The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

To 2 A SPRINGFIELD UNION. WEDNESDAY, SPRINGFIELD, JULY 16, 1952 -1: Deaths W. F. LOCKHART DIES IN PALMER Had Been Resident of City For 40 Years William F. Lockhart, of Calking Palmer, formerly A "Springfield resident for 10 years and A wellknown foreman at the American Bosch Corp.

for 35 years, died suddenly Tuesday afternoon in his home. Born Ireland, he came to this country while a young man, resided here for 10 years and moved 10 Palmer six years ago. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Rose (Carey) Lockhart: son, William at home: a daughter, Mrs. Matthew Valley of Fairbanks, Alaska; and three grandchildren.

He was a. member of the Church of St. Thomas the Apostle in P'almer. Funeral arrangements are in charge of the T. I'.

Sampson Co. and are Incomplete. MARGARET TEAGUE Diss Margaret W. Teague, rural worker for the Episcopal Diocese Western Massachusette from 1937 to 1910, and who since 1940 has been serving in an advisory capacity in the work, died Monday in Portland. according to word received here yesterday.

In addition to her work 35 diocesan advisor on rural work, Miss Teague had been director of religious education at St. James Church in DIES IN PORTLAND IN MEMORIAM In loving memory my beloved daughter, MADELINE MORRISON. who died July 16, Our lips cannot tell how we miss her, Our hells cannot tell what to God alone Knows how we miss her our hone that is Jonesonie today. father. Sadly missed by her CONRAD mother and MAZZOCCO ML.

AND JIRS. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our dear son and brother, Hay mond Earl St. Jierte, who passed away July 1H. 1947. pear Raymond.

how we miss you Our eyes are filled with trars It seems 11 ouly had YOu For such a few short It' often turn because a laugh Sounds so much like your own We cometinies hear another raica That resembles yours in tone We watch someone because he seems To nod his bead like yours And sigh because his fare somehow 50 much, dear. like yours There are 40 many little things Which bring you to. our minds But there never can be anyone To take your place. Raymond dear. Sadly missed by his Moni, Dad, brother Edward and sister Claire.

DIED BEDFORD Palmer, the 10th, Minnie (Standidge) Bedford, wife of Arthur Redford ot 8 Park Monson. Fu- netal services will be held Wednesday at 2 p. in the Congregational Church in Monson. Burial will be in No. 4 C'emetary in Wales, Calling hours al her late home Tuesday afternoon and evening.

Lombard Funeral Service. NICKEL--In Chicopee Falls, the 140. Site, Flora (Mothera) Bickel, wife of lobert Bickel, To Walnut Chinopre Falls. funeral Thursday. p.

HI. at 1 t'aron Son. 15 Broadway, Chicopee Falls. Burial at Spring CeMetery, Hartford. papers please copy.

BISHOP -In Thompsonville, 14th, Cassius Bishop. 91, of 27 Prospect St. Funeral at the home. Wednesday At 1. with lev.

Howard L. Love of Thompmonville Methodist Church officiating. Burial in Dielrase. Cemetery. CORDES-Puyallup, the lith, Karl E.

Cordes of Puyallup. formerly of Holyoke. Funeral will be held the Alger funeral home Thursday afternoon at. 2. Rev.

Charles Neilson Burn will officiate. Burial: will he in Village Cen.etery. South lladley Falls. 'The body will arrive in Holyoke Wednesday morn3ng and friends may call AL the Alger funeral hone, Holyoke. Wednesday night.

CURRAN Weatheld. the lath. Mrs. Dialla Curran of 282 Breckwood wife of John Curran. Funeral at the George St.

Pierre Son funeral home, 516 State Wednesday t. 5 a. followed by requiem high mass in Out Lady of the Sacred Heart Church at 9. Burial will be in St. Michael's Cemetery.

Visiting hours, to and 11 D. IN. Willimantic. DADers please conv. ERNST-In Holyoke.

July 14, 1932. Urban John B. Shea funeial home Wednesday Ernst of 16 Westfield Rd. Funeral a al at 8.13 followed by soleinn requiem in Bleased Sacrament Al 8, Burial will be in St. Jerome Cemetery.

GODDU--In the Springfield Hospital, the 11th. Leo E. Goddu, 61). of 27 Laurel neral will be held at the Ginorse St. husband of Juliette (Girard) (ioddu.

