Dressing Sharp and Casual for the Man in His 50s (2024)

Table of Contents
The Advantages of Age: Personalize Your Look Over Time Items Every Man in His 50s Should Own Dressing for Specific Occasions Fashion For Men Over 50 – Dressing for Work: Business Attire Fashion For Men Over 50 – Dressing for Work: Business Casual Fashion For Men Over 50 – Dressing for Yourself: Daytime Errands Fashion For Men Over 50 – Dressing for Yourself: Evenings Out Conclusion: The Fifty-Something Man in Brief Discover How The Right Image Helps You Make More Money, Attract Women, & Command Respect FAQs: Dressing Sharp and Casual for the Man in His 50s What are some staple clothing items every man in his 50s should have in his wardrobe? How can I incorporate color into my outfits without looking too flashy? Can I wear sneakers in my 50s? Are there any specific clothing styles I should avoid in my 50s? How can I incorporate patterns into my outfits without looking outdated? What types of jackets work well for a man in his 50s? Should I still wear suits in my 50s, even if I don't have a formal job? How important is proper grooming for a man in his 50s? Can I wear shorts in my 50s? Are there any age-appropriate accessories I should consider? Can I experiment with different styles and trends in my 50s? How can I achieve a put-together look without spending a fortune? What footwear options work well for a man in his 50s? Should I avoid wearing graphic t-shirts in my 50s? How can I adapt my wardrobe to different seasons while maintaining a stylish appearance? Can I wear denim in my 50s? FAQs References
Dressing Sharp and Casual for the Man in His 50s (1)

Fashion models are, as a general rule, young men.

Even catalogs that cater to middle-aged and older men tend to use models that are substantially younger than their target market. It's not unusual to see twenty-somethings grinning at you from the pages of Brooks Brothers or London Fog catalogs, even though the vast majority of those companies' sales go to men in their forties and up.

That can be misleading. Looks aren't strictly limited by age, but the reality is that your style should change at least a little bit as you age. Most men in their fifties are not flattered by the clothing they wore in their twenties.

Business suits are, of course, almost always safe, and a good look so long as they're well-made and well-fitted, but they're also not much use outside of formal business settings. A lot of men don't even need them for work — and some men in their 50s don't work at all, if they've been fortunate enough to retire reasonably early in life.

That creates a big need for clothes that look sharp but are also casual enough to wear in relaxed, social settings. Fortunately, there are a lot of options out there — and with “silver foxes” like George Clooney and Richard Gere splashed all over the contemporary tabloids, there's no better time to be a good-looking middle-aged man than today.

The Advantages of Age: Personalize Your Look Over Time

Dressing Sharp and Casual for the Man in His 50s (2)

Younger men have the advantage of a blank slate. They're just starting to come into their own, and many have full control over their wardrobes for the first time. That leads to some experimental young men looks (some good and some bad), but it also requires a lot of expense and some inevitable false starts.

Older men, on the other hand, enjoy a solid starting baseline: they've got a good twenty or thirty years of accumulated clothes to work with.

Not all of those will necessarily lend themselves to a sharp look. If you were a sloppy dresser for much of your life, and decided to sharpen your image up for the first time in your fifties, you've got some shopping ahead of you.

But most men can get at least some service out of even a modest wardrobe. Anything that fits well can be put back into use with a little effort. Look through your closet for good staple pieces that can form the backbone of a varied wardrobe:

