” -> 1-“There was also a mug” -> 1-“Yes” (5xp) -> 2-“The ladder” (5xp) -> 3-“I might have” -> [Leave]
    • Note: Alright, going back to Joyce to get previously missed checks, and do new stuff. This is going to be a LOONG conversation.
  8. Talk: Joyce >> 2-“Lets talk… boat” -> 1-“Not a lot” -> 1-“Wait, we’re on?” (10xp) -> 1-“Wait, I thought” (5xp) -> 2-“Still. I haven’t” -> 1-Yes -> 1-“Lets talk… economics” -> 1-“Yes” -> Reaction Speed redcheck: 72% [success] -> 3-“There doesn’t seem” [5xp] -> 4-“Do you have?” -> 1-“Can I see?” -> 2-“Still need to see” -> 1-“I’m pretty sure” (10xp) -> 1-The what? -> 3-“So we can’t?” -> 1-“Yes” -> 1-Look at passport (10xp) -> 1-Anything else? -> 4-“Everything appears” -> 5-(Conclude) -> 3-“Tell me about” -> 1-“So what do?” (10xp) -> 4-“Got it” -> 5-(Show her badge) [5xp] -> 2-“Fair, I guess” -> 6-“I’ve got some” -> 1-“Where are we?” -> 2-“Mhm” -> 2-“You mentioned” (10xp) -> 5-“Tell me about” -> 8-(Conclude) -> [Leave]
    • Note: That should be all the previously missed passives. *RVD 67%*
  9. Talk: Joyce >> 6-“I’ve got some” -> 2-“What times?” -> 1-“Too late for?” -> 1-“You got a” -> 1-“Would you say… apes?” -> 2-“Okay — Neutral” (5xp) -> 2-“Who got shot?” (10xp) -> 1-“You could say” -> 1-“Truly a kerfuffle” -> 1-“Smart king” -> 3-“Who… mineral rights?” -> 1-“Okay” -> 1-“Wait. You just” (10xp) -> 3-“If always picking” -> 4-“When… kerfuffle?” -> 1-“What did?” -> 1-“Wow, really?” (10xp) -> 1-“Our lives” -> 1-“What is Zone?” -> 1-“Wait… 43 years?” -> 1-“What have we?” (5+70xp) -> 7-“That’s enough” -> 8-“All for now” -> [Leave]
    • Note: Just taking a break to save progress. *RVD 74%*
  10. Talk: Joyce >> 6-“I’ve got some” -> 3-“What is acute?” -> 1-“I know” -> 1-“What causes” -> 2-“It’s definately drinking” -> 5-“What are you?” -> 6-“What is this?” -> 3-“I meant… place” (5xp) -> 7-“What is that? -> 1-“Yes” -> 2-“I understand” [5+10xp] -> 1-“I think” -> 3-“I don’t know” -> 1-“The New?” -> 1-“Sounds fun” [5+10xp] -> 9-(Conclude) -> [Leave]; quicksave
  11. Talk: Joyce >> 6-“I’ve got some” -> Conceptualization whitecheck: 97% [success] -> 1-“What do you?” (10xp; legendary passive) -> 1-“The best” -> 1-“Wait… evil apes?” [10xp] -> 2-“Elysium” -> 1-“I don’t feel” -> 1-“How about… ball” [10xp] -> 1-“Oh my god” -> 1-“A fractured” -> 2-“Doesn’t sound” [5xp] -> 2-“You said pale” -> 1-“I don’t want to” -> 10-(Conclude) -> [Leave]; quicksave
  12. Talk: Joyce >> 6-“I got some” -> Volition whitecheck: 83% [success] -> 1-Wait… an isola?” -> 1-“And Insulinde?” -> 1-“Is it… here?” -> 1-“Six thousand” -> 2-“What are” -> 3-“If we’re surrounded” -> 4-“The pale can?” -> 1-“Who says?”-> 1-“You’re not civilian?” -> 1-“Are you?” -> 5-“What is entroponetic?” -> 6-“How much Pale?” -> 2-“It’s growing” -> 3-Stay silent -> 7-(Conclude) -> 3-“I’m getting a sense” -> 2-“You were right” -> 3-“Yes” [30xp] -> 2-“That was f-ing insane” -> 1-“Right” -> END *RVD 88%*
  13. Talk: Trant >> 1-“I want… Field” -> 3-“What did… tape computers?” [10xp] -> 4-“How do tape computers work?” (10xp) -> 2-“Okay, back to” -> 5-“I wanted to” -> 2-“You look like” -> 1-“Could I have?” -> 3-“By the way” (10xp) -> 1-“A form of” -> 2-“I’m not really” -> 1-“Hold on” -> [Leave]
  14. Talk: Washerwoman [10xp] >> 1-“If you can’t” -> 1-“Lean forward” -> 1-“What he said” -> 1-“Wait I’ve been?” [10xp] -> 2-“What kind?” -> 3-“I am ill omen” (3/4 Apocalypse cop) -> 1-“Where could… stay?” -> 1-“How much?” -> 1-“Wait, hold on” -> 1-“I’m not sure” (5/5 honor cop) -> 1-“Wait, why?” -> 1-“One more time” -> 4-“Unfortunate” -> 1-“You got yourself” -> [Leave]
  15. Half Light -Red orb >> What time? -> 2-Ta ola? -> 3-Wait, wait -> 4-This is because -> 1-Am I sure? -> 2-I’m… afraid -> OPT IN OR OPT OUT.
  16. Search: Shack Door >> 1-Unlock -> END
  17. Enter shack.
  18. Click all the orbs.
  19. Quick save and reload to get the purple orb around your head again.
  20. Think: Authority -purple orb >> To become an honor cop, Harry must do something humiliating. Good thing Kim can’t come in this shack though. Choose whatever, and then OPT IN OR OPT OUT*. *RVD 97%; 729**
  21. Talk: Washerwoman >> 4-“I found this” -> 1-“Yea, I’ll wait” (get FALN Windbreaker) -> [Leave]
  22. Click white orb. Remote Viewers Division is now internalized.
  23. Part 11 FINISHED
    1. Total Exp: 633
    2. Skills+4=11: +2 Conceptualization; +2 Encyclopedia
    3. Thoughts+0=7 (9/9): No new thoughts
    4. Total Money: $90+
    5. Time: 16:50 pm (day 3)
    6. Necktie didn’t talk.


