Homemade V8 Juice Recipe | CDKitchen.com (2024)

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Okay, there aren't actually eight types of veggies in here. But lemon juice, worcestershire, and horseradish give the veggie juice blend just the right spice. Easy to throw in other produce as well for a super healthy refreshment.

Homemade V8 Juice Recipe | CDKitchen.com (1)


ready in:

30-60 minutes

7 reviews


15 pounds fully ripe tomatoes, chopped
2 cups chopped celery
3 large onions, chopped
3 cloves garlic, crushed
1/4 cup sugar, or to taste
3/4 teaspoon black pepper, or to taste
2 teaspoons prepared horseradish, or to taste
1/3 cup lemon juice, or to taste
salt, to taste
Worcestershire, to taste


Combine the tomatoes, celery, onions, garlic, sugar, black pepper, horseradish, and lemon juice in a Dutch oven over medium-high heat. Let cook for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the vegetables are very soft.

Transfer the vegetables, in batches, to a blender or food processor. Puree until smooth. Strain the mixture into a large bowl through a fine mesh sieve lined with cheesecloth. Repeat with the remaining vegetable mixture.

Return the vegetable puree to the Dutch oven and bring to a boil. Season to taste with salt and Worcestershire sauce (and adjust any other seasonings as needed).

Remove the pan from the heat and let the homemade V8 juice cool completely. Transfer the juice to a large pitcher or divide between other covered containers. Chill the V8 juice well before serving.

recipe tips

For a richer flavor, try roasting some of the vegetables like tomatoes and onions before simmering them with the rest of the ingredients.

Adding a small piece of beet can give the juice a vibrant color similar to store-bought V8 juice.

Taste and adjust the seasonings before canning or freezing to make sure the juice meets your expectations.

For an added health boost, try adding a piece of fresh ginger or turmeric to the vegetable mix while cooking.

The quality of your homemade V8 juice heavily depends on the quality of the vegetables used, so choose ripe, fresh produce for the best results.

common recipe questions

Can I can this homemade V8 juice for longer storage?

Yes, you can can this homemade V8 juice for longer storage. After the juice is cooked and seasoned, prepare your canning jars and lids by sterilizing them. Pour the hot juice into the jars, leaving about 1/2 inch of headspace. Wipe the rims clean, apply the lids and rings, and process the jars in a boiling water bath for about 40 minutes for pint jars or 45 minutes for quart jars. Make sure to adjust the processing time based on your altitude for safe preservation. After processing, let the jars cool undisturbed for 24 hours, check the seals, then store the jars in a cool, dark place.

Is there a way to make this recipe without a Dutch oven?

If you don't have a Dutch oven, you can use any large, heavy-bottomed pot for cooking the vegetable mixture. The key is to use a pot that distributes heat well to prevent scorching while allowing enough space to cook down the vegetables effectively.

Can I add other vegetables to this recipe?

Feel free to add other vegetables. Carrots, beets, bell peppers, and leafy greens like spinach or kale are popular additions.

How can I make the juice spicier?

To make the juice spicier, you can increase the amount of horseradish, add hot sauce to taste, or include fresh or dried chili peppers during the cooking process. Start with small amounts and adjust to taste.

What's the best way to strain the juice for a smooth texture?

For the smoothest texture, use a fine mesh sieve or food mill to strain the pureed vegetable mixture. If you want an even finer texture, strain the juice a second time through cheesecloth or a nut milk bag to remove any remaining solids.

Can I freeze this homemade V8 juice?

Yes, this homemade V8 juice can be frozen for future use. Pour the cooled juice into freezer-safe containers or heavy-duty freezer bags, leaving some space for expansion. Label the containers with the date, and freeze. Thaw in the refrigerator before serving. Note that freezing may slightly alter the texture or flavor, but it's a convenient way to preserve the juice.

nutrition data

142 calories, 2 grams fat, 32 grams carbohydrates, 5 grams protein per serving. This recipe is low in sodium. This recipe is low in fat.

more recipes like homemade v8 juice







reviews & comments

  1. Mary REVIEW:
    September 10, 2020

    I just processed my first batch. It is so tasty. I will be making more. Thank you for the recipe,

  2. Vivi kaye REVIEW:
    August 7, 2016

    Turned out yummy! Will make again!

  3. Bucketmouth Bob REVIEW:
    March 1, 2014

    I like the ingredient choice. I will follow up but going to roast some green chilis and then add that for a spicy hot. Thanks for sharing

  4. jkstiefvater REVIEW:
    September 5, 2013

    I made this recipe and I also added fresh basil, oregano, and box choy it is the BEST v8 we have made yet it is well liked by the whole family, thanks for sharing this!