  • Dress slacks: Got some old gray slacks you wore once in a while for work, or even the pants of a suit whose jacket has long since died? Get those back into rotation as your new alternative to jeans and sweatpants. Turns out they're just a comfortable once you've had them tailored, and they make you look a million times classier.
  • Khakis and chinos: Same principle but a little more relaxed. Pair them with jackets or sweater so that you don't have that office drone khakis-and-button-down look going on, but for the most part these are still a great jeans alternative.
  • Sports jackets and blazers: The ability to wear a jacket any time you want, in almost any circ*mstance, is one of the perks of middle age. Get them adjusted for a good fit and look better than everyone else in the room.
  • Dress shirts: Hopefully years of work clothes has left you with a decent collection of collared shirts. Keep a few plain white ones for their versatility, and add some color and patterns to the rest of the collection as needed. Nothing too soft or frumpy — a little crispness goes a long way in your shirt collars.
  • Leather shoes: When in doubt, put leather on your feet. Nothing says “old man with nothing left to lose” like big, puffy sneakers. You don't want to be that guy. Get shoes with leather uppers and avoid the big, clunky, orthopedic soles as much as possible (use inserts if your feet need cushioning).

If you're lucky, you'll already own a lot of these. Some may not have seen use in years, depending on your style and your personal needs.

Don't be shy about expanding the closet when you need to, but don't waste the opportunities you already have, either. Get some of the old clothes back into rotation, with a trip to the tailor for adjustments if you need them. Odds are you've already got the backbone of a sharp style at your fingertips.

Items Every Man in His 50s Should Own

Dressing Sharp and Casual for the Man in His 50s (3)

There's no one right look for your fifties. But a certain level of refinement goes well with gray hairs — and there are a few classic items worth having in your wardrobe no matter what your personal style leans toward.

  • Blazer jackets: Crisp, sturdy, plain, and elegant to a tee. Go ahead and buy at least one really nice navy blazer. When you need a dapper, conservative look, it'll make you look like a million bucks. And if you wait for a good sale or keep an eye on thrift markets, it should only cost you a couple hundred at the worst.
  • Sports jackets: For the less conservative, more casual look, but still keeping the flattering shape of a tapered jacket. Be bold with your patterns and textures. Plaids, stripes, windowpane checks; whatever you want. You're telling people that you're old enough and confident enough to make your own style choices when you move away from the monochromes.
  • Fitted sweaters: Cardigan or pullover style both work fine, but stay away from anything too oversized or soft-collared. You want a close fit and a fairly sleek profile to keep you away from the “grandpa sweater” stereotype.
  • Gray slacks: Preferably multiple pairs, preferably multiple shades of gray, and always in real wool. You should be wearing nice slacks as often as you wear jeans, or more so. You're not limited to gray, of course — but it's a good starting place, and at least one pair is a definite must-have.
  • Wool overcoats: You're wearing lots of blazers and sports jackets, right? If you are, you'll need a decent coat to go over them. Something simple, wool, and about thigh-length should do just fine. Look for sales or second-hand options if your budget is tight. Thrift stores often have a lot of these, because not many men think to buy one.
  • Dapper hats: The details make the man, and you've been around long enough to buy yourself some nice, personalized details. Go ahead and be one of those men who don't leave the house without a hat on. If your hats are nice (and you own a few of them), it'll impress the heck out of people.
  • Dress wristwatches: See previous statement on details. Own watches; wear watches. There's no excuse not to.

Obviously, this list isn't a comprehensive wardrobe. You'll look awfully silly if those are the only things you own.

Rely on your existing wardrobe staples (dress shirts, belts, shoes, etc.) to tie together your style pieces. But try to own all or most of these must-haves, and use them regularly. It'll go a long way toward making you a sharp-dressed man in his fifties, rather than just a man in his fifties.

Dressing for Specific Occasions

Not all “sharp” clothes serve the same purpose.

Some look intensely stylish for a night out on the town, but would seem too fashion-forward or extravagant for a conventional workday. Others will stand you in good stead at an office party or a weekend golf outing, but would look frumpy and bland at a nightclub.

Choosing the right attire for different occasions is a nuanced art that goes beyond simply following dress codes. Tailoring your outfit to the specific event reflects not only your understanding of social norms but also your respect for the occasion and those attending.