Fu- Pierre Son funeral home 576 State Thursday at 8 a. m. followed by A l'Pquiem high mass al St. Thomas Aquinas Church AL 9. Burial will be in Antre Dante Cemetery, South Hadley Falls.

Visiting hours 2 to 3. 7 to 10. FARMER-'n this city, the 13th. Charies Edward Farmer, 79, of 0:3 George 81. West Springfield.

Funeral service at Byron's funeral home Thursday at 11 a. m. Burial in Oak Grove Cainetery, Viriring hours Wednesday 1-9 p. m. FLAVELL-in this city.

the 14th. Annie Mathews Flavell, 82, of 17 Thorndyke St. widow of Joseph Flavell. Funeral at the Dickinson-Streeter funeral home. 305-307 State Springfield.

Thursday at D. IN. with an organ prelude at 1:30 D. Interment at Hillereat l'ark Cemetery. Graham Funeral Service 619 State Tel.

3-5174 Anywhere Any Hour EST. 1889 son FUNERAL HOME 734 STATE STREET TEL 9.3814 FRANK M. Page BEAUTIFUL Priced Moderately Flowers Twe Shops for Torr Convenience 123 STATE 5T. 121 COLUMBUS AVE 7.0235 2-4214 For Fine Flowers Since 1895 Greenhouse 431 Bay St. Tel.

3-9013 Store 12 St. Tel. 2-3107 FUNERAL FLOWERS Attractively Arranged SPRAYS and WREATHS Moderately Priced Hither, Flowers 82-94 Fernon St. Tel. 3-3104 Greenfield.

She retired from this post in June. Miss Teague had been ill for some tine. She. leaves her father, who lives in Portland. Mrs.

Jahanna Mathison of Mrs. 126 Hastings Jalanna St. (Nilson) died early Mathison Tuesday. She was the widow of John Mathison. She was born- in Sweden Nor.

1878. She leaves two sons, Walter H. of Holyoke and Leonard of Springfield; a Miss Linnea Mathison of Brooklyn, three wisters. Mrs. Oscar Borglund, Mrs.

Oscar Peterson, and Mrs. Os! car Johnson, all of Quincy; and four grandchildren. The funeral will be held Thursday at 1.30 at Byron funeral. home. Burial.

will he In. Oak Grove Cemetery. harles E. Farmer ('harles E. Farmer.

of 33 George St. West Springfield, died Tuesday. Born Aug. 10, 1872. in Winchendon.

he lived in this city for 33 years. He leaves his trite, Mrs. Gertrude (Stalgren) Farmer; six daughters, Miss Helen R. Farmer, Mrs. Alexander Samol and Airs.

Cosmas Britfit, all of Springfield. Mrs. Thomas Lucas of West Springfield, Mrs. Joseph Mayo of Thompsonville. and Mrs.

Alden Redding of West Paris, Me. and 15 grandchildren. The funeral will be held funeral home Thursday morning at' 11. Burial will be in Oak Grove Cemetery. Friends may call A at the funeral: home tonight from to 9.

Frank Whitaker Frank Whitaker. 80, of Saugerties, N. brother of Mrs. Stephen Van Loan of 39 Bliss West Springfield and Jirs. Henry Gess ot 253 East Springfield, died Monday at the home of his daughter, Mrs.

Frank Kenney of Saugerties, Y. Besides his daughter, he leaves two sona, Clifford and Arthur Whitaker, both of Saugerties: grandson, Burdette Whitaker, with the armed serv. ices in Korea: four sisters, Mrs. Van lean and Mrs. Gess, Mrs.

George Phillips of San Francisco, and Mrs. Harry Hitt of Temple City. ('al. b'uneral services will be at the Seymon funeral home at Saugerties, Thursday afternoon at Burial will be in Mountain View Cemetery, Saugerties, N. Y.

The funeral of Diss Edith Frances Blodgett of 14 Massachusetts was held at Byron's funeral home Tuenday afternoon. Rev, John Homer Miller officiated. Burial was in Warrenne funeral of Alex Hunter. 38, of 2115 Columbus who had lived here but three months since coming from his native Scotland a and who died while swimming at Loon l'ond Monday afternoon will be held at the Curran funeral Linwood home C. Detweiler Thursat 2.

