Money blog: Emirates boss says Heathrow is like a 'Second World War airport' (2024)

Top news
  • Heathrow is like a Second World War airport, says Emirates boss
  • Gas prices hit highest level since December
  • Glitch that delayed 500,000 benefit payments 'fixed', HMRC says
  • HSBC announces mortgage rate increases
Essential reads
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  • How much are student loans, when do you start paying back and what is the interest?
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  • Where is all the money going? Here's who is really responsible for concert tickets going crazy
  • Would tourist tax put you off visiting Scotland?
  • Best of the Money blog - an archive

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Heathrow is like a Second World War airport, says Emirates boss

The president of Emirates airlines has said Heathrow Airport is "not good enough" and looks like a Second World War airport.

Sir Tim Clark said the airport was putting its shareholders before running a world-class business.

"I was at Heathrow the other day and walking out of our lounge the ceiling height is awful," he said.

"It looks like a utilitarian structure, post-Second World War. It is just not good enough."

He argued Terminal 3, where Emirates is based, should be redesigned to make it better for passengers.

Heathrow is "seriously lagging behind" in its customer experience, Mr Clark said.

"It's an old airport. I'm afraid it's very difficult. You need to open up the whole terminal. Where we are based, new airports are being built employing the latest technologies to streamline the process of all the customer-facing elements. That is not the case at Heathrow."

Heathrow told The Telegraph: "Every pound we want to spend on improving airport facilities needs approval from our regulator. Despite having our proposals cut back in the current regulatory settlement, we will still invest £3.6bn upgrading our infrastructure over the next three years.

"We will continue to invest and to work with our airline partners to build an airport fit for the future."


Gas prices hit highest level since December

Wholesale costs for natural gas have hit their highest levels across Europe since December last year - threatening a future spike in energy bills.

The cause is a key Norwegian export operation being shut down due to a cracked pipe.

The damage, discovered aboard the Sleipner Riser platform, prompted widerenergyinfrastructure to be halted including the Nyhamna processing plant which exports gas to the UK, pipeline operator Gassco said.

Alfred Hansen, the company's head of pipeline system operations, told the Reuters news agency: "This has big consequences from a supply perspective."

Read more on this, and how there's better new on oil prices, below...


Six signs you might have a shopping addiction

Yesterday we talked about the dopamine hit you get when shopping - and spoke to a psychologist about how you might learn to control it.

But what if it's gone too far? That's what we're discussing in the second of this four-part series this week.

Apiece by the Royal College of Psychiatrists, published by Cambridge University Press in 2012, said shopping addiction, often referred to as compulsive buying disorder (CBD), "was first described by the German psychiatrist Emil Kraepelin almost a century ago".

He called the disorder "oniomania" (from the Greekonios, meaning "for sale", andmania, meaning "insanity").

A hundred years on, the World Health Organisation doesn't classify shopping addiction as a mental illness, unlike gambling, video game addiction, pyromania and kleptomania - but psychologists are taking note of the subject.

According to a 2021 paper in theJournal of Behavioral Addictions, potentialsymptomsofa compulsive shopping disorder include:

  1. Preoccupation with shopping (an irresistible urge to buy a product);
  2. Reduced control over buying behaviours;
  3. Buying products but not using them for the purposes they were intended to serve;
  4. Using shopping to regulate mood;
  5. Negative consequences afterwards such as guilt, shame, debt, relationship problems;
  6. Negative mood and cognitive symptoms if attempting to stop.

Donald W Black, a prominent American psychiatrist, has written extensively on the subject. He says the "disorder has a lifetime prevalence of 5.8% in the US general population".

There has been much debate about whether CBD is a valid mental illness - amid concerns of over medicalising. However, a growing number of rehab clinics are offering treatment.

The Priory's website says: "If you are addicted to spending money, and are finding that it is affecting your finances, relationships, health and quality of life, this is just as serious as any other addiction."

The Abbey Care Foundation says signs you may have a shopping addiction include juggling multiple credit cards, hiding extravagant spending from your family, hoarding things you don't use and getting angry at anyone who tries to get in the way of your spending.