Whether it's a formal business meeting, a casual gathering with friends, or a black-tie affair, your clothing communicates volumes about your intentions and personality. By acknowledging and adapting to the expectations of each setting, you not only enhance your own comfort but also showcase a thoughtful and considerate approach to social interactions.

Mastering the skill of dressing for specific occasions ensures you're always appropriately attired and makes a lasting impression on those around you.

Choose your battles wisely — and don't be afraid to add to the wardrobe as needed.

Fashion For Men Over 50 – Dressing for Work: Business Attire

Dressing Sharp and Casual for the Man in His 50s (4)

Not all men need a business suit for work. These days, the majority doesn’t, although the percentage of middle-aged men who need one is higher than the percentage of younger men. As you rise in the ranks, a higher dress standard is only natural.

So assuming you do need a business suit from time to time, what should it look like?

  • Dark color is a must — navy blue or charcoal gray are the best. Very fine pinstripes are acceptable in most situations, but they do make the look a little bolder. It's worth owning at least one plain-colored suit for somber occasions (or for when you need to appear humble, like in a courtroom).
  • You can go single-breasted or double for the jacket. Double-breasted is a little more formal-looking and a little less versatile, but it has a refined air that suits older men very well.
  • The accompanying shirts should be plain white, or white with a very light pattern. Err toward plain white if your suit has pinstripes.
  • Neckties and pocket squares are where you personalize the outfit. It's worth spending a little more to get the ones you want. Stay away from matched sets — that's a rental tux look, and not a good one. The tie and the square can complement, but they shouldn't be made from the exact same cloth.
  • A slim black belt and a pair of black oxfords are your traditional accompaniments here. For a slightly more relaxed look, black loafers, brogues, or dress boots can stand in for the oxfords.

Some workplaces will be more relaxed than others, so you'll have to get a feel for how far from this “gold standard” look you can go. But when in doubt, follow this outline to look like you belong in the halls of power.

Fashion For Men Over 50 – Dressing for Work: Business Casual

Dressing Sharp and Casual for the Man in His 50s (5)

Now that we've covered the highest standard, let's look at what most men end up wearing to work these days: the broad, nebulous category known as “business casual.”

This can mean a lot of things. Some workplaces have a specific set of guidelines printed up; others just say “business casual” and let people figure it out for themselves.

At the dressiest end of the spectrum it can mean crisp slacks, blazers, and neckties. Down at the other end it might mean outfits as casual as dark jeans and turtlenecks.

The best thing a man in his fifties can do for a dress-casual workplace environment is be varied. Don't wear the same combination every day. If your default has always been khakis and a button-down, throw a sports jacket or a necktie on some day to switch it up. If you're constantly on the dressy end of the spectrum with a blazer and slacks, try throwing some dark jeans on for Friday instead. And so on.

When in doubt, however, slacks or chinos, a dress shirt, and a sports jacket is always a safe bet. (Throw a necktie on if the dress code requires it, but in most places the jacket is dressy enough on its own.) Vary your look — but if you're coming back regularly to the slacks-and-jacket option, you're probably doing okay.

Fashion For Men Over 50 – Dressing for Yourself: Daytime Errands

Dressing Sharp and Casual for the Man in His 50s (6)

Work wear is important, but it's also less of a personal statement. A man who looks like he's going to or coming from the office is understood to be dressing for his employer, not for himself.

That means the clothes you wear in your personal hours take on a special significance. They are, in a big way, an expression of the “real you.”

