The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

1 SPRINGFIELD, THURSDAY. JANUARY 14, 1965 35 SP'RINGFIELD UNION, NEWS FROM THE CITY OF CHICOPEE 21S, RIVOLI BUILDING TEL. L.Y 2-2377 Heart Campaign Chairmen Are Named CHICOPEE Heart Fund drive chairmen for the Willi-! mansett, Aldenville and Willimanseit Heights areas were announced Wednesday by Mrs. John H. Rege, Chicopee drive chairman.

"Drive Feb. 28 Drs. Joseph Berneche of 11 Dallaire WaS named to lead the Aldenville section: Mrs. Antoinette Cantin of 307 Skeele Willimansett, and Mrs. seph Bourbeau of 69 Pendleton Willimansett Heights.

Joseph Wisniowski was named Tuesday to head the Chicopee Center participation. The one-day drive will be Feb. 28. C. of C.

to Give Salutes On Tuesday CHICOPEE Four individuals and three firms will be recognized by Breakfast Club of the Chicopee Chamber Commerce Tuesday at at Highpoint Motor Inn. Col. William P. Brown, commander of the 499th Air Refuel'ing Wing, will be Westover Air! Force Base guest of the month. Salutes will be given Robert! Brigham, new president of the Springfield Gas Light and George Ryan of the Kiwanis Club and Chester Mazur of the Lions Club, new presidents of the service organizations.

Businesses to be recognized, are Dunlap Florist on anniversary, Fairview Food Mart, on Zayre's, its 3 fifth new business. anniversary, City Treasurer Edward J. Ziemba will be greeter. Boys Club Youngsters Competing in Contests CHICOPEE Six members' of of the three units of the Chicopee Boys Club under the age of 14 represented the club al a Western Massachusets area council inter-club games room tournament Saturdav at Ludlow Boys Club. The competed in table tennis, billiards, and checkers.

the At the ment the standings are: West Springfield, Barre, 4: Chicopce. 3: Ludlow. Pittsfield. 2: Springfield, Webster 0: liolvoke, 0. and Williamstown, 0.

The second half of the tournament, for boys 14 to 16 vears of age, will be Saturday af 10 at the Holyoke Boys Club. Members of all three unit clubs have been competing in billiards, table, tennis and chess throughout this week and the boys in each event will represent the club. The Boys Clubs of America sectional games room award will be pi'esented to the club with most points. Building Permits CHICOPEE Building Inspector Ernest D. Rivet issued permits Wednesday to Wallace! F.

Vanderwalker of 81 Keddy for a $100 porch, and Reynold Gladu, to erect a sign at 1169 Grattan St. School Menus -Menus in the public schools next week are: Monday. meat balls with tomato sauce. buttered rice, green beans, whole wheat and white bread. purple plums.

milk: Tuesday, beef stew with vege-! tables, Hawaiian milk; Wednesday. citrus juice. frankfurt in buttered roll. succotash, peach crisp. cheese.

milk: Thursday. roast turkey with gravy. whipped potatoes. cranberry slaw, whole wheat; and white bread. dessert, milk: Friday, tomato chowder, grilled cheese sandwich, carrot and celery sticks, cherry upside down cake, milk.

Speaks at Communion Breakfast Sr. James chairman Cathedral High School, gave a at the annual Communion ciety of Holy Name Church in the weekend. With her is of the science department at talk 011 "The vanishing nun" breakfa-1 of the Holy Name Sothe Chicopee parish hall over Ronald ludgik. president. United Church Women Elect Mrs.

Snape CHICOPEE MI's. Kennethi Snape was reelected president of the United Church Women of Chicopee this week at First Congregational Church. Others chosen were Mrs. Gilbert Henry, first vice-president: Mrs. Elliott Rice, second vicepresident; Mrs.

Larkin Hayden, recording secretary: Miss Ethel Coleman. corresponding secretary. and Mrs. Wesley Brown, treasurer. Rev.