The foundation even breaks down different types of shopping addict:

  • Bargain-seekers:These people have a shopping habit of actively seeking items on sale. When they spot items for less than their perceived value, they purchase them. This behaviour makes them feel like they are winning and relieves shopping addiction.
  • Collectors:This shopping addiction entails seeking out different versions of a particular item. The desire to collect or complete a set of similar items drives this addiction.
  • Show-offs:The compulsive behaviour is driven by the desire to buy high-value items. In some cases, the individual's self-worth or self-esteem is attached to making such purchases.
  • Trophy-hunters: The shopping addiction is for rare, expensive items. The individual intentionally looks for the most expensive or rarest items and gains satisfaction in buying them.
  • Shopping bulimics:This shopping addiction is like the eating disorder known as bulimia nervosa. Individuals categorised as shopping bulimics make large, frequent purchases only to request later refunds. They do so to cushion themselves from the financial consequences of making such large purchases.

Join us tomorrow as we speak to a woman for who this used to be all too real - leading her into £40,000 of debt.


British Airways to allow passengers to book flights in just a few clicks with Amazon-style app

Passengers will soon be able to book British Airways flights in a few clicks as part of a major revamp by the airline.

The company told The Telegraph it wanted to style its website on the "three clicks and you can check out" approach of Amazon.

British Airways said it was spending £7bn on a revamp, which would see the company's app and website relaunched.

Other changes will include new planes, revamped seats and refurbished airport lounges.

Customers will also be able to rebook, claim a refund and cancel flights online.

The new website is currently being trialled by people flying from London Gatwick to Montpellier in France, Antalya in Turkey and Bari, Cagliari and Catania in Italy.


How much are student loans, when do you start paying back and what is the interest?

Basically, student finance is a government-financed loan that covers university students' tuition fees and living costs for the duration of their study.

There are two main types of loan, tuition and maintenance - we'll take each in turn.

Tuition fees

Undergraduate courses in England generally cost students about £9,250 a year.

That's a lot for a young person (or their family) to cover, so the government offers to pay that outright, direct to the university, on their behalf.

This is known as your tuition loan - we'll come to how this is repaid later.

Maintenance loans

These help students cover day-to-day costs, such as rent and food, while studying.

For the 2024-25 academic year, students can borrow anywhere between £4,327 and £13,348 for each year of study - depending on where you live, where you're going to study and your family's financial situation.

See how much you could be entitled to by clicking here.

The various plans

Here's where it gets more complicated. What plan you may be on is listed below...

Why no Plan 3? The repayment plan for postgraduate loans in England and Wales is actuallyPlan 3.

In the UK, you pay nothing up front, and the amount you pay back each month is determined by how much you earn.

You'll repay a percentage of your income over the threshold for your type of loan, depending on how often you get paid - see the table below for the thresholds.

With those thresholds in mind, you'll repay either:

  • 9% of your income over the threshold if you're on Plan 1, 2, 4 or 5
  • 6% of your income over the threshold if you're on a postgraduate loan (Plan 3)

If you're on multiple plans, the rules are slightly different.

If you don't have a postgraduate loan, you'll repay 9% of your income over the lowest threshold out of the plan types you have.

In this scenario, you'll only have a single repayment taken each time you get paid, even if you're on more than one plan type.

But if you do have a postgraduate loan, you'll repay 6% of your income over the postgraduate loan thresholdand 9% of your income over the lowest threshold for any other plan types you have.

You don't need to worry about paying it off each month yourself if you're employed - the money will be deducted from your earnings before it hits your account, like income tax.

Interest rates

Like any loan, you'll be paying back what you owe plus a little bit on the top - known as interest.

With student loans, that extra on the top isn't so little right now, as it is linked to retail price rises.

  • 6.25% if you're on Plan 1
  • 7.8% if you're on Plan 2
  • 6.25% if you're on Plan 4
  • 7.8% if you're on Plan 5
  • 7.8% if you're on a postgraduate loan plan (Plan 3)

Read other entries in our Basically... series...