An older man also has some practical motivation to look a little sharp when he goes out in public: the more dressed-down and sloppy you look, the more younger people are going to think “depressed retiree.” Stay clear of work-out clothes and gym shoes, and sharpen up your look with some non-work dress clothes:

  • Daytime suits: An underused option these days, but a good one for men of means — get some matched suits in light colors and patterns. These are clearly not work wear (too informal), but they're still a head and shoulders above nearly everyone else's street clothes. Perfect for the truly dapper fifty-something.
  • Sports jackets and slacks: Wear them with an open collar rather than a necktie to look less like you're coming from the office, and throw a colorful pocket square into any jacket that needs livening up. You can do this with dark jeans, too, but it's a little bit of a younger man's look. If you've got nice slacks, use 'em.
  • Fitted sweaters and turtlenecks: Not every outfit has to have a tapered jacket in it. A sleek, body-hugging sweater or turtleneck paired with slacks or dark jeans looks just fine. Make sure your belt and shoes look nice, though — that upgrades the look from “meh” to “sharp.”

Details count for a lot in your casual look. If you have a good fit and one or two sharp accents, almost anything can look dapper. If the clothes are slumped or you're wearing them with dinged-up old shoes and overcoats, suddenly you look a lot less like a man who's still living life to the fullest.

Fashion For Men Over 50 – Dressing for Yourself: Evenings Out

Dressing Sharp and Casual for the Man in His 50s (7)

Daytime looks and evening looks aren't as clearly divided as they used to be, but you still want a noticeable difference. If you're going to the grocery store in the same outfit you wear to the theater, you're doing one of those two things wrong.

How dressy you look in the evening depends a lot on where you're going. Theater, opera, and symphony performances are traditionally more conservative (though there's a younger art crowd that's bucking those trends). Sit-down restaurants with linen tablecloths are similarly high-standard. Those are places where a suit and even a necktie would not be inappropriate.

Bars and nightclubs, on the other hand, or concert venues for rock, country, and other contemporary genres, are likely to see a suit as hopelessly conservative, especially with an accompanying necktie.

Broadly speaking, be thinking darker colors rather than light, suits and blazers rather than sports jackets, and open collars rather than neckties unless you're somewhere very formal.

As with your daytime outfit, some attention to detail is a big help here too. Don't just be the guy in gray slacks and a navy blazer — be the guy in gray slacks and a navy blazer with some sleek black dress boots and a fancy gold belt buckle that matches the blazer buttons.

Conclusion: The Fifty-Something Man in Brief

Dressing Sharp and Casual for the Man in His 50s (8)

Your fifties is a great decade to dress sharp.

This is an age where men have experience, a sense of who they are, and — hopefully — a little more disposable income than younger men.

Make the most of it. You're old enough now that you don't need to feel limited by fixed “looks.” You're not a punk, a cowboy, a student, whatever — you're just you, as dapper as you want to be.

Navigating the style landscape in your fifties involves a blend of confidence, comfort, and timeless elegance. Embrace quality fabrics, refined tailoring, and a dash of personal flair to curate a wardrobe that exudes maturity without sacrificing individuality.

Pay attention to grooming, maintain a versatile selection of classic pieces, and let your style evolve with a touch of contemporary trends.

Ultimately, the fifty-something man defines his fashion narrative by embracing authenticity, celebrating the wisdom of experience, and projecting a self-assured image that commands respect and admiration. In the world of style, maturity is not a limitation but an opportunity for sophistication.

Here's a hard fact for you – every guy is going to experience shocking changes in his life. Click here to discover the top 5 things every man needs to accept as he gets older.

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FAQs: Dressing Sharp and Casual for the Man in His 50s

What are some staple clothing items every man in his 50s should have in his wardrobe?

Essential wardrobe items include well-fitting jeans, tailored blazers, classic shirts, versatile sweaters, quality leather shoes, and a few timeless accessories like a good watch and belt.

How can I incorporate color into my outfits without looking too flashy?

Opt for subtle pops of color by incorporating accessories like pocket squares, socks, or ties. Stick to a primarily neutral color palette and use colors sparingly for a tasteful touch.

Can I wear sneakers in my 50s?

Yes, sneakers can be worn in your 50s. Opt for sleek, minimalist designs in neutral colors that pair well with your outfits. Avoid overly athletic or flashy styles.

Are there any specific clothing styles I should avoid in my 50s?