Asa Mellinger. pastor of the host church, lead devoticas! on "Enlarging our Christian ex-; Plans were made for the World Day of Prayer March 5 at the Congregational Church of Chicopee Falls with Mrs. Esten DeGowen. president of the evening guild, as chairman. Wagner Is Chairman For Feb.

14 Dance CHICOPEE The Democratic City Committee Wednesday announced members of the Valentine's Day dance commitive. John F. Wagner will be chairman. assisted by Cecile Klemish. tickets: Irene Niemicc.

food; Edward Murphy. music; John Losty and Paul Demears, prizes: Fran McKay, decorations and John P. Moylan, publicity. The dance will take place Feb. 14 at the Chrales C.

Kennedy American Legion Post 275. In District Court CHICOPEE- Paul J. 43. of 22 Hillside East Iongmeadow. pleaded innocent in District Court Wednesday to a charze of selling beverages to a minor.

His case was continued six months for finding. Brasile. manager of the Airline Liquor Mart. was summoned by the Juvenile Bureau. Three juvenile girls charged in connection with the liquor sale were arraigned in juvenile session.

One girl denied a charge of drunkenness and (ne denied being idle and lv and their cases were ued 10 April 24. The third girl, charged with having liquor in a car without the presetce of a parent or guardian, saW herl case dismissed. Walter Detweiler. 20. of 97 Pondview pleaded guilty to two counts of procuring and! delivering alcoholic beverages 10 A minor and his case was continued 10 March 21.

He allegedly purchased liquor from Brasile and gave it to the three girls. Edmund N. Gelinas, 13. of 102 Meetinghouse was found innocent of operating unIder the influence of liquor. The April business meeting will be omitted May Food Fellowship Sale Day Set will bel May at Chicopee Falls Methodist Church with Mrs.

Grace Smith HIS chairman. June 8. a business meeting will be at 8 church to be announced. Drs. Donald Greenwood of United Presbyterian Church will be chairman of the food sale in September in Springfield Gas Light office.

Following the meeting colored slides taken last summer in Maine and illustrating the poem "Sea Fever' by John Maseficli were hv Mr. Mellinger. Refreshments were served under the direction of Miss Linda Baker assisted by ladies of the host church. GOP Protests Closing CHICOPEE The Republi. can City Committee has for.

warded :1 letter to P'resident Johnson registering opposition 10 the phasing out of 11:0 Springtield Armory, it was announced by George Ladeau chairman. Grocki Club Party Is Slated Today CHICOPEE Grocki Social Club card party will be today ai 1.30 in the community hall on Meetinghouse Rd. Residents of the housing for the elderly are invited. Door and special prizes will he awarded and refreshments will be served. Mrs.

Pearl Hanson is chairman and Mrs. And Ryan cochairman. Mrs. Cora Bergeron. Mrs.

Theresa Hurley and Mrs. Emelia Flanders are in charge of tickets. Recently Mrs. Margaret Ericksberg was reelected president for her third consecutively term. Others were: William Moreau.

vice-president; Mrs. Bessie Spillane, secretary: Mrs. Pearl Hanson, treasurer; Mrs. Cora Bergeron, flower fund chairman. and Mrs.

Arthur Masse. chaplain. Teen-Deems to Elect CHICOPEE The Chicopee will meet Wednesday al 7.30 in City Hall. Election of officers will be held at that time. Teenagers between the ages of 13 and 18 are n- vited to attend the meeting and become a member.

I Marriage Intentions CHICOPEE Marriage intentions were filed at the office of City Clerk Arthur Balthazar by Raymond M. Lebeau of 118 Nowton St. Holyoke. toolmaker, and Patricia Kane of 227 Pendleton tester. Nun Honored on Anniversary Sr.