Royal Mail's incoming billionaire owner refuses to rule out stamp price hikes

Royal Mail's incoming owner has refused to rule out stamp price hikes under his leadership.

In fact, Czech billionaire Daniel Kretinsky seemed to suggest there might be more increases to come.

"I can't make unconditional commitments," he told The Times when questioned on the topic.

"[If] your circulation is 50% of what it was … you either need to go home, or you need to increase the unit price and hope that people will pay for it. Because if not, you are making losses.

"You can be loss-making for a year or two, but you can't be in a loss for 20 years. It's simple maths. There's no mystery to it."

First class stamp prices have more than doubled since 2018 from 67p to £1.35.

The businessman, nicknamed the Czech Sphinx, had his £3.6bn offer accepted by the postal service's parent company, International Distribution Services, last week.

It said the agreement included a series of "contractual commitments" to protect public service aspects of the Royal Mail - such as its universal service obligation to "one-price-goes-anywhere" first-class post six days a week.

Many were shocked by the deal, with Royal Mail reporting losses of £1m a day in recent years.

You can read more about the Czech Sphinx below...


500,000 families affected by child benefit error must wait two more days for money

A major error that meant 500,000 families did not receive their scheduled child benefit today has been "fixed", HMRC has said.

In a post on X, HMRC said affected families would get the money on Wednesday morning, two days after the payments were due...

Multiple readers have got in touch to say they had been affected by the problem, which meant almost a third of payments scheduled for today were not made.

ReaderSusan1984 said: "When should we expect to receive the missing payment? This has left not just me but so many more families with kids completely stuck for food and fuel this morning."

Earlier, HMRC apologised and said it was working urgently to resolve the issue, which would not affected payments scheduled for tomorrow (see post at 14.41).

Child benefit is usually paid every four weeks on a Monday or a Tuesday at a rate of £25.60 for an eldest or only child and £16.95 for each additional child.


HSBC announces mortgage rate increases - with elevated hikes 'here to stay for the foreseeable'

The bank has today announced wholesale rate hikes across its residential and buy-to-let mortgage product ranges.

The new rates, which come into effect tomorrow, will be applied largely across its two, three and five-year fixed rates for purchase and remortgage.

However, a number of rates available to existing HSBC customers looking to switch will also see increases.

Brokers say more lenders could increase rates this week.

This is thanks to an uptick in swap rates due to hopes fading for a cut to the base rate set by the Bank of England in June.

Here is what some industry insiders told Newspage...

The dreaded 'higher for longer' scenario is no longer a mere notion: it's the harsh reality for many. It looks like these elevated rates are here to stay for the foreseeable future.

Ranald Mitchell, director at Charwin Private Clients

We can now expect more awkward conversations with clients who have read that rates are coming down and inflation is under control. HSBC have been fairly competitive recently so the hope is that they just need to turn the tap off a little to catch up and this isn't an upward trend that will continue into the summer period.

David Stirling, independent financial advisor at Mint Mortgages and Protection

HSBC is one of several lenders to already have announced changes this week. Even with the higher rates on offer, I would not suggest waiting in the hope of a drop any time soon. My advice to borrowers is take control of the situation and start the process of arranging a new deal as early as possible, secure a rate and, if a better one materialises, change to it.

Simon Bridgland, broker/director at Release Freedom


Major glitch leaves 500,000 without child benefit - HMRC 'sorry'

Child benefit payments have not arrived on time for approximately half a million people.

Almost a third of payments scheduled for today were not made - and we've had multiple readers get in touch to say they've been impacted.

HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has apologised and said it is working urgently to resolve the issue.

"We're sorry that some customers' child benefit payments have not arrived as scheduled and we are working urgently to resolve the issue," said an HMRC spokesperson.

"The issues that caused payment problems today will not impact payments scheduled for tomorrow."

Child benefit is usually paid every four weeks on a Monday or a Tuesday at a rate of £25.60 for an eldest or only child and £16.95 per additional child.