Rev. will officiate and burial will be 1 in Paucatuck Cemetery, West Springfield. The funeral of Michael J. Cosgrove, Sr. of 330 Main Indian.

Orchard. Wat held Tuesday AL the Ratell funeral home with a solemn requiem high mass in St. Matthew's Church. Rev. James A.

Dunphy was the celebrant, assisted by Her. J. Armand Silvain, deacon and Rev. Joseph Delehanty. subdeacon.

Boarers were William Ellis. William Ferris, Edward Britha, Charles McCurTY, Francis O'Brien and Joseph Ouellette. Fr. Dunphy read committal prayers at the grave in St. Michael's Cemetery.

The of Airs. Virginia. M. Jasmin of 43 Irving West Springfield. was held Tuesday at.

the funeral home, with reCurran high mass in St. Louis's Church, West Springfield. Rev. Svlvio Thomas was celebrant and also conducted services at the grave in St. Thomas Cemetery, West Springfield.

Bearers were Raymond Owens, Donald Sullivan, Melville Perron and George Priesing. The funeral of Joseh Pniak of Hubbard Ludlow, was hell Monday at the Kapinos funeral home, with a requiem mass in Mother of the Rosary Church, C'hicopee. Burial was in Mother of the Rosary Ceinetery. Rev. Joseph Koczarowski celebrated the mass and read the prayers at the grave.

Bearers were Clifton Atwell, Francia Priest, Peter Mislaszel. John Szalan, Edward Czerniak and Joseph Misha. The funeral of Pierre Salois of 27 Sargeant formerly of Holyoke, was held Tuesday at the A. J. Brunelle funeral home.

Holyoke. with. DIED HUNTER -In this city. the 14th. Alex lunter of 2715 Columbus Ave.

Funeral services at. the Curran-Jones funeral home Thursday afternoon at Burial in Pawcatuck Cemetery. W. S. Holyoke.

Arg. Stefania (Kurek) Jannoli, wife of Cesare Tannoli ot To North Bridge St. Funeral at John R. Shea funeral none Thursaay at 8.15 followed by solemn requiem Holy Rosary Church at 9. Burial in St.

Jerome Cemetery. -In this city. the 13th, Martin D. Louguman of 6 Western Chicopee Falla. Funeral will be heid Wednesday morning from the Tylunas funeral hotne at followed by a.

solemn requiem high FOR 99 in St. P'atrick's Church at o'clock. Burial will be in St. Patrick's Cemetery, MASSE--In Willimansett, the 13th, Mre. Marie (Robiliard) Masse.

widow of Dorile Masse, of Montello Dr. Funeral Thursday morning at 8.13 at L. H. Caron Son, 13 Broadway. Chicopee Falls.

Solemen requiem mass in Church of Nativity, Willimansett at Burlay in St. Rose de Lima Cemetery. MATHISON- In this city, the 13th. Johanna (Nilson) thison of 128 lasting widow of John Mathison. Funeral services nt Byron funeral home.

Thursday at 1.30 m. Burial in Oak Grove Cemetery. MOORE--In this city, the 15th, Michael 7. Moore, husband of Elizabeth (Mortell) Aloore, of West Alvord St. Funeral at the Hannigan funeral home, 056 State Wednesday morning at 8:17.

tollowed by A solemn requiem high mass in the Holy Nani Church at 9. Burial will be In St. fichael's Cemetery. invitPd. Visiting hours to and 7 to lip, m.

Chicopee. Falls, the 14th, Drs. Hone (Kowalczyk) Modzelewaki, wife of John Modzelawski nf Church bit. Funeral Wednesday at DI. at Rypyse funeral home 69 Mast Chicopee Falls.

Jequiem high 10a88 in Ft. Stanislaus Church at 8. Burial in S1. Cemetery. MORGAN- Westfield, the 14th, Charles V.

Morgan, 46. husband of Mra. Rachel (Gardner) Morgan of 9 Chestnut St. Funeral Thursday al4 2 p. m.

A1 funeral home, 29 School Westfiell. Rev. Edward T. Cowles of First Congregational Church officiating. Burial in Pine Hill Holyoke, the 15th, Jerry Ruell 'of 391 Diain St.

Funeral at James I'. Hobert Sons funeral home Friday at 8:15 followed golemn requiem In Sacred Heart' Church at D. Burial in Calvary Cemetery. SCIAB-In Chicopee. the 13th, Mrs.