Marie de LaSalette, left, who in secular life was Beatrice Gauthier of Chicopee, was honored 011 the silver anniversary of her religious life by relatives and friends at dit open house at Union Canadienne Hall. From the left. her brothers and sister are Stephen and George Gauthier, both of Springfield, Mrs. Howard Devlin of Ludlow and Alfred Gauthier of Chicopee. Brewers Local 141 Installs Cundiff Amos Cundiff of Holyoke was in-talled at a 20th anniversary party Logion Post 152.

From the left are Charles Welch of Holyoke, outgoing president: representative, as president of Brewers Local 111 at Piel Bros. in over the weekend at Chicopee Center American McCracken of Chicopee, secretary; Thomas William Roco*kovit4 of Allentown, international. Annual Meeting Jan. 21 For Community Center CHICOPEE The Community! Center annual mecting will be held in the Father Donahue Lounge Jan. 21 at p.

it was announced. Wednesday by Robert Roulay, Center presi-; ident. A smorgasbord will be oftered. There will be election of officers and directors and annual reports will be presented. Rev.

Asa W. Mellinger, pastor of the First Congregational Church. will be installing officer. Lukas to Speak To Scout Units CHICOPEE Charles J. Lukas, district Scout neighborhood commissioner and elec1rical foreman for Package Ma-.

chinery of East Long-, meadow in the construction, maintenance and assembly of all electrical work will speak at the joint monthly meeting Boy Scout Troop 150 and Explorer Post 150, sponsored the Leon Szetela PTA Jan. 22 at p. m. in the school hill. Scouts and Scouters in the Chicopee district are invited.

Lukas will give an illustratedl: talk on harnessed power, uses of direct and alternating cur. why fuses blow, electrical outlets and safe. ty precautions. As a follow -up Lukas and scoutmaster Leonard Klemish are making arrangements for 1 visit to Package Machinery Co. DIES.

JOHN B. STONE Rebekahs. She leaves her husband, John two daughters, Miss Joyce Melba Stone. a student Salem State College. and ailss Judith Ann Stone, alat student al Chicopee High School: 3 half-brother, Harold McLay of Indian Harbor: a halfsister.

Mrs. Laurie Mouzar of Dorchester; three sisters. Miss! Valerie Covey of Toronto and Mrs. Eva Levy and Mrs. Mildred MeLennon, both of Indian Harbor, and several nieces and nephews.

Funeral services will be held in St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Springfield, Saturday 2. Rev. C. J.

Harriman, pastor, will officiate. Burial will be it Hillcrest Park Cemetery. Calling hours at Byron funeral home today and Friday from 2 to. 1 and 7 to 10. CHICOPEE-Mrs.

Gertrude E. Stone, 49. of 239 Carew $1., Chicopee Falls, died at Mercy Hospital Wednesday. She was born in Indian Harbor. Nova Scotia, Aug.

19. 1915, daughter of the late Henry and Ida (Levy) Covey, and was 3 Chicopee Falls resident for 14 years. She was a member of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church of Indian Harbor. For many years Mrs.

Stone was a licensed practical nurse and WAS a member of William Parkman Lodge of CHICOPEE Rev. Mr. Edward B. Ravish, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Edward J. Ravish of 1623 Westover who will be ora dained to the priesthood Feb. 10, will celebrate his first mass in St. Mary's Church Feb. 14.

Rites in Norwich Mr. Ravish, member of the Willimansett parish, will be or. dained by Bishop Vincent J. Hines of Norwich. Assisting him at his first mass will be Rev.

Oliver W. Verrill of Ipswich, assistant priest; Rev. Thomas Quinlan of Boston, deacon, and Rev. Robert Lynch of Boston, subdeacon. Rev.

John Dreher of Providence, R. 1., will be master JI ceremonies. Rev. Walter J. Gaffncy, chap lain of Farren Memorial tal in Montague City, will preach the sermon.

A graduate of Chicopee High School, Boston College and the School ot St. Philip Nori in Bos. ton, Mr. Ravish served in the Navy for four veals before iering St. John's Seminary in Brighton.