  1. Search: FALN Sneakers on a Pedestal of Speakers >> 1-Inspect sneakers (10xp) -> 2-Inspect speakers -> 3-“Poor… speakers” (10xp) -> 3-“Can’t I just?” -> 2-“That’s why” -> 1-“You don’t know” -> 4-[Cost: $50.00] Sneakers -> 3-[Cost: $0.50] Speakers -> [Leave]
  2. Equip FALN sneakers (+1 hand/eye)
  3. Search: The Hanged Man >> 6-We need to talk -> 5-“Maybe… shoot him?” -> 1-(Point to it) -> 4-Say nothing -> 3-Say nothing -> 4-(Conclude) -> 5-“Can I have?” -> 2-Point gun -> 3-Close left eye (+2 whitecheck) -> 2-Hand/Eye redcheck: 58% [success] -> 1-Who killed? [5+70xp] -> 2-“RCM baby!” [10xp] -> 2-Slap and wait -> 3-“What now?” -> 1-“Wait” -> 1-“Don’t we?” [5xp] -> 1-“Honorary rank?” -> 2-“All right” -> 1-“Is this famous?” -> END
  4. You should have 753xp. Buy +2 Drama, +1 suggestion, +1 Endurance, +1 Electrochemestry, +1 shivers, and +1 composure.
  5. Equip ledger of Oblivian for +1 Suggestion/Authority; -1 Inland Empire.
  6. Total: 53xp.
  7. Part 11 FINISHED
    1. Total Exp: 633
    2. Skills+7=18: +2 Drama, +1 suggestion, +1 Endurance, +1 Electrochemistry, +1 shivers, and +1 composure.
    3. Thoughts+0=7 (9/9): No new thoughts
    4. Total Money: $45+
    5. Time: 17:19 pm (day 3)
    6. Necktie didn’t talk.


Spent 24 points in total. 7 points on thoughts, and 17 on skills (plus the initial skill).

Most skills are a minimum of 4 points, with Conceptualization/Encyclopedia at 8. Suggestion is at 3 points, but Remote viewers lower the difficulty of passives by -1, so they are equivalent to 4 points.

You have gotten the option for every political thought, and every cop-type, except boring cop, you have all the best clothing gear, you got your shack to live in rent free. You have everything you need continue playing.

If I was to give some additional advice, I do think that the Cleaning your Rooms is a good thought to get next, and it’s at the end of the church taskline, so you could do that next. It also has Hardcore Aesthetic, which is a perfectly good thought to have. The last thought I recommend is Date of Birth Generator, which lowers all FYS skills by -1. I certainly think of it as the last top tier thought that hasn’t been gained yet. I don’t suggest rushing for that one, however.

That said, if there are specific thoughts you want, then feel free to use two of the remaining thoughts for those instead.

And that wraps up our share on Disco Elysium: Early Game Walkthrough. If you have any additional insights or tips to contribute, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. For a more in-depth read, you can refer to the original article here by Toma, who deserves all the credit. Happy gaming!

Disco Elysium: Early Game Walkthrough (2024)


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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.