Tekla (Pinas) Schab, 58. of 14 Shaw Park widow of George Schab and former Westfield resident. Funeral Wednesday at 8.15 8, m. at John V. Czelusniak funeral home, 349 Elm Westfield, Requiem high mass at 9 mn.

St. Joseph'a Polish National Church. Westfield. Burial in St. Joseph's Cemetery.

SENECAL-It Northampton, the 13th, Mrs. Viola (Bouquet) Senecal of 201 South wife of Raymond. Senecal. Funeral at the Reynolds funeral home, 71 King at 8.13 A. m.

Wednesday, with a high mass of requiem in St. Mary's Church at 9. Burial In St. Mary's Cenetery. STEWART--In this city, the 13th.

Alexander Stewart, 68, of 130 Davenport St. Funeral services at Byron': funeral home Wednesday at 1:20 p. m. Burial in Hillcrest Park Cemetery. Vigiting hours Monday and Tuesday 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 p.

m. Test Your Horse Sense Top ANSWERS Editorial Page. 1. Cameleon, 2. New York, 3.

ter, 4. Butter from salt therein), 3. Verandas, 6. (it) (w). (b) NailHead (3), (e) Table--beg (x).

(d) Cup--Cip (z), (c) WagonTongue (). 1 requiem high mass in Conception Church. Holyoke: Rev. Arthur Brodeur officiated. Bearers were Euclid Beauregard.

Edward Fournier. lector Savard and rad Ritchotte. Burial was in Noire Dame Cemetery, Holyoke. with Fr. Brodeur offering prayers at the grave.

The funeral of Arthur C. Case nt 28 Peabody Gardner, was held Tuesday at the George St. Plerre funeral home, with solemn requiem high mass in St. Joseph's Church. Rev.

(leorge Dupuls was celebrant, Rev, Adiren Remy was deacon and Hev. H. Lajoie was subdeacon. Bearers were Willian and John Minney, Edmond and porry FroJoseph J'. Stone and Robert Cook.

Er. Lajoie conducted services at the grave in St. Michael's Cemetery. The funeral ot Joseph Hoberts of 20 liuntington was held Tuesday morning at the George St. Pierre funeral home, with solemn requient high masg.

in St. Thomas Aquinas Church. Rt. Nov. Msgr.

William 1.0- claire WAS celebrant of the 01088, Ret. Roland Lussier WAg deacon and Rev. Joseph Vaillancourt was subdeacon. Fr. Lussier conducted committal service at the grave in St.

Olichael's Cemetery. The private funeral of Albert W. Vining. 78, South Southwick, was held at' the parlors of Dickinson- Streeter Rev. Dr.

James Gordon Gilkey, pastor of South Congregational Church, officiated. Dwight, The. funeral of 23 of Beechwood Theodore Fiche Springfield. was held at the parlors of Dickinson-Streeter Tuesday morning with 211 organ prelude by P'omerat. Rey.

Richard B. Carleton. pastor of Park Congregational Church, officiated and the burial was in Bridge Strept Cemetery, Northampton, funeral ot Mrs. Annie (Mathews) Flavell. 82.

of 17 Thorndike widow of Joseph Flavell, will be held parlors of DickinsonStreeter Cohen Thursday at 2 p. 110., with an organ prelude at 1.30, Rev. Albeit F. Greene, pastor of SI. Barnabas Episcopal Church.

will officiate and the burial will he in Hillcrest Park Cemetery. Business Declines On Eastern Boston, July 13 (P)-Business of the now strike-free Eastern Masachusetts Street Railway lines was substantially under normal today--the first day ol systemwide service since March 10. Company President John H. Moran Maid he "wouldn't be surprised" it the drop in patronage WAS As much 50 per cent compared with 3 year will be several months. Moran said, before an accurate picture of the situation can be obtained because industrial plant vacations and other seasonal factors are involved.