SOUTH HADLEY Local Man Named To New Position Priest Will Say First Mass In St. Mary's Boy, 14, Faces Five Charges In Auto Case CHICOPEE-A 14-year-old boy' was arrested on five charges Wednesday following investigation into 3 hit and rue accident Tuesday night in which a car struck a Chicopee St. house. In Juvenile Court Capt. Harold F.

head of the Detective said the boy will be charged with: delinquency, to wit. using a car without the authority of the ownor, operating, an unregistered' and vehicle, leaving the scene of a property damage: accident without making himself. and operating without a license. He will be arraigned in juvenile session of District Court He was released 10. the custody of his parents.

Capt. O'Connor said that offduty Patrolman Stanley Walas spotted the boy operating the car without registratico plates and when he gave chase the boy struck a house at 111 Chicopee St. and then fled the scene. The detective head also alleged that the boy drove the car Monday night. Lt.

Del. Edward Rojowski and Dot. Paul Balthazar were investigating officers and made the arrest. Polish Alliance Units to Install Junior League Saturday in the Fremenac Club. Dinner will be at 6.30 p.

m. followed by the ceremonies and CIIICOPER-Mrs. Alice Nahorinck, president of Council 62. Polish National Alliance, will! serve as installing officer for al joint installation of officers of Group 2590. Polish National Alliance.

and Polish National DIES. ALICE N. IHORMEK presentaticn of 3 $100 scholarDonald Targenski by, Stanley Matras, chairman of the scholarship Officers of committee. Group 2590 Mrs. Sophie Golba, president: Miss Patricia Nahormek.

vicepresident: AIrs. Evelyn Saczawa, financial secretary; Miss BeverKuzniar. recording secretary. and Urs. Regina Cebula.

treasurer. Polish National Alliance Junior League officers 10 he installed are: Miss Nancy Nahormek. president; Miss Cynthia vice-president; Miss Linda Cebula, secretary: Miss Kathleen Wozniak. treasurer: Miss Kathryn Galuska. historian; Miss Debra Golba.

chaplain; Miss Boverly ski. sergeant-at-arms; Miss Genevieve Wozniak, Miss Judy Obrzut. Miss Sandra Golba, Miss Debra Kenepacki. Miss Lynn Bozek ard Miss Linda ski, board of directors. CHICOPEE FUNERALS The funeral of William F.

Tauscher of 71 Church ChicoFalls, "Edward W'ednespee day at the F. Day funeral home, Holyoke. Rev. Walter Menzel officiated. Bearers were, Donald Buss, Gerd Snyder, Rev.

Robert Tauscher, Walter Hoffman, Richard Padykula and Blair Arble. Soloist was Mrs. David Tarr. Burial was in Elmwood Cemetery, Holvoke. The funeral of Joseph P.

Stadnicki of 28 Roosevelt Chicopee was held Wednesday with at Starzyk funcral home a solemn requiem high mass 111 St. Stanislaus Churchis Rev. Stanley Polewaczyk celebrant; Rev. Emil Majchrzak. deacon; and Rev.

Peter Lis. subdeacon. Bearers, all nephews of the deceased, were Raymond and Thomas Kowalezyk, Gerald and James Stadnicki. Francis Crepiel and Walter Czepicl, Jr. was in St.

Stanislaus Cemetery, Chicopee. Fr. Polewaczyk read the committal prayers. The funeral of Mrs. Celina Bernier of 69 Chicopee Willimansett, was held Wednesday 'at the Arthur T.

Brunelle funeral home, Willimansett, with a solemn requiem high mass in the Church of the Nativity. Rev. Leon Sauvageau was celebrant; Rev. Loon Lussier, deacon; and Rev.' Fontaine, subdeacon.

Bearers were Gilbert Boutin, Joseph Skibinski, Andrew Roy, Raymond Giguere, Roland Bazinct, and Mitzi Synck. Burial was in Notre Dame Cometerv, South Hadley. Fr. Lussier read the prayers at the grave. Other Suburban News on Page 48 will moderate the mecting.