It's generally best to avoid overly trendy or youthful styles, such as oversized logos, baggy jeans, or graphic t-shirts. Aim for a more refined and sophisticated look.

How can I incorporate patterns into my outfits without looking outdated?

Opt for timeless patterns like checks, stripes, or houndstooth in moderation. Pair patterned pieces with solid neutrals to maintain a balanced and contemporary look.

What types of jackets work well for a man in his 50s?

Classic options like a tailored blazer, a leather jacket, or a well-fitting bomber jacket can instantly elevate your style and create a polished appearance.

Should I still wear suits in my 50s, even if I don't have a formal job?

Wearing suits is not limited to formal occasions. Investing in a well-tailored suit allows you to dress appropriately for special events, formal gatherings, or even date nights.

How important is proper grooming for a man in his 50s?

Proper grooming plays a vital role in overall style. Maintain a well-groomed appearance by paying attention to haircut, facial hair, skincare, and keeping nails tidy.

Can I wear shorts in my 50s?

Yes, you can wear shorts, but it's advisable to choose tailored shorts that hit just above the knee for a more mature and refined look.

Are there any age-appropriate accessories I should consider?

Accessorize with timeless pieces such as a quality leather belt, a sophisticated watch, a stylish pair of sunglasses, and a few understated pieces of jewelry if you prefer.

Can I experiment with different styles and trends in my 50s?

While it's good to evolve your style, it's advisable to embrace subtle and timeless updates rather than chasing every passing trend. Focus on classic and refined choices.

How can I achieve a put-together look without spending a fortune?

Invest in versatile and timeless pieces that can be mixed and matched. Focus on quality over quantity, and shop during sales or consider thrifting to find hidden gems.

What footwear options work well for a man in his 50s?

Classic footwear choices like leather loafers, brogues, Chelsea boots, or suede desert boots offer a sophisticated and age-appropriate touch to your outfits.

Should I avoid wearing graphic t-shirts in my 50s?

Graphic t-shirts can be worn in moderation if they have a subtle and tasteful design. Opt for sophisticated graphics or limited use of logos for a more refined look.

How can I adapt my wardrobe to different seasons while maintaining a stylish appearance?

Layering clothes is the key. Invest in lightweight, breathable fabrics for warmer seasons and add stylish outerwear like trench coats or wool overcoats for colder months.

Can I wear denim in my 50s?

Absolutely! Denim is versatile and timeless. Opt for well-fitting, dark-wash jeans or denim jackets for a classic and age-appropriate denim look.

Dressing Sharp and Casual for the Man in His 50s (2024)


How to dress in your 50s male casual? ›

What are some staple clothing items every man in his 50s should have in his wardrobe? Essential wardrobe items include well-fitting jeans, tailored blazers, classic shirts, versatile sweaters, quality leather shoes, and a few timeless accessories like a good watch and belt.

What is sharp casual dress code for men? ›

For men, that might mean an outfit that pairs a knit polo shirt (no graphics or crazy prints) with a good jacket and a pair of dark, well-fitting jeans (no holes). For shoes you might go with high-end leather sneakers or Chelsea boots.

How to dress sharp as a man? ›

Top 10 Style Tips: How To Dress Sharp As A Younger Guy
  1. A well-fitted outfit can instantly elevate your style. ...
  2. Build a wardrobe foundation with versatile pieces like a quality white shirt, well-fitted jeans, a tailored blazer, and classic sneakers. ...
  3. Accessories can make or break an outfit.
Dec 18, 2023

What type of jeans should a 50 year old man wear? ›

Relaxed and Roomy – But Not Sloppy – Jeans

For a fit that offers slightly more room from hip to leg opening, a relaxed straight leg jean is the perfect option. A relaxed straight leg style is a great pair of jeans for older men that are looking for a pair with more freedom to move and crave a roomier fit.