Moran said the company has reduced its mileage about 25 per cent. KILLED BY AUTO St. Johnsbury, July 15 (AP) Mrs. Henry Franz about 60. of Chicago.

was killed and two companiona injured today when their automobile. hurtled down 3 seven foot embankment and struck A tree. Gladiolus Exhibit At Eastern States On Sunday, Aug. 3 The Horace A. Moses MemoriAl Building a.r the Eastern States Exposition will become A.

fairy. laud of beauty Sunday, Aug. 3, when the sixth annual gladiolus exhibit is held there under the auspices of the Western chusetts Gladiolus Society the Connecticut, Gladiolus Society Massachusetts Department of Agriculture. The exhibit. attracts hundreds of exhibitors annually and is regarded as 011P of the finest shows.

of its kind in the country. As many gladiolus growers have expanded the number of Varieties they raise during the past year. the exhibit is expected to ha the most varied 10 date. The exhibit will he open to the public free. The hours will he from 1 to 10 p.

11. NEW PIZZA MIX! APPIAN WAY sauce all Pizza PIZZA PIE. Add Water, Mix, Bake! Television I Wholesale Discount111 Famous Makos MART Next to Paramount Theatre 4-8235 COOL! COOL! AIR CONDITIONED Windsor Court 816 STATE WINCHESTER SQ. DINING and DANCING TUESDAY through SATURDAY TED LOCKWOOD and BAND GOLF BAGS REPAIRED Tel. 3-8118 Prompt Service T.

J. REGNIER Inc. Quality Lugzage and Leather Goods Since 1883 74 BRIDGE ST. Transient Labor for Camps, Farms, Memorial Mission Can't Supply Enough Help Transient labor has headed for summer camps and farms, with the result. that the Cummings Memorial can All only about one of 10 Jobs on its list.

an official said yesterday, Seasonal Slump .1 shelter for wandering men, the institution 1g in the midst of season slump. Only about 100 are occupying premises that can put 11 130 and local restaurants which seek help for odd jobs lasting several 1 a have found it However, officlals expect the place to be back 10 capacity: in the fall. Founded in 1892 by Julius Cum. mings, a retired Salvation Army captain, the center provides over. nigh lodging and breakfast withall states of the country.

11'A out cost to homeless men, from Arst known an the Rescue Mission. If the men want to stay longer Will Speak Tonight Kev. and Mrs. George. Ithodes, Jr.

who have been serving as mission-' Aries in Africa, will speak this ning t. Bethlehem Baptist Church. Mr. And Ira. Rhoades are affiliated with the Gospel.

Wurthering Society, which was founded by Mr. Rhoades' father, also a missionary. The public is Invited. It is not unlawful to write checks for less than one dollar. Jail Is Plenty Hot, Sheriff Reports; No Air-Conditioning It's just 18 hot in Hampden County Jail on York St.

as it is anywhere else. "You short of news today?" David J. Manning asked reporter who was seeking to out how cool things were in cooler. "Yes," was the whereupon Mr. Manning patiently explained that prisoners, normally cultivate the fields "except if it's too hot -then they take it that there" is no air conditioning at the jail; and that it's just AS hot at the jail MS anywhere else.

TRAILER FAX YOU CAN GETIT FOR A SONG AND SING IT HOURSELF You don't have to pay a lot for a fine trailer for that lake lot of yours not if you select from the fine stock at BURNETT'S TRAILER SALES. BURNET'S TRAILER SALES TEL: 432 RT. 20 WESTFIELD LAMPS MADE the Professional Manner MANY SHADES TO CHOOSE FROM LAMPS REPAIRED CHARLES BROAD 77 DWIGHT STREET FREE PARKING NEXT DOOR BILL'S PARKING LOT NEED-A-LOAN JUST PHONE 2-4158 OVAL FIRST PERSONAL BANKERS, Inc. 21 ELM Springfield (On Court Sq.) License 222 Did-Ja Know? That The Venice Is Air Conditioned For Your Dining Comfort Weddings Banquets 4. Parties SPRINGFIELD'S LEADING ITALIAN AMERICAN RESTAURANT KITCHEN OPEN FROM 10 A.M.

to 12 P.M.. -4 1931 Restaurant and Jimmy Galena PROPRIETORS 952-960 MAIN ST. CORNER WE.COX ST. -4 BLOCKS SOUTH OF STATE ST. Belli' a presents a DOUBLE FEATURE FLOOR SHOW Starring VIRGINIA FINN Character Dancer BILLY KELLY Master of Ceremonies EVELYN WHITE Give Singer CAS TWIDD Novelty Acrobatic FATS DANIELS ORCHESTRA Dancing Nightly TEL.

NO. WILB. 8150 RT. 20, BOSTON ROAD Special Prices Banquets, Weddings they must pay, 8.00 some get jobs and remain in the section for a few days Ol'. works.