Officers will be elected. Miss Nancy Blaess will conduct a class, "Science through recreation." each Friday at 3.30. Boys and girls 10 to 14 may register. The Camera Club will meet Tuesday in the Quiet Room at 7.30. Classes and discussions will be held.

There are still openings in the women's swimming classes being held at Chicopee High School pool each Monday from 8.15 10 9.15 p. m. Drum Corps Party Slated Saturday CHICOPEE The Drum Corps of Willimansett party will he Saturday at 7 in St. Anthony's Tall. Members, and parents.

dinner. are invited to the spaghetti 1 record hop will follow. Members may bring guests. Mrs. Frank and Mos.

James will be from 7 10 8 and the Collins will be hostesses. Supper record hop from 8 to 10.30. Today Is Deadline For Club Meeting CHICOPEE Today is the deadline for reservations at the meeting and election of officers and directors of the Chicopee Club at in Ted Gavda's Restaurant. Supper will be served followed the business meeting. Victor Geoffrov.

chairman of the acminating committee. will present a slate of officers. Reports will be submitted Dr. Emil T. Kalita, president; George D.

Ouimette, treasurer. and Alfred Dzialo, executive director. Central Baptist Central Baptist practice of praver" will be the sermon Sunday at 11 a. In. at the First Central Baptist Church.

Sunday School will be at 9:15 a. m. with Robert Wilson in charge. Mrs. Joseph Moore will conduct the open assembly for adults.

The Training Union will be a'. 6 p. Presbyterian Services CHICCPEE "'I am proud of the church" will he the sermon of Dr. George Munro. pastor of the Presbyterian Church, the Federated Church Sundav at 10.45 a.

m. preacher will bel participating in 3 three-way pulpit exchange of Chiconce Center ministers Sunday. which has been designated Church Unity Anthems will bo presented by the Chancel Choir under the direction of Mrs. Stanley Russ. Sunday school will be at 10.45 under the direction of Stanley Kruszyra.

There will be a nursery for infants. The quarterly conference of the Central Methodist Church will be 7.30 Jan. 21. Rev. Elmo Young, district superintendent, Central Baptist Annual Meeting, Banquet Jan.

20 CHICOPEE First Central Baptist Church will have its annual banquet and business meeting Wednesday. A roast beef dinner will be served at 6.15 by the Women's Missionary Fellowship. A nursVery will be available. Mrs. Fred Miller and Mrs.

Russell Mitchell are in charge of reservations. Moderator Roy Blackburn will be in charge of the election of officers, adoption of the 1965 budget and acceptance of reports. The session will start at 7.15. The 1961 annual printed report will be presented to all attending the meeting. RUSSELL RUSSELL BRIEFS RUSSELL -The junior high school basketball team opened its season Jan.

8 with a loss 10 Southwick, 37-32. The 1cam fared better Tuesday in a home game with Granville, 34-27. Mrs. Helen Coash will serve as chairman of the March of Dimes campaign and Mrs. Anita will be in charge of the mothers march scheduled for Jan.

27, officials said Wednesday. OTIS Town officers whose terms have expired are: School Commitice, Mrs. Maxwell Pyenson and Mrs. Ray Cow ell. (Mrs.

Cowell will not run again); Finance Board, Samuel Barton; cemetery sicner, selectman, Clifford Clark: town clerk and library trustec. Mrs. Joanne Neiderling. (Mrs. Keiderling will not run again).

Charles Human, St. is running for town clerk. There will bc a registration of voters on Jan. 27. The hours are 2 to 1 p.

m. at the town clerk's home and 7 to 9 p. m. at the Town Hall. Otis Grange No.

333 will meet tonight at S. There will he a literary program after the business meeting. Mrs. Alice Scutt is the lecturer. At the 4-H1 chef mecting last Wednesday, Martha Crandall made pancakes.