What is the casual dress code for a 50 year old man? ›

A 50+ year old man should dress casually in slim-straight jeans or chinos, solid color tees, polos or untucked button up shirts, and tasteful outerwear (like a Harrington jacket, leather jacket or bomber). For shoes, keep it simple with leather boots, casual loafers, or plain leather or suede sneakers .

How to look sharp casually? ›

Looking Sharp in Casual Wear
  1. Men: blazers; button-down shirts; t-shirts; nice jeans; chinos; tailored shorts; casual sneakers; boat shoes; loafers, brogues; boots; dress shoes.
  2. Women: wrap dresses; summer dresses; nice jeans; linen pants; tank tops; fitted tops; sneakers; flats; boots; low heels; sandals.

How would you describe a sharp dressed man? ›

marked by up-to-dateness in dress and manners. “a dapper young man” synonyms: dashing, jaunty, natty, raffish, rakish, snappy, spiffy, spruce fashionable, stylish. being or in accordance with current social fashions.

What is a smart casual dress for males? ›

Clothing that should come to mind when hearing smart casual dress code are polos, sport jackets, short or long sleeves collared button-downs, fun patterned dress shirts, casual dress pants, chinos, dark wash jeans, and sensible yet professional foot-wear.

What makes a man look sharp? ›

A sharply-dressed man means being dressed in clothes that are clean, well-fitted and look neat. The key to looking sharp is wearing clothes that are clean and fit your body type. The clothes you wear and how you wear them can create an impression regarding how other people see you.

How can I look sharp without a suit? ›

Crew neck sweaters, half-zip knits and V-neck jumpers are all excellent alternatives to a suit blazer. Their formal style pairs well with a long-sleeve shirt and chinos. If it is colder outside, they can also be layered under a sports or casual jacket.

What should a man in his 50s wear? ›

If you're not sure what to buy, go for a trim, two-button jacket with wider lapels and well-tailored, flat-fronted trousers. Give your ties a bit of a refresh, and if you're feeling adventurous, replace those old, tired dress shirts with a cool rollneck jumper.

How do you dress like the 50s guy? ›

Boxy jeans became a go-to for younger men, while gray slacks and khaki pants were favored for more formal occasions. Accessories such as bow ties, fedora hats, penny loafers, and pocket squares added a touch of personality and refinement to outfits.

What does the 50s style look like? ›

Poodle skirts and ponytails, jeans and slick-backed hair—that's what many people consider iconic 1950s fashions. These looks were popular for teens, but what did everyone else wear? Style in the 1950s offered both men and women a new range of options.

What not to wear if you are a man over 50 casual? ›

Keep reading for helpful tips on men's clothing for 50-year-olds.
  • Do not wear tight clothing: ...
  • Stop wearing slogan and graphics t-shirts: ...
  • Should older guys wear skinny jeans: ...
  • Try to avoid wearing shorts in public places: ...
  • Can an older man wear a leather jacket? ...
  • Stay away from the oversized or prominent logos:

How should a 65 year old man dress casually? ›

Outfits that combine comfort with elegance are both stylish and suitable for older men: Casual Looks: Pair polo shirts or crew-neck sweaters with chinos or dark jeans for a smart-casual look. Business Casual: A crisp button-down shirt under a v-neck sweater or blazer pairs well with well-fitting trousers.

How to dress like the 50s with jeans? ›

Pair your jeans with a fitted button-down or blouse in a bold print or vibrant color. This will add some personality and playfulness to your outfit while staying true to the retro vibe. Complete your ensemble with vintage-inspired accessories like cat-eye sunglasses, statement jewelry, and a colorful headscarf.

What is 1950 fashion for men? ›

In the early 1950s, many men wore conservatively-colored, baggy suits with narrow ties. As the decade progressed, men's wardrobes became more textured, colorful, and casual. For leisure, men often donned lightweight sports coats and colored shirts paired with trousers.


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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.