Some people may receive the benefit weekly, for example if they are a single parent or receiving certain other benefits, such as universal credit.

HMRC added on X that there was "no need for customers to call us" and it will provide updates on the social media platform.

As of August 2023, 6.91 million families were in receipt of child benefit payments.

Reader Sam E said: "No warning, complete denial, no update, just endless worry for those who rely on the benefit. The denial in particular is an insult. How long will it be until it's sorted?"


Would tourist tax put you off visiting Scotland?

Last week, the Scottish Parliament passed a bill meaning local authorities can set an additional charge for overnight accommodation.

For tourists heading to Scotland, that means an extra fee for staying hotels, bed and breakfasts and holiday lets.

According to Visitor Levy (Scotland) Bill, the fee will be a percentage of the cost of a hotel or other room.

For instance, a 1% levy on a £200 booking means a visitor would pay £2 in tourist tax.

We asked our followers in LinkedIn if the tourist tax would put them off visiting the country.

The majority of them (59%) said it wouldn't stop them from taking a trip there - but 41% would think twice.

Any charges or levies are not expected to come into effect until spring 2026, as councils need to consult local businesses before carrying out an 18-month implementation period.

Those receiving disability benefits will not pay any charges, with children and young people also exempt.

Manchester, Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole already charge people to stay the night.

Manchester's £1-a-night City Visitor Charge was introduced last April, and is estimated to have raised around £2.8m in its first year.

European hotspots like Barcelona and Venice also have tourist taxes, with the Spanish city charging visitors €3.25 if they're staying in official accommodation.

Your comments on LinkedIn:

"We love Scotland (I'm a Scot) but live close enough to drive up and do some shopping and stay over for a meal etc and we do so perhaps every six weeks or so. So I'm now classed as a 'tourist' even though I spend about £200 on a room - perhaps another £200 quid on a meal and drinks etc etc - not to mention the money we spend in the shops. And they want to charge us both £2.50 a night?"

Paul Mclean

Many countries apply tourist taxes, so why should Scotland be any different?The big questions, for me, are how will the money be spent? Will it be spent directly benefiting the city or just vanish into government coffers? The other is who counts as a tourist. A foreign national visiting from a country outside of the UK would seem a sensible definition, but to charge domestic visitors would probably be shootings themselves in the foot somewhat.

Scott Taylor-Barr

From my experience, Edinburgh is already one of the most expensive cities to visit.

Greig Cahill

Hopefully the contributions are put towards the development of tourism, and/or will be used in the right ways. From my experience working in France, French nationals are very accepting of the tourist tax and in France, I see the logic in it. Let's hope it works... 🤞🏻

Jennifer Wightman

Money blog: Emirates boss says Heathrow is like a 'Second World War airport' (2024)


Was Heathrow a ww2 airfield? ›

It was intended for long-distance military aircraft bound for the Far East. By the time some of the airfields runways were usable, World War II had ended, and the UK Government continued to develop the site as a civil airport. The airport was opened on 25 March 1946 as London Airport.

Does China own Heathrow Airport? ›

Heathrow Airport boasts a diverse group of stakeholders with the Spanish firm Ferrovial currently holding the largest share at 25 per cent. The ownership structure also includes Qatar Investment Authority holding a 20 per cent stake and China Investment Corporation with 10 per cent.

What is the new name for Heathrow Airport? ›

Summary. Known as London Airport in 1946, renaming Heathrow Airport in 1966 was crucial for distinction.

Why is Heathrow such a mess? ›

Horror delays at Heathrow are being partly caused by passengers taking too much make-up and feigning mobility issues, the airport's boss has claimed. In recent months, Heathrow passengers have faced winding queues, last-minute cancellations, and mountains of lost baggage.

Did Saudis buy Heathrow Airport? ›

Saudi Arabia's Public Investment Fund (PIF) has entered into an agreement to purchase a 10% stake in London's Heathrow airport, marking a significant shift in the airport's ownership structure. The stake is being acquired from Spanish infrastructure giant Ferrovial, which has been a stakeholder since 2006.