Mr. and Mrs. Byron Kissinger arc visiting in Amarillo, Tex. Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Rowley of Cold Spring are parents of a daughter born last week at Fairview Hospital. Children in the Otis and Sandisfield schools are offered an hour of skiing at Otis Ridge on Thursday afternoons. Miss Crittendon. former owner of the Eagle Route in Tyringham and Otis, has gone to Florida for the winter. Larry Laudon, USN, has been transferred from the Naval Air Speaker, Judges Named for Jaycee Banquet SOUTH HADLEY FALLSRobert F.

Forest, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fernand Forest of 46 High South Hadley Falls, has been named to the position of elementary supervisor for the Addison-Rutland Supervisory School District in Fair Haven, Vt. Forest graduated from Westfield State College and received his master's degree in education from the University of chusetts in 1963. He is presently finishing a master of arts degree 'in history at the University of Massachusetts.

Forest previously taught at both the Lambert-Layoic School and the John F. Shea School in Chicopce, and the Riverbend School in Athol. During the past year he has been the principal of the Shoreham Elementary School. Shorcham, Vt. Forest served with the United States Marines and is married 10 the former Barbara J.

McMahon of Huntington, Long Island. who was graduated from Mount' Holyoke College. They reside at 57 South Water Vergennes, MRS. JOHN FRANZ SOUTH HADLEY FALLS OTIS Mrs. Natalia (Wisniewska) Franz.

67. of 85 Abbey St. died Wednesday night in Holyoke Hospital. She WAS the wife of John Franz. Born in Ostroleka, Poland, daughter of Mrs.

Maria Wisniewska and the late Jozef Wisniewska, she came to this country, and Holyoke 51 years ago resided in that city for 16 years. She made her home here for the past 35 years. Mrs. Franz was a charter member of the Polish-American Citizens' Club of South Hadley. Besides her husband and mother, she leaves a son, Stanley J.

Franz; two daughters, Mis. 'Helen M. Grabowski. who policewoman here. and JIrs.

Wanda I. MacDonald of Windsor. a brother, Stanlcy in Poland; two sisters in Poland; right grandchildren and several nicces and nephews. Funcral will be at funeral home. Holyoke.

Saturday at 8.15 with A requiem mass in Mater Dolorosa Church, Holyoke. at 9. Burial will be in Mater Dolorosa Cometery, South Hadley. Calling hours will be this evening from 10 10 and Friday, 2 to 5 and 7 to 10. CARS COLLIDE CIIICOPEE Police cars operated by John Yacubeck, 49, of 83 Daley and Lawrence B.

St. John, 20. of 158 Narragansett collided at 3 p. 111. Wednesday in Chicopee St.

Patrolman Francis A. Kobus investigated. Station at Weymouth to Port Huenemo, Cal. He participated in the Rosse Bowl parade, and is attending school. the son of Mr.

and Mrs. Victor Laudon, Miss Mary. Lawrence has been taking the state census in town. TED C. JARRETT WILLIASI 1'.

DORVAL MRS. ARTHUR B. ARCEGER STEPHEN A. ZAICHOWSKI Chicopee Jaycees and Jaycee- Aides Wednesday announced the guest speaker and the panel of judges for the distinguished service award banquet to he held Jan. 23 at the Collegian Court Restaurant.

Ted C. Jarrett, executive Dorval, Mrs. Arthur R. Krue- because of their contributions support in a public' call for tor of the Chicopee Chamber of ger, chairman of the Chicopee community welfare are most nominations. Commerce.

will be the speaker Welcome Wagon, and Stephen A. deserving to receive the annual, Robert Hendry and Mrs. Jay At the event honoring the out- Zajchowski, treasurer of the Jaycee award. They will make of the Mercer, cochairmen standing man and woman of the Chicopee Savings Bank. from of awards nominees program, announced lycar in Chicopee.