In 10- usual causes some who like their jobs atay for several months, ot up to a Most keep their visit short soon head for the nest shelter ill Worcester or Hartford. Although today work is nvallable to them almost anywhere they wrould like to settle, most are habitual roam-. PI's, sceking an easy life. Always Are Exceptions To prove there are always the raceptions who settle down and become permanent parts of the community. The number of men going through the center reaches A staggering total.

While R. reporter was checking, the man at the desk was waiting to register newcomer number F. 25.303 on a count started in 1936. Repeaters are not included. The roamers come in all ages, although most arp between 35 and 60.

One recent applicant was 19 while another was 81. Now do they And the home at 36 Willow They are directed there by Travelers Aid, the Salvation Army, police and just plain old citizens. Many of the men are repeaters and naturally know the location. The number of drifters has decreased steadily during the past TURNER PARK FLOOR SHOWS NIGHTLY COMPLETE SHORE DINNERS With Steamed Clams $2.50 Excellent Food- Choice Liquor Dining Rm. Open Sun.


Town Hall Grill 132 STATE ST. NEAR MAIN ST. THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL! BROILED LIVE LOBSTER COLD SLAW FRENCH FRIED POTATOES $1.50 LUNCHEONS Delicious foods served in the atmosphere of elegance. RIVER LODGE in South Hadley Falls New England's Finest Eating Reservations Holyoke 2-2302 Just. a Short Drive From Springfield via West Springfield or Chicopee Falls 20 years, the official said, because of better provision for the aged and unemployed.

Social Security and unemployment relief keeps ju home neighhorhoods, whereas during the depression of the parly 1930g country was Awnmped by men looking for work. The temporary lodgers are of all types, creeds and races, and they have held occupations from bank tellers to laborers, FINE FOODS And LIQUORS Served In A Pleasant Atmosphere ARBOR RESTAURANT 73 WORTHINGTON ST. FITZGERALD'S COAL co*kE OIL 564 Union W. Spfld. TEL.

6 1708 TAKE THE SHORT ROUTE TO HAMPTON BEACH LV. Springfield Daily 7:15 A.M. AR. Hampton Beach 11:36 A.M. 4 21 Mins.

Running Time By Connection at Boston Other Convenient Schedules All Day Long Buses Leave Greyhound Terminal 6-8331 PETER PAN BUS LINES 2-3173 BABB'S Lakes FREE Picnicking Playground Parking Ball Park Open Every Day 10 AM to 10 PM SWIMMING BOATING 10 A.M. TO 10 P.M. Roller Skating Afternoons and Evenings SQUARE DANCING SAT. EVES. TO "PHIL GREEN' NO BEER OR LIQUOR SOLD Special All Day Wednesday FRICASSEE OF CHICKEN A down-on-the-farm dish of tasty chicken, tender fresh asparagus tips, boiled rice, simmering in a casserole with sauce supreme.

Also On Dinner COOL and COMFORTABLE "Highland Every Meal A Pleasant Memory Scared of people MA Gain poise and confidence in a few hours at Arthur Many shy and timid people come' to Arthur Murray's and in just a few lessons are self-confident and poised. The friendly, gay atmosphere, of an Arthur Murray studio plus theit newlydeveloped talent for dancing awakens their dormant personality. This can happen to you. Come in pow and see -studio open 10 A.M. to 10 P.M.

Studios Air-Conditioned ARTHUR MURRAY School of Dancing 1340 MAIN ST. OPPOSITE UNION TRUST SPRINGFIELD Slaying Remains Mystery Now York, July' 15 (AP) -Police hit 1 blank wall today A.S they sought a thin gunman who invaded' Columbia University to kill vretty blonde EiIven Fahey. The slaying sesterday seemed senseless, with no motive. Detectives loved with the idea that maniac may have shot the 18-year- You Too Can Have Beautiful Floors FLOOR SANDERS FOR RENT "RENTAL EQUIPMENT SPECIALISTS" ROCKY'S HARDWARE Co. 991 Main (cor.

Union St.) 2-1031 SQUARE DANCE. a EVERY WED. PHIL GREEN EVERY SAT. JACK MANSFIELD "The Singing Callers" Eastern States Exposition Grounds DIRECT SERVICE TO HAMPTON BEACH NO CHANGE OF BUS BEGINNING JUNE 27th Frequent Daily Service Direct to and from Hampton Beach. No Change-Over Worries.