Why is Heathrow Airport closed at night? ›

Night-time (23:30 - 06:00) operations at Heathrow are heavily restricted by the Government, which sets a limit of 5,800 night-time take-offs and landings a year. A night quota limit is also in place, which caps the amount of noise the airport can make at night.

Does China own land in England? ›

The Chinese government owns a vast network of UK real estate via offshore secrecy jurisdictions such as Luxembourg and the Isle of Man, the Guardian can reveal, raising questions about Beijing's grip on links in the UK supply chain.

What airline is owned by China? ›

Air China is headquartered at Beijing Capital International Airport. It is a member of Star Alliance and has a capital tie-up with Hong Kong's Cathay Pacific Airways. It boasts the largest international network of the major Chinese airlines. Its leading shareholder is the state-owned China National Aviation Holding.

Does China own UK infrastructure? ›

Chinese and Hong Kong-based investors have amassed a portfolio of UK infrastructure, with stakes in UK Power Networks, Heathrow airport, Northumbrian Water and Hinkley Point C Nuclear Plant.

Who currently owns Heathrow Airport? ›

Heathrow Airport Holdings Limited is in turn owned by FGP Topco Limited, a consortium owed and led by the infrastructure specialist Ferrovial S.A. (25.00%), Qatar Investment Authority (20.00%), Caisse de depot et placement de Quebec (CDPQ) (12.62%), GIC (11.20%), Alinda Capital Partners of the United States (11.18%), ...

Which is the busiest airport in the world? ›

The world's busiest airport is Hartsfield–Jackson Atlanta International Airport in metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia, which has been the world's busiest airport every year since 1998 with the exception of 2020, when its passenger traffic dipped for a year due to travel restrictions resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.

What is the largest airport in the world? ›

1. King Fahd International (DMM) - 300 square miles. According to the Guinness World Records, the King Fahd International Airport (DMM) in Saudi Arabia is the world's largest airport in terms of land area.

Is it safe to go to Heathrow Airport? ›

Heathrow's highest priority is the safety and security of its passengers, staff and the organisations that operate at its airports. Heathrow is committed to being a leader in health and safety management. Consistent with this aim, Heathrow has integrated health and safety into Heathrow's overall mission statement.

Why is Heathrow struggling? ›

It struggled with high costs due to labour shortages and operational problems last year, introducing a self-imposed cap of 100,000 daily passenger departures in July 2022.

Has a plane ever crashed from Heathrow? ›

British European Airways Flight 548 was a scheduled passenger flight from London Heathrow to Brussels that crashed near Staines, England, shortly after take-off on 18 June 1972, killing all 118 people on board. The accident became known as the Staines air disaster.

How many airfields were there in the UK in ww2? ›

By the end of the Second World War, there were more than 600 airfields in England. Some were used by the Royal Air Force (RAF) but many of them were built to accommodate the Eighth and Ninth United States Army Air Force (USAAF) squadrons which began arriving in 1943, in preparation for the invasion of Europe.

What was Heathrow Airport before? ›

First opened officially as 'London Airport' in 1946 and renamed 'Heathrow' in 1966, today more than 78 million passengers travel through Heathrow Airport annually. Amid the ongoing legal fight over controversial plans to build a third runway by 2026, read more about the airport's history…

What airfield was at Pearl Harbor in 1941? ›

The Japanese attacked Hawaii at 7:48 a.m. on Sunday, December 7, 1941. Air strikes targeted Pearl Harbor, Wheeler, Schofield, Hickam, John Rodgers, Bellows and other air fields.

What airfields were used in Scotland in ww2? ›

The main fighter airfields used by Spitfire and Hurricane squadrons, were Abbotsinch in the west and Grangemouth, Drem, Turnhouse, Dyce, Leuchars, Page 5 SCOTLAND'S WARTIME AIRFIELDS 49 Sumburgh, Wick and Grimsetter in the east and north.


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