  5. V8 Fan REVIEW:
    July 15, 2013

    I coarsely chopped all the veggies in the blender before boiling them to get more flavor out. I then reblended them and strained the juice. Good good fresh flavors. I made this more like the spicy V8 juice by added extra black pepper and some hot sauce

  6. sparky REVIEW:
    September 3, 2011

    very easy to make and tastes fantastic

  7. irene REVIEW:
    September 3, 2008

    This recipe is really good and is super easy to make. I have just made my second batch and plan on making more,


Homemade V8 Juice Recipe | CDKitchen.com (2024)


What are the 8 ingredients in V8 juice? ›

Carrots, celery, beets, parsley, lettuce, watercress and spinach juice are blended to create our unique flavor. These vegetables are grown mostly in the U.S. and then driven to our processing facility in Napoleon, Ohio where they are washed, pureed, and concentrated.

How to make a V8 at home? ›

  1. 1 ½ pounds tomatoes, chopped.
  2. ⅓ cup chopped onion.
  3. 3 tablespoons chopped celery.
  4. 1 small carrot, chopped.
  5. ¼ cup cubed beet.
  6. 1/4 cup chopped green bell pepper.
  7. 1 small clove garlic.
  8. 2 ⅓ cups water, or as needed.

Is homemade V8 juice healthy? ›

Why Drink Homemade V8 Juice? High in potassium: A diet high in potassium can help reduce blood pressure, protect against stroke, and prevent cell degradation, keeping skin healthy and glowing. High in Vitamin A: Vitamin A is important in the healthy maintenance of teeth, bones, white blood cells and your body's organs.

How do you make V8 vegetable juice taste good? ›

Try adding other vegetables, particularly greens or herbs. My two favorite add-ins (separately) were cayenne and mint. The cayenne adds the perfect kick, and mint put a fresh, light spin on traditional V8.

Is V8 actually healthy for you? ›

With a short and mostly recognizable ingredient list, V8 juice is a healthy option, says Crumble Smith, but it doesn't come anywhere close to eating real whole fruits and vegetables. “Unless you're getting the low sodium (V8), there's a ton of sodium in that,” Crumble Smith says.

Is V8 better for you than orange juice? ›

Simple carbs, found in sodas and fruit juices, cause a blood sugar spike that peters out soon after consumption, resulting in a short-lived energy boost. V8 juice is also substantially lower in sugar compared to soda and fruit juice, making it the optimal choice if you are trying to limit sugar intake.

What is the main ingredient in V8 juice? ›

It's made from a blend of eight garden vegetables: tomatoes, carrots, celery, beets, and greens. WATER, TOMATO PASTE, JUICE OF (CARROTS, CELERY, BEETS, PARSLEY, LETTUCE, WATERCRESS, SPINACH), WITH SALT AND SEASONING. *100% SUGARS FROM VEGETABLES.

What is the ingredient list for V8? ›


Is V8 juice anti inflammatory? ›

The antioxidant lycopene found in V8 100% vegetable juice affects inflammation as measured by CRP levels in a sample of female patients with heart failure. Lycopene is a natural phytochemical found in fruits and vegetables.

What's the healthiest juice to drink? ›

What is the healthiest juice? If you're looking to maximize health benefits and minimize downsides, Sharp recommends going for a vegetable-based juice or a juice or smoothie with the fruit's fibers still in tact, such as orange juice with pulp.

What is the best V8 juice? ›

The best V8 juice for you will depend on your personal taste preferences. Some people prefer the classic V8 Original for its balanced flavor and nutrient content, while others may enjoy the added kick of the Spicy Hot version. If you like a milder, greener taste, V8 Healthy Greens could be your choice.

What are the side effects of V8 juice? ›

Acidity May Cause Heartburn

As such, some V8 drinks might stimulate heartburn, caused by reflux in which stomach contents escape into the esophagus. People with long-term reflux — gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) — might be particularly susceptible to this effect.

Can you drink V8 vegetable juice everyday? ›

An occasional V8 is fine for most people, but you should still focus on having a variety of whole vegetables in your diet. A better bet would be to blend up some vegetables yourself at home. Or, even better, eat your vegetables and drink a glass of water instead.

Is it better to drink V8 warm or cold? ›

V8 +ENERGY drinks do not need to be refrigerated before opening. However, we recommend enjoying V8 +ENERGY chilled.

What can I mix with V8 to make it taste better? ›

Depending on your particular tastes — from mild to flaming hot — there are a number of spices, some uncommon, that pair well with V8's original drink. The possibilities include ajwain, basil, black pepper, chili powder, cumin, oregano, and za'atar.

What are the 8 vegetables in V8? ›

V8 vegetable juice

The original V8 is a savory juice. It is made mainly from water and tomato concentrate, and reconstituted vegetable juice blend: water and concentrate of eight vegetables, specifically: beets, celery, carrots, lettuce, parsley, watercress, spinach, and tomato.

How many V8 energy drinks a day is safe? ›

As for most adults, up to 400 milligrams of caffeine a day appears to be safe, according to the Mayo Clinic. “Healthy adults who choose to drink energy drinks should not exceed one can per day,” the Mayo Clinic's Zeratsky said.


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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.