No Baggage Transfers To Make. For Information Call 9-3826 Call Terminal and Make Reservations TRAILWAYS OF NEW ENGLAND, INC. INTERSTATE BUS TERMINAL 137 BRIDGE ST. old secretary 1.0 Avenge 3. grudza: against someune she knew, her ployer perhaps.

In that case. the slayer may have been 8. complete, stranger to her. Or, police theorized, a secret. admirer.

entirely unknown to the striking blue-eyed girt, may have shot her in ft fit of homicidal jealousy. I 1409 $7.45 VERMONT TRANSIT, BURLINGTON $5.30. Frequent Daily Service Fare plus Fed. Tax GREYHOUND TERMINAL Broadway Bridge Ph. 6-8331 FOLLOW THAT CAR: IF WE DON'T HE WILL EAT ALL THAT DELICIOUS PIZZA and LEAVE NONE FOR US.

PIZZA at its best! SIX CORNERS cafe 337 WALNUT ST. TEL. 4-7266 carry out service 'til 12 p. m. 0000000000000000 Enyoy Your Dinner In Cool, Cool Student Comfort At Student Prince and FORT RESTAURANT Fort Just Off Main' AB dE AB AB ME dE AS AS IF YOU OWN A DOG YOU SHOULD READ THIS AD! IT TELLS YOU ABOUT A NEW "WONDER DRUG" POWDER That Destroys Fleas, Ticks, Lice! Even Kills Spotted- -Fever Ticks! Stops Fungus Itch In Minutes! Kills Bacteria- -Repels Odors! IT'S NO when your dog scratches himself into a frenzy, he is in real misery and cannot help himself.

Ordinary "fea powders" often cannot relieve his suffering because nine times out of ten it is not fleas that are causing his trouble, but a serious case of fungitch (fungus itch). NOW--YOU CAN HELP, simply, easily, economically. Dr. A. C.

Merrick of Brookfield, Illinois, nationally known for his research into dog and cat diseases, has discovered a sensational new "wonder-drug" formula that stops fungus itch, kills fleas, ticks, even the dreaded Rocky Mountain spotted-fever TICK, and checks body odors. Newspapers and sports magazines call it the biggest advance in dog care in a generation. THIS WONDER FORMULA is in powder form for, easy, clean handling. Iti combines mercaptobenzothiazole, a spore-killing, itch-relieving drug with benzene hexachloride, a powerful, long-lasting insecticide that kills fleas and vermin on contact--and in addition, famous hexachlorophene, to destroy the bacteria that cause body odors. It is non nonirritating.

All this -everything needed to stop itch, kill fleas, ticks, lice, and destroy odors -yet it is harmless to dogs and humans alike. YOUR DOG IS LIKE A MEMBER OF YOUR FAMILY! When he suffers, you suffer also. He looks to you for food, for attention. But, most of all, you can now prevent him from becoming flea-laden, vermin-infested and rash-ridden. Start now -keep him scratch-free all summer long.

Get a sifter-top can of Dr. Merrick's SCRATCH Powder and dust it into his coat. It takes only 5 minutes and may save you time, trouble and money later on. One thing is certain -your dog will stop scratching, lose his jitters and feel better or you can get your full purchase price back. Read What Dog Experts Say About DR.

MERRICK'S SCRATCH POWDER 1n all sincerity, this the dog powder 1 have on any dog I hove owned. Incidentally, my wite hos used the powder on our two cate and with just or good Da. Russ Davies, Sports Editor, (Chronicle- Telegram) Elyria, O. Scratch Powder worked Powder beautifully. One application MOS FLEAS and no mere front Reichstain, Beloit (Witconsin) Daily News, CHECKS "'Your Powder has afforded my das real relief from fleas, ticke AT ALL.

1411 MAIL Main ORDERS ond summer irritation af the skin." -J. G. Beyly, Covington (Va.) Virginion. doos need never Merricks feel the to Hunting and. Fishing Magazine.

SCRATCH RICES Big 4 ox. Can Only ITCHING 98 FILLED ADDRESS LIGGETT'S Springfield. Mass. Add 7c 1 for Mailing LIGGETT DRUG STORES 'A p. m..

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.