It will he their responsibility whol their candidates selections who gained group week, will be revealed next Judges Postmaster William select a man and woman.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


Why is Springfield so famous? ›

Springfield has several nicknames—"The City of Firsts", due to the many innovations developed there, such as the first American dictionary, the first American gas-powered automobile, and the first machining lathe for interchangeable parts; "The City of Homes", due to its Victorian residential architecture; and "Hoop ...

What was Springfield, MA originally called? ›

The history of Springfield, Massachusetts dates back to the colonial period, when it was founded in 1636 as Agawam Plantation, named after a nearby village of Algonkian-speaking Native Americans.

How old is Springfield, Massachusetts? ›

How to contact mayor Sarno Springfield, MA? ›

City of Springfield Office of Mayor Domenic J. Sarno
  1. 36 Court Street - Room 214 Springfield MA 01103.
  2. (413) 787-6100.
  3. (413) 787-6104.

What is the racial makeup of Springfield, Massachusetts? ›

Springfield Demographics

White: 46.06% Black or African American: 20.52% Two or more races: 18.5% Other race: 11.62%

Why is Springfield called Springfield? ›

An early American colonist, Pynchon named Springfield after his hometown in England, Springfield, Essex.

What language do they speak in Springfield MA? ›

While about two-thirds of Springfield's population primarily speaks English at home, it is an important reality that 23.9 percent of Springfield's population speaks Spanish at home and another 7.5 percent speak another language at home.

What is Springfield Massachusetts sister city? ›

Group from Springfield's Sister City of Takikawa, Japan Visit the City: City of Springfield, MA.

Why is Springfield called Queen city? ›

Springfield earned the nickname “Queen City” as a major hub of culture and commerce in the Ozarks. Our Queen City Garden is a major hub of ornamental flowers and the wildlife it attracts through the seasons.

Is Springfield MA expensive? ›

What's the cost of living in Springfield, MA? Springfield is affordable Compared to other east coast metropolitan areas like Boston and New York City. Housing tends to get more expensive the further from the city center you go. The city's median home sale price is lower than the national median.

What is the youngest town in Massachusetts? ›

Incorporated in 1920, East Brookfield is nicknamed "The Baby Town of the Commonwealth”, as it is Massachusetts' youngest community.

What is the highest point in Springfield MA? ›

Overview. At 3,491 feet, Mount Greylock is the highest point in Massachusetts. From its peak on a clear day, you can see as far as 90 miles away.

Who is the chief of staff in Springfield MA? ›

Mayor Sarno Appoints William Baker as Chief of Staff - Announces Office Promotions and New Mayoral Aide -: City of Springfield, MA.

Who is the current mayor of Springfield, MA? ›

Domenic J. Sarno (born May 4, 1963) is the current mayor of Springfield, Massachusetts.

Who is the state rep for Springfield MA? ›

Carlos González is a member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. He was sworn into office in January 2015. A resident of Springfield, Massachusetts, he was elected as a Democrat to represent the 10th Hampden district.

What is Springfield or known for? ›

Springfield, Oregon is believed to be the famous typical American town behind the acclaimed Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation's "The Simpsons". Take a self-guided and unofficial Simpsons tour around the city.

Why is Springfield Illinois famous? ›

As the largest city in central Illinois, with a population of 117,000, Springfield is best known for being the home of our 16th President Abraham Lincoln and the place where President Barack Obama spent his early career in politics.

Why did the Simpsons choose Springfield? ›

In an interview with Smithsonian Magazine's May issue, Matt Groening revealed that the animated town is based on Springfield, Oregon, near his childhood hometown of Portland. He also was inspired to use the town's name after it was featured on the 1950s television show "Father Knows Best."

What is Springfield Armory famous for? ›

Reopened in 1978 as the Springfield Armory National Historic Site, the original 1840's arsenal houses the world's largest collection of historic American military firearms. Year-round public programs, exhibits, and special events are hosted on the grounds of the National Historic Landmark.


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Name: Eusebia Nader

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